Is Fair Use Half Black?

From the blue-grey eyes and dirty blonde hair and Aryan skeletal frame, you might think Fair Use is a white guy. That is, until you see his credit score.

Your intrepid hero and deliverer is willing to sacrifice his reputation on the alter, and let others have the glory, take all the credit, so long as the objective is achieved.

That's the half that makes me white. But in some ways, a fatherless childhood in the projects makes me half-ghetto teen thug.

Normally, it's a black guy who drags commie women out of a cheap apartment by they weave. But not always.

White supremacists, as you might imagine, like to do white supremacist things. Can't be dissing me.

When I'm not shooting and/or drowning small animals, kicking sh*tty liberals in the ribs for wrongthink, and lopping the heads off small birds, dragging bitches out by their hair for disrespecting me, praying for God's will to be done, (i.e. the destruction of hundreds of millions of unrepentant sinners), and celebrating a God who came to throw fire on the earth, I'm racking up tiny amounts of debt that still haven't been paid back, sitting back and snacking more fat into my fat gut, shouting at the only people keeping me alive, and otherwise living a life that's perfectly indistinguishable from a ghetto thug.

All this afer being "civilized" by the magic dirt of 13 (or so) years of skoolin', some vocational school, working a blue collar career for the better part of a decade in a large, highly regulated industry with daily safety meeting, you'll still be able to find me in the same exact jail cell with a bunch of ghetto thugs, dating girls with severe psychological problems with demonstrably more emotional self-control than the Minister of God's Wrath.

But I have big plans to "get rich or die tryin'" by spreadin' my rap to the peeps. My big claim to fame is getting a big break into that internet radio airplay and someday, Imma be big, especially if I can figure out how to abide by the Terms of Use of any online platform for any 6 consecutive months in a row.

I also be slangin' some of them CDs I made in my mom's basement (except my mom's trailer doesn't have a basement) that nobody wanted or expected, nor can anyone really make sense of them once they've got them.

The general response to them has been "WTF is this now?"

A middle-aged failure by any reasonable measure worth a long string of dalliances in the rear view mirror, saving up for a solid gold grill or sump'n to replace the teeth the grape drank (or the equivalent) rotted away.

And yet, I know for a fact that I'm the salvation of all mankind, nigg-. Because I'm one of a kind. The original. Uwe-neeq.

I fought my way through the hood because I had to fight to survive. I was spit on, tripped, ambushed, groped, all on the way home from school erryday, playa.

I got dem paranoid suspicions of all the people around me because only the paranoid survive in a world where, as it happens, they are, in fact, out to get you.

Da guvmint.

I believe in a worldwide plot of the power elite conspiring to discriminate against my race for NO REASON when I DINDU NUTHIN.

I routinely blame others for the barriers and obstacles holding me back instead of taking full responsibility. Do other people of my race succeed in life despite the existence of the conspirators plotting against us? Yes.

But they're all silver spoon privileged gay Fed shill pedos serving an evil agenda, bruh. Get woke.

Living every day hoping the last girl I was wit ain't gonna come after me for child support.

So the question is not, "is Fair Use half black", but...

Is there ANYTHING white about Fair Use?

Just one thing, balla. Just one thing.

I pray to white Jesus.


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