I'm not telling you that you have to operate like all the most successful propagandists do. But the foolish pervert leftist retards do seem to be crushing civilization itself with nothing other than their simple A + B + C, 1 + 2 + 3 formula because that's what audiences pay to see.
Even a slithering serpent gets the best results by not re-inventing the wheel.
What do the failures do? Like an African trying to create a helicopter from parts rummaged in the trash, they re-invent the wheel. They don't use Lockheed Martin parts & labor, and so don't get the same results.
They want to act like a negro, so God treats them like one.
Here's the grain of truth about being different. You shouldn't be like the crowd. Of course not. But the crowd wants to re-invent storytelling and fails.
In addition, they always try to re-invent storytelling the FIRST TIME OUT OF THE GATE.
This is like the guy who thinks he invented sliding into a girl's DMs with a dick pic. To say the least, it's been done. It ain't getting you the sex you want. The sex it gets you, you don't want.
Re-invention is for the research and development branch of successful public companies funded by losers who can't think of any smarter investments than buying over-priced stocks.
These big, dumb companies leave nothing to chance. They know best R&D is to wait for one out of 100 inventors to hit on an worthwhile idea, buy it, and then spend about a billion dollars per century gradually improving it. Like what 3M did with post-it notes.
The strategy of the successful can springboard you to greater heights.
But the crowd (the every-day lone inventor) ignores what works. Which is to acquire an existing company for peanuts, take it public at a huge multiple of what you paid for it, use the big, dumb capital of clueless investors to smash the marketplace with a superior product, bigger marketing, and a legion of lawyers.
David and Goliath is a fun story, but Rome didn't rely on a shepherd boy with a slinghot to win the Punic wars against Carthage. They needed a little more oomph.
And even King David didn't rely on his slingshot to crush Saul's army.
No, he carefully and consciously recruited the Philistine Army before wading into battle against a deadly, well-equipped and capable force of trained professional fighters.
The secret of his success was superior weaponry, superior numbers, superior tactics. The real story of the little shepherd boy is he always shot fish in a barrel with a bazooka before raining down fire from heaven on his enemies.
When it's time to win, you don't want to be screwing around alone in your garage trying to re-invent the bazooka out of PVC pipes.
The pioneers are the ones with the arrows in their backs. Best to well-worn path of the successful and ignore the strategy used by the masses who've been programmed from birth to fail and are to intellectually lazy and arrogant to question the myth of the lone hero.
Secondly, what works is the myth of the lone hero. But never be one.
The next time you see the "lone hero" story, probably that new Mel Gibson film, notice it has 10 minutes of credits at the end. That's the real secret. It helps to have a small army of help. Even more helpful?
Armies are made of men. Where do these men come from? A recruiting office? No.
Remember "Be fruitful and multiply"? "As numerous as the stars in the sky?" Yeah. God prefers you fight with superior strength AND superior numbers.
Everything we do tells our story. The problem is, we don't have the first clue how to write it. You know why?
Because we're trained to re-invent the wheel at the worst possible time.
Because we're trained to re-invent the wheel at the worst possible time.
How do you win? With strength? No. The gorilla is stronger. What made the difference? Our mind. What's being attacked? Our minds.
Even if we're not fooled, the masses are. Why? Because we've been fooled into our present thinking. A kind of thinking which creates failure.
Failure is not the product of our own thinking. Our social programming is designed to make us failures. Our programming turns our families into the enemies who cut our throats, who betray us, who turn us in, who report us for wrong-think.
The TV can't hurt you until it turns our neighbors in to Molotov-cocktail-throwing arsonists.
The TV can't hurt you until it turns all your friends and neighbors into sneaky devils trying to counter every right idea you'll ever have.
The TV can't hurt you until it turns our neighbors in to Molotov-cocktail-throwing arsonists.
The TV can't hurt you until it turns all your friends and neighbors into sneaky devils trying to counter every right idea you'll ever have.
The TV can't hurt you until it turns fanatical terrorist cultists who thought-police your every word and make it impossible for you to buy or sell anything that doesn't say "Black Lives Matter" on it. Because "diversity is our strength."
Don't laugh. Don't question it or your neighbors will do worse to you than the GULAGs ever could.
Do you win by building a better bicep? Sure. If you've got a million more where that came from.
You'll recruit more more muscle when you've raised 12 athletic kids instead of 2.
And you'll have even more muscle kids when you've got 12 wives pregnant. Didn't King David have lots of wives?
When your superior Aryan cavalry (made up of thousands of your great grandchildren) rides in using superior flanking maneuvers, superior weapons and technology, with better, more loyal spies working for you, just like in Jericho, when even your enemies respect you and are at peace with you, when even the foreigners obey you, that cavalry of thousands does you more good than a condom, a dumb bell, and a killer Creatine stack with whey protein isolate.
King David kicked acres of ass because, above all things, he was a better propagandist. Propaganda.
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King David writing the Psalms |
To be better speaker, you've got to write a better speech. This better speech is part of a better narrative. This better narrative follows a better formula.
WRITE TO FORMULA to win. Our enemy does, and crushes civilization with A, B, C, 1, 2, 3. They use a paint-by-numbers method to overthrow our supremacy, to make us forget who we are and what set of instructions to follow. (Hint: The best instruction for our people is in the Bible.)
WRITE TO FORMULA to win. Our enemy does, and crushes civilization with A, B, C, 1, 2, 3. They use a paint-by-numbers method to overthrow our supremacy, to make us forget who we are and what set of instructions to follow. (Hint: The best instruction for our people is in the Bible.)
Don't be a writer when you can be a hack. HUMILITY, gentlemen. It's called humility.
Don't write a skit when you can write a bit. It's shorter. People like to finish things. A psalm is short.
The enemy doesn't crank out precious spiritual woo-woo by thinking about fluffy, fuzzy rainbow daydreams. No, they do a gag to stretch for time. Easier to crank out a product by deadline that attacks the same old stuff they attacked yesterday by following a checklist.
Who do we attack today? Let's consult the checklist. People who are straight, white, Christian, cis-gender or male?
These writers don't have to be a genius every day. The situation does it for them. This also means the left cares more about casting because casting a black King Lear is easier than re-writing Shakepeare.
Having James Earl Jones read the Bible is easier than re-writing the Bible to fit communist goals.
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Don't You Know It's Wrong To Learn Christian Principles From Anyone Who's Not Black? |
They've won before the first episode airs when they set up a sit-com TV show. The nature of the sit-com does most of the work for them.
A guy living with a couple of chicks starring Jack Tripper. They're "living in sin", as the expression goes. Tom Hanks dresses like a woman to save money on an apartment in "Bosom Buddies." He's not a sex freak in a dress. No, he's just frugal. Aren't you?
Every TV episode makes fun of the white guy who can't get laid.
Done. Its aims are accomplished by the time the writer shows up to the page.
Done. Its aims are accomplished by the time the writer shows up to the page.
The Program Even Shows You How To Feel About its Fuddy-Duddy Critics Mr. Furley is SooooOOOOooOOOOooo Clueless and Old-Fashioned, Isn't He? |
Lt. Nyota Uhura is a negress in a short skirt. Maybe she'll kiss the captain. Maybe not. Doesn't really matter. The skirt and the multi-ethnic crew does the damage before you've beamed down to the enemy planet to find out what love is.
It's Successful Communist Propaganda Even Before The First Word of Dialogue is Spoken |
They play it by ear. Why write a new joke when you can update an old joke? Gets the same laugh.
The banking system is powerful. So be the banking system.
Mainstream media is powerful. Be the mainstream media.
Religion is powerful. So be the religion.
Is God powerful? Then be a god. God told you to do all these things, by the way. But you weren't listening.
You don't need a Robo-Cop to solve crime tomorrow when you can hire a million cops today.
The enemy wants to make you proud to be a money-burning lonely loser who tried his best to go it alone instead of team up.
You can't borrow your neighbor's boat when it's time to go fishing. You've got to buy your own. PRIDE!
You can't borrow your neighbor's boat when it's time to go fishing. You've got to buy your own. PRIDE!
Sharing Taken To An Extreme |
Suddenly there's a 100 boats on the lake all chasing after the same fish. By the time you're done, you've spent $1,000 per fish you catch.
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Buying Taken To An Extreme |
I'm not your enemy, so I won't do tell you act like all the losers who end up with a screenplay without an audience, a song without a deal.
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"I can't wait to catch that $1,000 fish for dinner." |
The rich only sell what people are buying. The don't search for an idea. They search for a buyer and sell him what he wants.
That way, you can buy a boat. Lord knows there aren't nearly enough of them.
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Ok. Maybe there are enough boats. |
(If you've never owned a boat, I can tell you they're the most stupid, pointless, expensive and high-maintenance things on earth UNLESS they're making you lots of money. I will only sell a boat to someone I intend to destroy. )
My job (in this win or lose world) isn't to make you a delighted loser.
It's to tell you "You'll either win or die." Your country either wins or dies. Your way of life, your family, your people will either win or they'll die.
BLM is the feather knocking over the giant. But the mass media is the one firing the bazookas.
Mass-market, mass-produced pop culture assembly line follows a fill-in-the-blank formula without exception.
3-act plays, stories, Robert McKee, STORY
The 37 plots or "dramatic situations"
Be shamelessly formulaic.
Just as a woman can be systematically seduced, step-by-step, a customer can be systematically sold, the bison can be systematically exterminated, 100 million swine per year systematically slaughtered, the crowd can be systematically manipulated.
Were about to say, "It wouldn't work on me?" Yeah, I thought you'd say that while while wearing cargo shorts, sneakers and flat-brimmed baseball cap and your favorite sports team jersey while planning to relax with your stressful video game dopamine machine.
Sorry. The crowd goes along with the crowd that follows the mass brainwashing. The sheep are easily led, and systematically led to the slaughter.
The crowd convenes at conventions, packs into movie theaters, eats in dining halls, obediently lines up for their daily bumper-to-bumper traffic so they can do a job they hate to make their enemies even richer and more powerful as their rights erode, their country decays until Mel Gibson, an Australian immigrant, is the last man in America making movies Americans want to see.
Learn to sling cheap, predictable schlock at the masses if that's what they'll pay to see, what they'll pay attention to, allowing us to insert our messages into their favorite music, books, comics, news channels, commercials, political speeches, cartoon shows, video games, textbooks, magazines, sermons, radio shows, YouTube channels.
And learn highest of all these propagandistic arts of all, the securing of very high finance, so you can do it at a biblical scale with tens of thousands of propagandists cranking out every category of cheap, predictable shlock that shoves itself in their face every time they turn around until their values are utterly transformed and beliefs re-written by our booklets, pamphlets, leaflets, shows, songs, movies, and by far the cheapest of all these per impression, our statues.
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