How To Science

You may stipulate that you must first postulate a hyptothesis prior to confirmation of your preconception, or to disconfirms a supposition visa vis experimentation that attendance at a university will imbue you with the veneer of verisimilitude to scholastic aptitude.

Or you can screw all that nonsense and get a library card, borrow a Bible and recognize it's better and easier to call out BS when you go with your gut.

i.e. Faith costs less than a quarter million dollars of student loan debt, and a hunch tells you a lot more than the facts do, these days.

If you want to re-invent the wheel and see for yourself, do what everyone else does and see where it gets you.

But when Jesus says it's better to take his word for it, that means you don't have to get nailed to a cross to find out.



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