How to Execute a Coup de'Tat

Part of the reason you mopey-ass black-pilled bitches keep whining about how nobody's doing anything and about there's "no political solution" is because you don't know how to execute a coup de'tat like Jesus taught you.

It's no surprise you weren't raised from birth with this understanding and knowledge, and never sought it out. The reason why is simple.

You don't know how to conquer empires, even though you saw Jesus do it, because the devil has blinded you with all his counterfeit fake fraud churches of Satan which exist only and solely to explain away scripture, to cherry pick the pacifist garbage and toss out the good stuff.

Right in the gospel, it tells you exactly how to win over the soldiers, point-by-point, and their officers, and generals, and how to turn your enemies against each other so they're bitch-slapping each other to death when they see a wall of mighty Roman muscle glistening in the rays of sunlight, ready to polish up their swords with the blood of pussy little bitches.

Now, it does require you to read between the lines ever so slightly before you can see what's right in front of your eyes, but it's all there.

Pilot saying he can find no fault in Jesus when sentencing him to death, a Roman soldier praising Jesus as he's uttering his last words on the cross, to Paul being converted as Stephen, the good fruit of the teachings of Jesus, is following in the example of his Lord Jesus.

Paul saw Stephen stoned to death for telling the truth, and with love and forgiveness in his heart to the last. Paul saw the light after that.

I mean, claiming you're speaking the will of the divine will get you called a blasphemer by all the frauds and hypocrites whose lucrative and influential churching industry you're endangering. So they'll try to kill you for sure.

Their whole job is to make sure the plebs never know the will of God. Otherwise, they wouldn't need to show up and brainwash them.

Because if little children know the will of God, they'll grow up to be soldiers who know the will of God. And that's not good for the homosexual pedophiles who run things. Or their bankers.

So the fact that Jesus demonstrated the conquest of Rome might have escaped you.

The fact that Moses demonstrated how to easily conquer Jericho also missed your attention, even when he explained it to you.

If you're a fan of the Paretto Principle, or the 80/20 rule, you'll understand that you don't need to fear the 300 million Americans, nor even the 16 million "Jews" (children of the devil) but only the 8,000 or so guys who rule over them. (In the business world.)

And the question is, how do you get these 8,000 or so guys to go to war against each other, where God does 80% of the fighting for you, leaving you with 20% of the mop-up work to do.

The answer is pretty simple. And it's right there in Deuteronomy.

Deuteronomy 20, to be specific.

But if you don't obey God, then expect the curses of Deuteronomy 28 to come true. In fact, they have. They're here. And welcome to the disease, famine and war if you disobey.

Like the elite special forces, Moses sends the cowards home. You don't want losers in your elite team. Why not? Because they suck. They're dead weight. They're not the best of the best.

In order to achieve your objectives, the top 20% of the top 20% of the top 20% are so much better than everyone else, that they're pretty much the only people that matter.

This is why, in WWI Germany, the 3,000 bravest soldiers were always sent on suicide missions. Hitler was among them.

The devil didn't have to know which guy was going to become Hitler to know it was one of those 3,000 guys. That's why they created an elite corps of Germany's bravest. To kill them off.

But Hitler escaped this assassination attempt, and about 20 others. He's notoriously hard to kill, you see.

Well, in America we're reaching the WWI stage Germany went through, and once again, some of the sons of the Army of the Apocalypse will be sent to war, and they'll volunteer for the most dangerous duties. And once again, our American Hitler will be among them. Or at least a George Lincoln Rockwell.

The devil will try to kill him off. Who knows? Maybe the devil succeeded, and Germany had a potential Moses, and had to make due with Hitler instead.

One thing I know is I'm not as competent as old uncle Adolfus. But I don't happen to see anyone around with a lick of common sense and courage who could fill his shoes.

When we find him, when he's born, he'll probably be beaten and disciplined by his dad, as all great men were, and grow up into a fearless, unapologetic, ruthless fighter who sees discipline as a loving act, who loves his fellow soldiers, who learns the ways of warfare, who wants to know, in his darkest hour, how to get God to do his fighting for him.

And then, I suspect, Jesus will come. At the end of the age, just as he said he would.

And this prophecy, like many prophecies before it, isn't unique to me. It's the reason why the abortions have killed off so many white babies, like Herod and Ramses did, to prevent the deliverer from growing up and taking power.

But none could stop Jesus, who took Rome. None could stop Moses, who delivered us from Egypt. And none could stop Hitler's rise to power. And no one will stop the next man, either.

Particularly if their parents have the slightest clue that their child may in fact be the savior of all mankind.

Then, and only then, will they obediently give birth to that man, and find him to be a willful fighter, and discipline him. He'll bravely say what others won't say, which will get him into lots of fights.

He'll learn, through practice, to win those fights. And having learned the certainty of victory this way, he'll do his duty to join the country's most courageous of all the fighters, and the devil will try to kill him by sending him on suicide missions.

But Jesus didn't do those things. Instead, he conquered with love. And with love, he won the soldiers, the officers, and appointed Constantine who took control of the Roman Empire.

Easy. Just follow the steps.

What wins the soldier wins the military. What wins the military wins the government. And when you win this government (the modern Roman Army), you win the world.

Check mate.


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