Yellow Vests, NWO, Tribulation, Freemasons, the Mafia, and the Church
You just wouldn't think the Yellow Vests were tied into the Mafia, the Freemasons, and the NWO, would you? Doesn't seem like there's a connection.
But the old "chosen" bragged about being behind the first French Revolution. One which didn't work out too well for the guy supposedly orchestrating it.
The first rule of assassination is to kill the assassin.
Sometimes it seems like you just can't trust anyone these days.
On Radical Agenda, (aformerly (((libertarian))) show, it must be said) someone called in and in glowing terms mentioned the Mafiya and how it helped the common man and all that.
Even from movies like Serpico, the story of the birth of Internal Affairs, it shows the way gangsters buy off the cops for immunity.
This den of thieves thing was going on thousands of years ago, too. It's almost as if criminal corruption is an eternal fact of life. Who knew? Oy, gevalt!
Well, redistributing the wealth ain't necessariliy communist, but it raises a (((red flag.)))
I mean, as soon as you send your kids to public school, you're benefiting from taxes someone else paid, so in that sense, you're doing the same thing. Fire departments? Police to protect the rich from the poor? Hell, it's all kinds of socialism going on!
The Mafia sounds like Robin Hood in action. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor is exactly the promise. And I'm not saying they don't keep that promise.
Most of you guys don't read court documents. You sure watch movies, though. So we'll mention some movies you might have seen.
I went back again and looked at my favorite mafia movies with a more critical eye, and then came across a blog post that ranked mafia movies in order of accuracy.
Some movies were based on a true story.
From the trial documents entered into pulbic record, we can know some things about Gotti which aren't in any dispute.
The jury has conducted its finding of facts, and found him guilty. We've got witness accounts. You can check out the records if you doubt it.
For example, we hear in the films Gotti's men paid off a juror. Hence the reputation as the Teflon Don.
One of his guys turned on him and gave up everything. That's how we know about the murders and so on.
Another movie, Casino, is supposedly based on true events. Although it's harder to establish exactly what happened, with so many of the witnesses and principles dead. Once again, there's a court record when another guy "cooperates", (with police) as it's called, and snitches on his boss.
You'll notice something about these two movies. The truth comes out when everything unravels and a whole lot of people get killed. Up until then, the stealing and racketeering are operating relatively smoothly for years and years. Police can't shut it down until someone turns traitor.
Which is less likely to happen with people afraid to say anything over the phone. But when the police get probable cause, they might bug other things besides the phone, and the conversations get leaked to the public.
In Casino, they had these guys under surveilance and hired lip readers, but someone tipped them off about it.
From these conversations, we don't need to have a friend in the mafia to know how it operates, or the extremes to which they'll go to insure secrecy of communications.
In Casino and Gotti, it's when a guy "knows" he's dead and he's banished from "the life" that he cooperates with police. Hence the idea of giving a guy a pass. Gotti came "this close" to getting whacked when he took out a boss or underboss without permission.
Skipping to pure fiction for a moment...
Although in the book, the Godfather, which Puzo wrote without meeting a gangster in his life, characters were saying that it's harder nowadays. Don't want your kids getting into the business. I don't know if that's true, but Godfather series is great entertainment, but not considered very accurate.
Compare the mafia movies to gangster movies like Scarface and (based on actual events) American Gangster, and you see a lot of overlap. Robbing from the rich and giving to the poor.
Jesus tells you to do one of those two things.
In almost all circumstances, the wealth is being spread around. The whole community is involved. If I remember correctly, Gotti was doing half a billion dollars or so, one of the Gambino family... the point is this.
Where does the Mafia come from? How is it run and organized? How does it compare to other gangsters such as the Russians.
First of all, if you get into Marc Stevens deeply enough, and other anarchist stuff, you start to recognize that the police operate a lot like a street gang. And the courts and IRS won't tell you the source of their authority. (Jesus gives them the only authority they've got, by the way, but in theory, the Mafia has the SAME authority. Read Romans 13 more carefully. The throne is attained by righteousness, and the righteous massacre their enemies, when attacked, according to Moses.)
Sorry to drop all that on you. The point is this... Jesus doesn't say "the perception of righteousness", or "as long as the poor think you're cool" or any of that.
So a prudent man may have some reservations about the just and actual legal authority of any given policing or governing agency.
In Common Law, you've got a body of case law. The cases go this way or that. Who's to say the case law isn't determined by a judge or jury being bribed by the right guy?
Is bribery righteous? Clearly not compatible with scripture. While I wouldn't throw out Common Law just yet, once again, a prudent man is suspicious of these things.
So if you're willing to believe the FBI or a New York Police officers, the Russians are crazy AND ruthless. Bad combination. They'll shoot you to see if their gun works. The Italians will kill you, but the Russians will kill your whole family.
So say the paid members of the current dominant gangsters from the government here to help you. Believe them or don't, but recognize their conflict of interest. As they say, "Don't steal. The government hates competition." And that includes gangsters.
But the facts are clear. You CAN buy temporary protection from the gangsters called government, and Serpico and Gotti provide examples of that. Casino, they comp the regulators, and it's implied they provide prostitutes, as well.
Would (((Hollywood))) lie to you?
And if you can believe (((Robert Friedman))) of Red Mafiya, the Russian mafia is Jews. Explains a lot.
The Iron Curtain protected us from them, but now there are lots of Russians in the US, and you're going to find out all about them.
Now on to the Yellow Vests and their connection.
The internet says Giuseppe Mazzini, founded the mafia in 1860. Seems like it's older than that, right? Going back a thousand years? Well, maybe. The internet has been wrong before. But so has common knowledge.
Mazzini's a 33rd degree Freemason and buddies with 33rd degree Satanic freemason Albert Pike. Organized the mafia same as the freemasons. Nobody runs all the freemasons, and nobody runs the whole mafia. Instead families have "alliances with other families, or cosci".
In addition, some Freemason lodges don't recognize the others, Freemasonry wasn't started as a Satanic institution, and wasn't infiltrated until the Satanists needed a respectable front for their activities.
In other words, you can't say the majority of the Freemasons know anything of the evil intentions of the higher ups. You can't say a given Freemason is a participant, nor that his lodge recognizes the infiltrator-controlled lodges. That's the problem. It's a loose confederation. You don't know who's dirty, and all the guys with good intentions are unwittingly making the bad guys look respectable.
They're basically stealing the brand, like they did with Disney and Lucasfilm and Christianity and Judaism, for that matter.
The Freemasons who created the Constitution can't be the Albert Pike Freemasons or their (officially) disbanded (but operating) Illuminati ["enlightened ones"] who want to shut down Christianity and overthrow civil government.
I mean, the Constitution would have been set up differently if the framers had intended it to be anti-Christian, satanic, and designed to enslave the masses. Common Sense. You CAN say it was designed to protect the rich and therefore resist attempts to infiltrate or overthrow it. Which is super mean, and not what we're taught in school, but it is what it is. If you were rich, I'm sure you'd do the same.
The clockmaker God/deist Constitutional Republic and "freedom of religion" gives a toehold to non-Christian government, permits agnosticism. It's not explicitly anti-theocratic, but it's also not a monarchy. Freedom of religion includes freeom of Satanism. That's the big problem with freedom of religion.
Even if it's not Satanic, It's not good. It may as well say, "Come on in, synagogue of Satan." Which is how America, a "Christian nation" became the most Satanic country on earth, rivaling Israel. It doesn't explicitly forbid Christianity, but where else could Mormonism start?
Tolerance is NOT a Christian value. It's explicitly intolerant. America is tolerant. Therefore America ain't Christian. Don't ask me to explain it. I just did. Read it again. If you're incapable of logic, it will never make sense. If you are, and you cling to the truth, it will be perfectly clear that "Freedom of Religion" isn't Christian, and therefore AMERICA ISN'T CHRISTIAN.
Things are more true when they're in all caps, right?
But the unintended consequence of putting "America" into a lock box is the thieves have had a devil of a time unlocking it. They confess this themselves. Everything they're doing is an open secret, at this point.
Anyway, Albert Pike, (according to the interwebs) planned 3 world wars. Something to do with the NWO.
So far, I can't friggin believe I haven't said Zionist or Jesuit once.
Pike sets up this enduring Illuminati thing that exists as a parasite on the Freemasons, the same way (((Eisener))) was a parasite on Disney, using it and its respectability to release Satanic films like the Little Mermaid. (You don't know about Satanic without reading the Bible, but a girl going against her dad's wishes to marry outside her tribe is a huge no-no.)
And his buddy Mazzini sets up the mafia the same way. The Sicilians learned organizational structure from Napoleon's army, who was funded by the (((lenders))).
I mean, people talk about the Rothschilds, but rarely do they mention the Rothschilds credit their success to the Talmud. They should. They're "Jews." And Jews are the enemy of Christ, which, of course, they would be. They've always been the enemy of God's children. i.e. Satan, which in Hebrew means "The Adversary."
Sometimes I think people don't think about this stuff because they're just complete friggin' idiots. No offense.
But in addition, it's not like it's on the nightly news.
Is there a Jewish connection to Freemasonry? Of course. In comes (((Isaac Long))), a "Jew"...
"Issac Long, a Jew, brought a statue of Baphomet (Satan) to Charleston, South Carolina, where he helped to establish the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Long apparently chose Charleston because it was geographically located on the 33rd parallel of latitude"
Those who worship Moloch love their 6 pointed star, (the "Star of David" which has nothing to do with David or real Judaism), so 3 + 3 = 6. So they love the number 33 for that reason. You may not feel that way about numerology, but your enemies do. They're into it. September is the 9th month. 9/11 is 3 x 3 and 33 / 3. Again. Weird, but so are your enemies who hate your family, your country, your happiness, your heterosexuality, masculinity, femininity, your white babies, their love of truth, and all that.
If you are a white heterosexual who makes a white baby with a white woman, and that white baby loves the truth like his dad and mom, he's more likely to find out about these weird subverters and their plans, and write a blog post about them. You know? So that's why they hate you. Negroes dont' blog because they can't even friggin spell. In nature, left to their own devices, they're greedy, selfish cannibals who like to show off their fancy pimp suit, celebrate their criminal activity, and rule by fear.
Whites are slightly different. They rule by fear of God. They don't say, "fear the white man." They worship a God who all men should fear: The God of Truth, who's only begotten son is The Truth, The Way, and The Life.
None of this 3, 6, 9, 11 BS. Numberology is for people who love numbers because they're a race of lenders who figure interest in their head.
The mafia also lends, and the vig is the interest on the loan. The so-called government lends you its services for the year, collecting payment in taxes after the fact. Sometimes after you retire, using IRAs and things.
It's hard to keep all these things in your head at once. We tend to compartmentalize all this stuff, instead of looking to see how it's all connected.
Listening back to the gospel, I realize Jesus threatens to kill off all the Satanists and burn their city several different ways. Sometimes right to their face, and they don't understand it. It's all the more impressive when you realize what's going on.
He also shows you how to wither their power by cursing the fig tree. Something that's needed these days, but Christians are a "strong man" who is "bound", allowing the thieves to steal from the strong man.
The point Jesus is making in the conversation about a house divided against itself is a truth whose greater meaning is deliberately concealed by the context. If you're not interested in casting out demons, you might say, "This truth is just about demons. I'm not interested in the mystical stuff" is like disregarding the cursing of the fig tree.
Jesus is speaking to a certain group. But what he's saying isn't for them. It's a truth intended to benefit the reader. (i.e. the Christian.)
Jesus could come right out and say, "Imma kill all you MFers", but instead, he lays out a plan and a specific course of action, one knowingly or ignorantly resisted by William Luther Pierce, by the way, and much of the white nationalist movement.
In other words, regardless of its intentions, the effects of white nationalism are largely opposed to its members' interests. Much like the Freemasons and libertarian Lucasfilm unwittingly helping his enemies. I wouldn't go so far as to call them useful idiots, but they're either deceived or going along with it. Like your typical, average pornstar or pop singer, I'd guess.
The street guys don't worry about the mob boss is doing or why. He does his job and pays tribute and that's it. They pay the boss for protection from the government and get protection.
When you're paying your income taxes, you're paying your protection money to the IRS.
When you pay the preacher, you're paying your protection money by giving wisdom to the masses they otherwise wouldn't get, so there aren't so many goddamned useful idiots supporting so many gangsters, Satanists, and 33rd degree Freemasons, and all that.
It can be argued that an atheist white nationalist, if he's sincere, gets a hell of a lot more by forking over money to his preacher than he gets by paying his taxes.
Whether something is legal isn't even a consideration. In my current way of thinking, legality is merely a convenient fiction created by gangsters and conquerers. This ain't to say the front line guys have any ill intentions. But their actions have ill effects that sicken and weaken society UNLESS.
And the Yellow Vest thing is typical Satanid mobster chaos and rebellion against government, is eroding faith in the deceived cops who are following orders and most don't realize who they're working for.
The "ultra right" is blamed for "ultra violence", and away we go.
Albert Pike laid out a plan for 3 world wars. The Yellow Vest thing is apparently part of the plan, even showing up on one version of a Tarot card.
The collapse of Europe and America (Mystery Babylon) leads to the tribulation, the anti-Christ, and return of Christ.
UPDATE: And now for a little completeness (and not to confuse you), here's a man with entirely different conclusions, who nevertheless confirms several of the points made here. Even skeptics admit A, B, C, etc.
Whether you believe the specific methods being used to crush Christianity, the Bible considers it an inevitability.
But you who believe are not intended to suffer like the masses do.
Here's what you're supposed to do about it:
#1 - Give to someone who asks of you. If you have it in your hand to give it, do so.
#2 - If someone sues you, settle with him on the way. (IRS included, guys.)
#3 - If someone steals your cloak, give him your coat as well.
#4 - Give to the poor. (When you do this, you'll have less to give to the thief, by the way.)
#5 - Give to the Levite priests. This is tithing. I would be beating a dead horse to mention it. For the reasons above, give to the priest who teaches the word & passes the Deut 13 test.
#6 - Render unto Caesar what is Caesars.
End result is the same in each case, isn't it? The Satanists want to overthrow all our governments, calling them nasty names. Who protects you from these Freemason/Mafia gangsters? The other gangsters. The government.
But, if they demand their money, pay them. Because you're buying your life. And your life creates heterosexual, masculine & feminine white babies who know the truth, who don't want to be in "the life" of a gangster, but in the Truth, The Way, and The Life with Jesus, finding Satan to be the enemy, and exposing him and his plans, his infiltration of our well-meaning but flawed institutions.
When you pay what's owed and what's not, you live. Your baby lives. The truth lives, and because he lives, many others will live.
As Adolf Hitler said, as long as we keep growing, we'll win. As Moses reports, God's first breath to man was "be fruitful and multiply and subdue the whole earth."
A lot of subduers around. Some of them governments. Some gangsters. If you pay them, they have an incentive to keep you alive.
If you're a good tree, and bear fruit, producing votes and voters and revenue so they can sit fat and happy, they get angry when someone horns in on their racket, and jails the mobsters who terrorize you.
And, in some cases, the mafia acts as a wing of government and OTHER crime families, doing what a respectable government doesn't want to get its hands dirty doing.
Everybody pays. There are two things certain in life. Death and taxes.
So don't believe Satan, who is your adversary from an enemy tribe, who conquers by deception and infiltration. Believe God, who wants you alive, and pay.
And if I ask you, pay me my goddamned protection money or else.
Or else what? Or else there will be a surplus of goddamned idiots who don't know to defeat evil by being fruitful and multiplying, and paying their protection money.
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