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The BTN Formula turns Men Into Beta Nerds

[NazzDapp Track Downloads here.]

Nope. Beta Nerds don't happen by accident. They're the deliberate, conscious product of social programming. Here, I'll be more specific than ever.

You might know about a fighting technique called flow-hitting. While I'm not here to debate the merits or wisdom of the technique, it's a method which allows you to make contact two or three times per punch, creating rapid combinations that land thousands of hits per second. And when our enemy hits us thousands or millions of times per second with broadcast media, stories, and movies, it doesn't matter how lightly he hits us each time. Added up, it does tons of damage, decade after decade, hitting your subconsicous mind, changing your beliefs, behaviors, and incarcerating you into a mass media-enduced mind prison. ("And you love it," their mass media says, hoping to suck you further into the "fun" and solitude of your mind prison.)

In mass media, every time you make a white guy look like a Beta Nerd, aggressor, or publicly humiliate a white male character, it hits him at least three ways. And it hits you with real punches, when Anti-Fa mobs show up and start using real weapons. And when real SWAT teams and real courts start enforcing real communist laws to impose disease, famine, and real wars, filling up real body bags full of real dead white guys like you.

With mass media brainwashing, all white men, their wives, sisters, and daughters are given a three-part dose of medicine. Each punch lands three ways.

First, they blame you.

Whenever you see a white man behaving like a cuck, or accepting and tolerating misbehavior of others, such as his under-age daughter going out to a party, dating a non-white guy, having premarital sex, and drinking when she might be pregnant, each of these is a false accusation.

The devil is a false accuser. White men don't really put up with any of that stuff. Not naturally. It's unacceptable behavior, and they're not going to tolerate it.

Second, they train you.

They shame you into accepting a son talking back to you, a student questioning you, etc. Does Mr. Miagi, a non-white man tolerate misbehavior? Does Yoda? No. They call it out, chastize, and explain.

But even in this circumstance, a white person is being corrected for misbehavior. Another accusation. The subtext is, "Whites are unwise and need to be corrected by non-whites."

This creates training directly, but also conditions tv & movie-watching fools to correct your behavior, whether you're right or wrong.

If enough of the movie-watching idiots beat you down, you'll start to think you're the one who's wrong.

Third, they NORMALIZE the desired behavior.

See an underage daughter getting impregnated with a fetal alcohol syndrome baby, turning her into a powerless, state-dependent single mom coal burner getting in womb-punching karate fights? Well, guess what?

That's exactly what you're expected to do.

As my dad used to say, "Monkey see. Monkey do."

The more the monkeys make beige, brain-damaged babies, the more seeds the devil has sewn among the wheat, so to speak.

These alcohol-damaged, fishmouth children turn into the cannon fodder of the armageddon.

One which God's Army of the Apocalypse will eventually have to destroy.

The enemy's propagandists, for each bit of cuckery they broadcast on TV, news, in universities, K-12 school, in Cosmo magazine (and hundreds of others), in romance novels, online erotic fiction, they Blame (Shame), Train, and Normalize vast swaths of the population.

And prevent you from doing the same to them by calling it anti-semitism. We tolerate what they would NEVER ONCE tolerate.

And excuse it by saying, "Never again", pointing to that Holocaust story they're so very fond of. And before that, to the 500 years of oppression they deserved.  And before that, the false and ridiculous claims that they are chosen people, and not the synagogue of Satan, the children of the devil. Their father was a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

Murdering to cover up his lies.
Lying to cover up his murders.

And the lusts of their father they will do.

The solution is to re-take the mass media. 700 billion dollars per year of mass media is primarily aimed at white Christian males, their ideas, their behaviors, and our God of truth.

Anything we say to the millions is better than anything they say to the millions.

All of it ad-supported. If they advertisers won't pay us instead of the commie filth, full of pro-Satan, anti-white headlines, they'll suffer the disease, famine, and war God Almighty will send to destroy them.

And good riddance, by the way.

Whatever desire you may have to save them, only their faith in Jesus can. And those who don't believe in their heart can never be saved.

If you're interested in this subject, and to take back the 4th branch of government, you'd better be, then you must learn the  ways of the mainstream POZ-paganda used against us.

I went into a lot more specifics in this (hopefully funny and entertaining) 10-episode commentary track, exposing the subconscious programming method that's right out in the open.

The content of the relentless, hard-hitting commentary is "rated R".  As are their intentions.

Cobra Kai is chock-full of invisible Poz.

"Up to this point I was really enjoying Cobra Kai and saw it as a refreshing change of pace from the poz that we're inundated with.

Sure, I noticed them slipping in a dig here in there, but overall it seemed like a net-positive...

Your commentaries really take the piss out of their wizardry, though."

- BombasticAdept

You can download the NazzDappTracks for Cobra Kai, Season 2 and watch them alongside your legally-obtained Cobra Kai, Season 2, or, if you've already seen it, or pressed for time, you can pop them into your Podcast Addict app and play them as a standalone with "Skip Silence" enabled.

For the ultra-quick "executive briefing," the final intro to episode 10 sums up the hidden POZ, and leads us into the deepest, darkest conclusions about the enemy of the white race (and therefore all humanity and dogs) and their evil, hateful intentions.

Download it here.

You'll know what we're accused of, what communists are training us to become, and what behavior is being held up as "normal, acceptible behavior."

TV shows like this have a history of resulting in massive changes to public policy. When the People vs. Larry Flynt came out, the internet was just barely capable of tranmistting porn. The FTC could have disallowed internet porn. But after the movie came out, it greased the wheels of government to turn the way they wanted.

In fact, the public pressure it created was more like a pry-bar.

As planned, the Cobra Kai series will do the same for underage drinking, race mixing, including women in Karate classes and sacred male spaces and activities, decrease respect for middle-aged white men and rich stepdads.

It will normalize slutty behavior of kids and their moms, will increase the abuses of parents by their children.

Why? Because the show is aimed at the left? No. But because this show is aimed at the right wing.

It's designed to loosen up our grip on our guns, because an honorable man, woman, or kid can fight with their fists just fine. Right?

"The TV show said so. So it must be true." - Garfield

Even The Sound of Music is more Holocaust propaganda, and there's a lot more where that came from. Aimed at the left wing? No. It's aimed at the right. And that's what makes it even more dangerous.

Because, as we know, the right wing hates them some Nahtzees more than anybody else.

As Jesus said, a man's enemies will be the members of his own household. And deceptions will be so powerful, they would deceive even the elect, if it were possible.

Cobra Kai, Season 2 NazzDappTracks are here to share, download, and with them, you can do whatever you think is right.

Remember. Just because you know doesn't mean the world knows. Even our own movement doesn't know these things.


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