6 Golden Rules for Growing a Paying Podcast Audience
Lasting podcasts more than pay for themselves.
When you have the time and money to make something better, to focus on it, it makes your podcast better. And it allows you to stick with it. That makes YOU a better podcaster. To make that happen, your podcast has to pay the bills. And that means it has to have an audience.We won't survive without one.
"Calling me a racist doesn't mean you get to steal my stuff... that the gun goes back in the holster." - @FairUsing Click to tweet this now.
For podcasters only, these are some basic bitch tips designed to increase your audience and revenue, and some more advanced methods to promote it.
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And these are just the donations, not including other sources of revenue. |
Rule #1: Your podcast promotes your podcast.
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Desperately seeking our shepherd. We're sheep. We carry your mind virus around the world. |
This scenario actually happened to me. I went looking. Thankfully, I finally found my favorite podcast again. And the rest is history.
But there is another podcast I liked about a year ago. I still think of it sometimes, and how brilliant those guys were, but for the life of me, I simply can't remember what it's called, even after it was promoted by a big-time alt light e-celeb.
I wonder how many more of their listeners are like me.
Conclusion: Your podcast promotes your podcast. So promote your show on your show by mentioning the name of it at least three times per episode or more.
Excuses, excuses. Yes, it's a little like talking about yourself in the third person, but history favors those who do it anyway. Pre-recorded intro, outtro, and segway bits will do this for you. Get that audience to come back.
Rule #2: Don't be boring AF
You can't bore people into buying. Where did I learn this? From guys who are paid millions a year to write entertaining ads for a living, actually.
Because if you're entertaining enough, you can do nothing but ask for money and millions will give you money instead of someone else.
People don't like being sold, but they love to shop. Get them shopping. It's entertaining. Everything else in your head is bullshit installed by (((them))). People love to trade, to buy, to shop, and to give you money. Timid salesmen have skinny kids.
Better attitude: When you come to me, you get to buy what you're gonna buy anyway. Shopping is awesome because you get to solve your problems by throwing money at it. Then your life gets better. Much better. You're welcome. Come again.
Amp the signal. Don't be dull.
If your anti-establishment (or anti-Marxist) podcast has been well-received, isn't boring AF, and you've established a small but passionate following, then this is probably for you. Or for your hard-working assistant, virtual assistant, or intern who's finished with the last project, and would like to make you even more money with a little extra work to the website.
Because it might be worth it. If so, take the time. Monetize it. Turn your podcast into a money machine.
Rule #3: Use Your Tech
Everything takes a bit of time. But it doesn't have to be yours.
Solution: Make damn sure you're doing the tasks that pay you $100 an hour, and let others do the stuff that pays less.
Because God helps those who help themselves delegate. Leaders make more than followers. They should. They take more risks.
Affiliate links and slightly technical plug-ins take some setup, expense, and maintenance. Do it anyway.
So what if it takes some fiddling? Roll up your sleeves and fire up the copy-and-paste keys. Limber up those fingers and stroke them keys.
Disclaimer: I'm gonna be honest with you. This is NOT for every podcaster. If your blog is only followed by ten feds who hate you, this probably won't work out too well. If you hate work and fired your interns, or they got deported, then this won't work.
Hey. I've been in that position. Did things the hard way. Talking about stuff nobody wants to hear about. It happens to the best of us. Stick to the stuff your audience loves. What they eat right up. Lead with your best. Use it to promote the rest.
I used the tech when I wasn't popular. Waste of time. Didn't leverage the tech when I was. Waste of opportunity.
The technology is your oil mining equipment. But you've got to drill where there's oil.
Where the oil is: News (especially fear/alarm), celebrity gossip, scandals, sex, and (to a much lesser extent) opportunities like lotteries, freebies, coupons, sales events, auctions, sweepstakes.
Go ahead and drive your audience to your paid content. Once they pay you, they're free to ignore what you sold them. Just like I ignore most of the Red Ice Radio I paid for.
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Through his affiliate links, you can buy almost everything you see on this screen. |
FreeTalkLive does the same kind of thing. What you see, you can buy.
To do that: Someone has to actually copy and paste bits of code onto the website to get streams of money flowing into your bank account. Until it's enough to pay the bills, you can't quit your day job. This could be a multi-year transition. At the end of that time, if you're barely hanging on, you need more leverage.
Doing things in house, like printing your own t-shirts, brings in more profit per sale. Like focusing on the needs of the most lucrative segment of your audience and serving their interests. Or like focusing on the masses who promote the heck out of your podcast, bringing you and endless supply of buyers.
This seems to be Jessica Nigri's approach. In my opinion, she doesn't give a damn about those who give her money. She focuses on the masses who give her fame. She's not wrong. This follows the exact advice that's in Mein Kampf. Appeal to the lowest of the common people, and you'll have the masses. When you've got power, you've got a platform. Then the rest will have to fall in line.
The truth was on his side.
Rule #4: Solve big problems. Win big prizes.
The biggest secret of internet marketers is they build mass relationships online, but build high-end relationships offline. The closer you get someone, the easier it is and the more they'll spend.
This comes from a guy who gets people spending $10,000 on one phone call with him. But he stopped doing that, because he realized he could get them to agree to 12 payments of $10,000 on the same phone call. Not kidding.
The fewer sales he made, the more money he made. He didn't forget to serve the top end of his market. By the way, he wasn't selling something expensive. He wasn't earning a 10% commission. He sold consulting. That means talking to people on the phone. Emailing back and forth.
Other than taxes and marketing costs, he's keeping about 95% of that. Seriously. One of his high-end $10k classes was showing people (in a few short weeks) exactly how he does that.
After that, he finally moved to another business model that involves hiring subcontractors to do the work for his customers. Because in the end, that's what they really wanted.
What was he teaching people how to do? Well, he found business owners making a million a year on the internet who have an email list, and taught them how to double their business by creating a complex email followup system. In almost any kind of business, most of the revenue comes from followup.
Rule #4: Tell people what to do
I insist.Can you send people to a page of banners and get them to spend hundreds of dollars per month through your ads? If they like you and want to support you, yes. Definitely yes.
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Are you driving people to a page like this? Why not? |
I'm going to spend a buttload of money monthly at one of these places every month.
Your audience doesn't need to be very big to direct their spending through your mall.
You want your most popular affiliates listed on the main shopping page.
Then for the rest, including high end financial services, like mortgages, insurance, legal, and financial planning, break it down by categories.
You're only asking people to add one extra click to their online shopping lives.
Rule #5: Sell Stuff to Get Traffic
Sell is a four-letter word. I know. But you either sell, steal, or you work for someone who does. That's the rules. I didn't make the rules. When you get your own planet, you can make different rules.
You either sell, steal, or you work for someone who does. - @FairUsing Tweet this, I say!
People think in terms of getting traffic so they can sell. That's what makes sense to them. Because they're not thinking like an entrepreneur.
They don't think about it the other way around. A listing on Amazon and eBay listings can generate tons of traffic for you.
If you put an intriguing-looking t-shirt for sale, about 1,000 people might see the thumbnail image of the shirt, 100 people might click on the shirt to look at it, and 10 of those go to your site and find your podcast, and 2 or 3 might eventually buy something from you, click on a link, and 1 might buy something from you right now from the eBay listing or some other ad or link on your site. That's a win.
How do you know what to list? Market research.
Unless you're specifically denying the Holocaust or trying to sell firearms, these sites guys want to send traffic to your listing because they an cash incentive to do so. With a paid listing, they win whether you sell something or not. With a free listing, they win when you sell something they can deliver digitally.
This may involve some "work." |
Some of this involves manual labor. So the trick is to to think creatively.
Rule #6: Think Creatively
This is a subset of rule 5, but we're going to take it farther.A lot farther.
But you wouldn't be here unless you were serious about helping the movement. Very serious.
What if you could get someone someone to put up these listings for you? Good news. It's not just possible. It's something people do all the time.
Yes. If you have enough personality and brand recognition, or need to build some, you can license out the right to promote your intellectual property including your designs, name.
You can of course run a design contest to get awesome designs and offer to a prize to the best design. Then people pay you money to use your design on their existing product line. Their team of virtual assistants puts it on sweat pants, t-shirts, lists it on eBay, Amazon and everywhere else. Your license stipulates they must link all auctions and listings back to your site, which drives traffic when pay you to do the work of promoting your site.
Get Someone Else to Sell to Create Traffic For You
Licensing isn't just about profitingfrom your brand. It builds your brand for you. |
And if you're very, very lucky, I'll even get people lined up to pay you for the privilege of delivering an army of t-shirt salespeople who pay you to sell your walking billboards all over the internet, in places that drive tons of qualified traffic to your site.
In fact. Let's do that now.
If you're dick's not hard right now, then you probably don't have one.
To make this happen takes some set up, soldier. But it's okay. Even an intern or virtual assistant can help you get this machine rolling. It takes more balls than brains.
Let's say I convinced you that you wouldn't need to stand up in front of a room all weekend in front of a room of 100 people in order to make mass-sales.
In fact, you could do a training class once by phone, Skype, or Discord from your double-wide neckbeard compound in your underwear and slippers at your kitchen table, record those sessions and sell them for years.
Here's the problem you need to solve.
Too many chiefs. Not enough Indians.
When we're being egg-headed intellectual faggots discussing ideas, we're only teaching people how to be intellectual faggots. It's not useful as you'd think. Egg-head plus action? That's a winner. That's where the white man plays to his strengths.
If you show people how you do what you do, people will want to do that. Keep that in mind.
So the key is to model the behavior you want them to copy. Because in the end, we're social animals. We want to emulate our heroes. That's what cosplay is about.
Monkey see. Monkey do.
What brought you here today? You want to be a paid podcaster. |
Want a mass audience? Shorter articles. (I know.) Shorter paragraphs, sentences.
In a nutshell, dumb it down.
If you don't want a bunch of people with 140 IQ reading books and busting myths, don't talk like them. Talk like your goys talk. I want you to be a leader of men. Guess what? I'm kinda talking like a team leader so you'll emulate me and become a team leader instead of an eggheaded podcaster.
It's that simple, guys.
If you put up videos of yourself doing stuff, hopefully
- it will be emulated by people who do the same stuff.
- It will be attractive to who are in the process of doing that stuff.
- It will be searched for by people who are doing that stuff.
You could be better known by your merch than you are for the source of the brand. The Star Wars empire was built on sales of VHS tapes and toys, not movie tickets. |
Why would people buy them? Because you get them interested. You mention it as one of the ways to help your podcast.
If you want, you can give away an hour or two of helpful teaser videos on the licensee tab on your website.
What do you mean you don't have a licensee tab on your website? Get one!
The licensee tab should open up a short video explaining what they get, what it does for them, and what to do.
Details about the training series you're opening up for them.
Who should watch? Why should they watch? Why should they watch now? What will it do for them right now?
What's the next step you want them to do? (Sign up to see the series.)
Ask them to give you their best email address, hit the confirmation link, and add you to your contacts to make sure it doesn't end up in their spam folder. This is your landing page. You want people to watch the whole video. By breaking it up into a 4 part series or more, you've got at least 4 chances to remind them to come back and watch the series.
The first email sends them to a page that has 1 video. The second email sends them to a web page that has the first two videos and so on. If you don't want to do it as a video, you can use a PDF or blog.
If you want to be fancy, you can use a product launch template, but it's not necessary. If they don't immediately , that's ok. Some act right away, but some need more follow-up. Your podcast should keep driving people to your email. Email should keep driving them to the video, and video should keep driving them to your training.
Your MailChimp (free) or Aweber (cheap) autoresponder will send them a new training video for 4 days, sharing samples from the training, and a fifth video showing them how to get the rest. It's not hard to figure it out.
You can offer email list all kinds of incentives to share the sign-up with others, but the best incentive is a useful, entertaining email list. If you suck, bore people, or give people useless, selfish, stomach-churning, cringey crap, there won't be enough money in the world to get people to share your stuff. So f--k right off with all that noise.
Don't be like this guy. |
For us, it's just an available tool.
Because the people you care about are more likely to see an email. Which means you're more likely to help them.
That's all it is. Email feels a bit more personal, if you do it right.
Keep it that way. Respect the inbox. DO NOT SPAM. EVER.
That said, most greedy, money-grubbing scumbag email marketeers are like a pack of drooling merchants who call this an evergreen product launch. You're nothing but a blip on their analytics page.
They get all excited and go to conferences about this stuff. In wrinkled clothes from packing bags for a plane trip and forgetting to bring a portable steamer.
And it allows you to package your expertise (or someone else's) to sell the most expensive stuff imaginable. Generally people are charging $500 to $2,000 for courses sold this way. If they don't buy, you can offer them a discounted version, such as a web-only training without live Q&A. These typically offered for $99 - $500. If they don't buy that, you can offer them the e-book for $15 to $50.
Or, instead of doing all that, you can link them to the full seminar on DVDs from Amazon, shipped and fulfilled by them.
You can make the whole "weekend training" all at once, or as a weekly series to record, bundle and list. From the potential licensee's perspective, it's a business in a box. You can show them how to do licensing in general, and as an example, show how they can license your brand.
Rumor has it these movies were made with merch in mind. |
Setting this up probably sounds like a lot of work, but if it's successful, you'll have planted the seed for exponential growth.
This is how these billion-dollar brands are built. It's by designing the high-level layer. Not by tinkering around at the bottom forever.
People look at this business model and love it so much, they back up to square one and design something that specifically fits this model. Garfield (the cartoon cat) was created that way. And the Star Wars prequels, apparently.
Getting Licensees To Say Yes
Even if you could do it on your own, you wouldn't want to.
"Working harder doesn't scale. Working smarter does." - @FairUsing Click to tweet this now.
If you want someone to do something for you, don't expect them to change their behavior. Instead, get in front of people who are already doing what you want them to do.
The best place to offer your podcast in front of people who are already listening to or looking for a podcast like yours. The best place to advertise a licensee is with someone who's already doing it.
Their job is to know whether your designs are what they want to do.
If they're fanatical enough, they'll change their behavior, learn a business and do it. But that takes real radicals. Where are the radicals? Probably showing up to defend an endangered monument and punching someone in the face. At the conferences and events and gatherings.
That's where you want to be to find your fanatics. They already know they need money. Need a job. Need training. They're self-directed. Self-motivated, and they took a risk and actually showed up. Got the picture? Ok.
You've Got Your First Brand-Promoters
These may or may not be the same people who actually buy your merch. They can be in business for as little as $15 worth of shirts, a silkscreen mesh, emulsion, ink, a spatula, clamps, a can of spray adhesive, board, and a heat gun (or a preheated oven is fine.)
No, seriously. You can be in business for less than $100 all told. If they're extremely clever, handy, or already have most of this stuff, probably less than $50. Which means with less than ten orders, they're already in profit before they start.
Actually, this isn't even where you start. You start by out-sourcing your first print run to the pros.
The drop-shippers. Here are some alternatives to ThiefSpring. After a success, I'd consistently re-invest 10% to 20% the revenues into a set-up like this one and grow from there. It gives you control, flexibility, and they can't easily shut it down.
Our world is filled with meaningless, junky, infantile, communist anti-art. We can inspire people with the beauty and virtue they crave.
If they want to commit to being a licensee, they sign the agreement and start listing, making, and shipping stuff with links back to your site, they stand to more than make their money back and grow themselves a damn decent-sized business. Because there's a lot of profit in a lot of products.
Because on Amazon, there's no penalty for selling ten print-on-demand pamphlets and e-books instead of one book. Each one sells the next. They don't need to write it. They just have your podcasts transcribed and turned into pamphlets for you. And you're entitled to a cut of their sales, a monthly fee, plus all the free traffic they generate for you.
You've created a job for them, but you've also given them autonomy.
In the old days, people used to use this same principle with a floppy disk loaded with encrypted booklets. To unlock the next booklet, if you wanted it, you had to call and buy an unlock code. If it's good, each booklet gets you the traffic and exposure you want.
I can't believe my brand is now building itself while I'm on Mars. |
So he decided to put it on Amazon. He had to charge at least 99 cents, so he charged 99 cents. There were quickly more sales made than free downloads. In addition, the "peek inside" gets the maximum number of people to see your message.
The audiobook preview (if you want to do it) lets the maximum number of people listen to a clip. Same sort of thing happens with an eBay listing. Which, at about 50 cents per listing and re-listing, probably gives you the cheapest paid traffic on the internet. Especially considering people more than re-imburse you for the cost of advertising by buying what you're selling.
Hopefully, the new traffic brings you new licensees who turnover. And they're highly motivated by your anti-Marxist message.
Quite frankly, this kind of thing never works if it's just about making money. And in fact, it works better if it's explicitly stated that it's NOT just about money. Maybe you're doing it for family. For your country. For our values. Our way of life.
Or it's for prestige, pride, accomplishment. Hopefully, you're hitting the top three triggers to A.M.P.-up and attract self-motivated volunteers: Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose.
Because the rest of this isn't all that sexy, even if it's crazy effective.
What licensees should know:
If you're shipping something to the buyer, now you have a buyer list you can leverage in 100 different ways. By including a catalog or sales letter in the package, or a with a QR code that directs them to an online video offering them more stuff, or by sending them follow-up mailings. Which, once again, needn't cost you a dime. It can even be a money-maker.
They won't want to do the work of creating a newsletter like this. The licensee sends you their buyer list so you can hit them with a co-op newsletter.
If you're doing a co-op mailing campaign to a big audience, your design, printing, and mailing cost is more than paid for by someone else's ads. If your catalog is supported by paying advertisers, then your ad sequence rides along for free.
Did you catch that? That's right...
So I sure hope you were paying attention.
What goes in your newspaper, newsletter, or catalog? Ads pointing people to the sites of all your favorite licensees, so their product is being promoted like one of those old web-rings from the 1990s. Or like the clickbait blogs that send you 2 visitors for every on visitor you send them. They still exist somewhere on the internet.
In my opinion, the main thing to do is to reduce the amount of thinking and problem-solving your licensee needs to do.
Most people work in their business. They're not working ON their business. That's a big mistake.
Leverage to out-compete the manufacturer's own ad, since you know how to squeeze much more profit out of a listing than they do.
Get Started
To grow the revenue you use to pay your bills, feed your kids, pay your stripper for "extras" in the VIP room, and to keep the lights on, turning your crappy hobby into a slightly less crappy profession than the shit-shoveling you're tired of doing for the man, you'll probably need a targeted source of traffic that wants what you've got.
1) You need more people.
And to monetize it, you need to send targeted traffic to companies who are willing to pay you a nice referral fee for recommending their fine product or service.
2) You need more things for people to buy.
If you do both, you'll grow faster and prosper.
And if they buy more often, that's the third leg of the stool. That's in the advanced course. But it's right here for no extra charge. You know. Because we're buds.
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I'm precisely like you, goyim. In every detail. |
If you then re-invest in great site plug-ins, and they actually work, then you stand to make your life a whole lot easier while getting even better results from the same time, effort and expense.
Some promise to automagically post your new podcasts to your website. What ridiculous claims. Automation. A lot of silly toys if you ask me. Then you don't get the personal satisfaction of a hand-crafted post on your site each week, after you're already exhausted from recording and editing.
It's those ghetto hoodlums who want to drop the mic and go home. Not us. We control freaks are addicted to our useless, non-productive, dollar-an-hour toil. We want to say we struggled valiantly and endlessly. So we can say we worked really hard and deserve the money we get.
If you were to simultaneously livestream to YouTube, Facebook, TuneIn, then you could turn 8 hours of tedious, needless editing into 2 hours of show prep to get a better end-product knocked out quickly and put more energy and focus into your broadcast.
Down sides to live streaming
This does require a decent internet connection. If you're doing video, particularly HD video, you'll want a modern CPU. In all probability, the upgrade will be cheap after selling the old parts on eBay. Not as cheap if you don't sell your old CPU. Definitely not cheap if you break or bend a pin on the motherboard socket. So don't do that.If you need a break, and want to put an audience on hold while you take a leak, grab your heart attack pills, or get the dog out of the room, you'll need your cued up and ready to go. Because nobody likes dead air.
If you're streaming video to YouTube, a copyright strike could eliminate your live feed to that channel for a few months. No biggie. You can still upload the recording. Doing more than 15 minute stream to YouTube? You'll need to give them a verified phone number. You can use the same number for up to 2 accounts, I think.
It's more than okay to cheat and set up a separate channel for streaming. It's recommended. Also, this kinda circumvents the penalty. Your most avid YouTube fans will gladly zip on over to the other channel to subscribe and watch live if you ask nicely. I SAID NICELY, DAMN IT!
What if your viewers paid partners to promote your podcast?
Having multiple streaming sites reduces the chances that any one provider can cut you off for wrongthink.
And in the end, it's just easier. So much easier, you can do multiples a day. Pretty good reason to invest in a better CPU and/or graphics card, eh?
Equipment I Use
The kids all want to know what stuff you use. Depends on your set-up. You can use OS X or Windows or Linux. Whatever runs Open Broadcast Software.
A used NVidia GTX 970 and AMD FX-8350 8-Core 4.0 GHz was plenty for me. Probably too much. But it allowed me to stop being a degenerate trying to livestream from Google Plus Hangouts, which had crap video quality due to the damn laws of physics. To squeeze more signal through a narrow pipe, you need a bigger squeezing machine on your end, or a bigger pipe. The CPU is the cheapest way way to squeeze a big HD signal through a narrow pipe: Your consumer-grade broadband internet connection.
You need enough RAM to have all your applications open. You might get away with 8 gigs. That's what I'm cruising at right now. The extra 8 on top of that is nice and comfortable. 12 wasn't enough. You definitely need it when you need it, so I'm happy to have 50% to 100% more than I'm normally using. Happy to have all 8 cores available when i need it.
Booting off an SDD for quick restarts and a big, fat external drive for all the files. I'm patient enough to use it for some of my video editing and even scratch files. For what I do, a little occasional lag doesn't bother me.
Tape backups are probably a good idea if you care about your data. I don't necessarily care as long as my most crucial data is always in at least 2 places. And it always is. Sometimes one of those places is a paper hard copy, like in the case of encrypted Bitcoin keys or passwords, or on USB keys, phone, online storage or MicroSD sticks.
Some of my live, one-take wonder vids full of rambling, people didn't seem to know the difference. Got plenty of views for very little work. Even when I was using a 4-core machine. Now with the 8-core 4.0 Ghz, there's basically no perceivable difference between the video quality of a pre-recorded show and livestream.
The people who've been doing this for years are made of money. If you waited, now you're in competition with the masses who can afford this gear or they're willing to pay for it. In other words, nerds like me.
One viewer commented that they sat through it for 2 hours and didn't even get up for a bathroom break. Partly because I kept teasing what was coming up and qualified the audience upfront. Like I did in this blog post. (This is for you if... not for you if...)
I had live interaction through the chat, so that was pretty much automatic. If I'd had a regularly scheduled time instead of popping up completely at random, it might.
Also, the "LIVE NOW" light on the subscriber page and email notice makes existing subscribers (and non subscribers) more likely to watch it than a pre-recorded show. For some reason. Don't know why. People are sick freaks who want to see you screw up on air. Bastards. Sick. I blame their mothers.
And in terms of audience engagement, quality counts.
People love live interaction so much, they'll let you yell at them and keep calling anyway.
Call-in show might be a good way to go, but the cancer chat is more efficient. Due to the stream buffer, (which allows you to send hours of clean video signal through the turbulent and chaotic internet) there's a delay between asking your audience a question and getting an answer. Usually about 20 seconds or so.
A call-in show doesn't have that problem. But callers tend to drone on and bore your audience unless you rule them with an iron fist. No offense, callers, but you've got to get to the point. Same goes for you. But you'll have years of experience at it when you're doing it for a living.
You're not tied down. You can take your show on the road, but expect to deliver slightly less quality from a laptop. If you use a USB mic, you're in good shape.
My best camera is a cell-phone camera which streams to periscope. This means doing live stream on location. Red Ice likes to use high-quality microphones, and combining good video with good audio and streaming it live is probably best left to Scandinavians.
But it can be done. Plugging in a good USB-powered Yeti condenser mic to a laptop with a decent webcam will do. The common wisdom is that delivering good audio quality to the end user is as important or more important than good video.
What's true on YouTube is especially true for a podcast.
Bad audio is a deal-breaker and gets people to bounce out of the video quickly, and that hurts your performance in the ratings. The #1 way to improve your audio is by getting a good mic.
Is it sneaky? Is it ethical? Well, you could just let your audience go back to watching the Jewish communist TV instead of your podcast. So I leave that choice up to you.
Studies show it's virtually impossible to ignore a TV when it's turned on. Why? It's moving, making noise, playing music, and constantly changing. So our primate brain can't ignore it. Emulate the bare minimum of those features and you're all set. Constantly make sound and keep the visuals in motion. Such as a rotating set of images or video which promote your merch, store, brand, etc. National news programs use quick fly-ins to break up each segment and moving camera on a crane. Why? Because it works.
That doesn't mean you need to hire a steady-cam operator to deliver ultra-HD video to your 20 viewers, but it pays to keep the principle in mind when you're screwing around in Open Broadcaster Studio. (Which is open source.) It makes it easy to plug in a video in the corner or otherwise get something moving on the screen.
Note: I did NOT tell you to induce seizures with Eichenwald-inspired #AnimeRight GIFs.
OBS lets you play a video on loop. Something loud, bright, moving, entertaining and energetic, like TL;DR's video meme roll gets it right. VERY right. But it doesn't start flashing and strobing and making noise until 12 seconds in. Oops. First impressions count. A LOT.
Based on a study of the first impression of university professors, those 30 seconds determine how you'll be perceived for months into the future. When Hitler marches in with his entourage, that vital first impression determines how the audience perceives him before he's said a word. So the uniform counts. The posture counts. He's not even standing at the podium, and the public perception of him for at least the next 6 months are already set in stone.
Think about that. Lose sleep over it.
Because right now, the enemy media is in control of shaping that crucial first impression of us. The job of our media is to get it right. To manufacture fans and disciples.
Do you think I've done so?
Those who interrupt the right of your audience to listen can GTFO. They didn't come to listen to what you have to say, but to disrupt and censor what you're saying. I would have had TrigglyPuff physically removed from the auditorium. Not because I wouldn't benefit from the protest, but because I benefit more by kicking out agitators and also from finishing the event. Unlike our opposition, we actually came with something to say. And it's worth saying.
But you can also avoid hot-button words. Hot-button words which trigger people include things like climate change. I can talk about the same concept all day long, as long as I don't use the word climate change, but I can talk about the corridor or the earth's temperature envelope until the press demonizes it. Then I'll just switch to talking about the evolution of ancient ecosystems.
I wouldn't say I'm a Nazi because unless I want people to think I agree with mass murder. I can't say white interests or "right to exist" or "white genocide" unless I want people to think I want Jim Crow laws. But I can talk about "the majority of Americans," or "our people" or talk about the demographic shift towards globalist liberalism. I certainly can't say Jew unless I say "fine Jewish boy", but I can almost certainly say "the fine Jewish boys reportedly led astray by some of the outdated rabbinical traditions, at risk of a life of trouble if they fall under the influence of trouble-makers among the powerful elite." In other words, Jewish gangsters.
But sometimes what's implied or asked is more powerful than what's stated. Sometimes that's useful. If you're trolling, you want to be provocative and polarizing.
"The information available shows males of African descent fall into a different spectrum of scores along the bell curve than non-Africans" could get less of a negative reaction than "Then why don't blacks make their own IQ tests?"
The reason why the first statement is less offensive is no information went in the ears of the useful idiots. It flew under the radar. Only the sharpest few caught your meaning. The problem is the intellectual elite don't matter. Their minds are made up. So to reach the masses, you move them with emotion, stories, and vision. Preferably a deliberately vague vision so the individual can fill in the blanks instead of endlessly arguing over details.
Details demolish persuasion. In large part, Trump's persuasive presidential campaign spent a lot of time explaining why he wouldn't go into details about his military plan. Why? Because people are divided by details.
See Charisma On Command for more on systematically manufacturing that celebrity effect. Down to earth. Because I'm just an ordinary person like you, I have to rely on a set techniques almost anyone can learn. There's only a tiny bit of talent. Just a skillset developed by practicing.
And I've recently been reminded that I'm almost entirely incapable of carrying on an ordinary conversation, because I've always let others do the talking.
Put your money where your paywall is.
Giving people a free hour is plenty. It's generous. If they want more, let them pay. Think of it. We've all seen the blogs that give a tiny block of text, and you have to subscribe to get the rest. By getting cash to reinvest in promoting your program, you might actually grow faster this way than you would by giving away the store. Affiliate traffic can be cheap. And it can be valuable.
From FreeTalkLive
More traffic drives more people to your affiliate links. These can be incredibly easy to set up. Partners want it to be easy for you to make money by driving buyers to them. It's a way for your audience to donate without it costing them anything.
From Radical Agenda
This is easier to set up than it looks. The thing that's a pain is keeping Wordpress updated and maintained. (Auto update my ass.)

Down the road:

Not all of them in the United States. Not just by simulcasting to Google Hangouts, Facebook live, YouTube, Periscope, and TuneIn.
The top 10% of designs from the top 10% of brands (from covert to over) for the top 10% of products distributed to the top 10% of countries on the top 10% of platforms, social media and others, enlisting the top 10% of the users/channels across all of the best online and offline platforms. There are too many of each to list here.
As well as cross-promotions through those platforms which back you in building a suite of national and international media in every country, language, channel, and format, reducing the existing mind-control infrastructure to a thing of utter irrelevance.
When the previous techniques start sending you targeted, qualified traffic, you might want to do something with it.
For example, turn a site visitor into an email subscriber. And/or reach out to them with the second cheapest form of paid online advertising after online auction listings.
The internet marketer's dirtiest little secret is re-targeting. (Or re-marketing.) And it's by far the most efficient way to bring people back to look at your site, podcast, or abandoned shopping cart page again. It's like sending an email reminder to someone who doesn't check their email reminders. It shows up where they are on the internet.
As much as the internet gets divided, ad networks seek to reconnect us across all platforms. And they succeed. Alerts through apps will reach our guys, if alerts are enabled on their phones or at home. Ad networks will reach our guys by leveraging an ad network appearing inside or alongside emails. Inside games and app installers. Even on their friends' online avatars.
Each with one a little incentive to drive their friends back to the truth over and over again. Your family of brands will be as ubiquitous as the American flag. They can shut down 100 symbols pointing to the truth. But not a thousand. Not a million.
"This is the worldwide incentivized proliferation of truth." - @FairUsing Click to tweet this now.
Major social media platforms automatically send out emails to your followers and subscribers, but they don't count.
It's a paid online ad that can show up almost everywhere and anywhere they go on the internet. And it's super cheap because it hits people who are by far the most likely to return and buy.
Were they looking at your ammo page? Bring them back to make a purchase.
Now some of your affiliate partners will do this work for you, but you can amplify the effect by bringing back buyers to your shopping page, merch page, and even pay to bring them back to their abandoned shopping cart if they forgot to buy.
It's powered by good old browser cookies, so it only works for audiences who've left theirs turned on. If your podcast is all about achieving ultra-paranoid levels of web surfing privacy, then this probably won't work for you.
Otherwise, much of your audience will see you all over the place. There's a little work to install these, but if you're into online advertising already, you'll find tools to make it easier through your usual ad networks like Facebook.
6 simple rules, explained. That's all you get. The rest of the rules are reserved for the elite who are serious about putting it into action.
If this seems incomplete, it's because it is. Good eye. I update this kinda stuff after the fact. To be notified when I do, get your butt on the Fueling The Resistance email list.
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