Fictional Heroes Fighting ZOG
Why is "Fee bee" spelled like Phobe and "Ruh Nay" spelled like Ree Nee? Phoebe should sound like phobe and Renee should sound like "ree nee".
Also, the most effective way to fight ZOG is publishing highly effective fiction which inspires men to be heroes.
Hollywood's screenwriters are drunkenly smashing the last generation's heroes with hammers.
Normally it doesn't pay well to be a bad writer. But Hollywood has gotten into the fiction-smashing business and hired their character assassins to destroy our past.
Which is we, with some training and initiative, we (the white nationalist propagandists) can provide a superior product and do better hero-building than Hollywood, telling tales far better than the best-selling sell-outs who glorify the enslavement of whites and promote woke culture.
Harold Covington's team produced series fiction.
William Luther Pierce produced a series of books.
George Lincoln Rockwell produced a children's book.
(Let me know if you thought of other examples)
»»» Work done once can pay you for a lifetime.«««
What's been written once can be systematically relaunched, bundled and repackaged for decades.
If it had been designed to be popular in the first place, which it wasn't, a series of audios like Terms of Fair Use could be curated, re-packaged, edited and re-launched or updated. Since it's a niche series, I'd probably freeze to death and die taking on a relaunch like that today.
Suppose the series had been intentionally designed to be popular, formatted as a heroic fiction series featuring a protagonist of broader appeal, not just borrowing the tone, but also the forms of successful fiction with traditional dramatic situations with suspense, character-driven stories, a clear, strong thematic premise and weekly cliff-hangers.
I'd obviously have to scrap the series and re-write it from the ground up to accomplish this, but that's the right kind of thinking, anyway. It's not the ideas, but the craftsmanship.
I could have an idea to build a table, desk or chair, but that idea is worth nothing to the marketplace without decent craftsmanship, proper form and execution. It's the same with stories.
The 1800s and earlier are jam-packed full of amazing stories which are completely out of copyright and therefore fair game to plunder and exploit. Hundreds of popular stories with strong name recognition, known characters and situations.
But going a step further, each of these amazing stories is taken from one of the 7 to 10 major forms of fiction that are retold over and over again (See "Save the Cat" or Christopher Booker's 7 story types) which contain mash-ups of only 36 possible categories of dramatic situations.
Reading through the list alone is enough to jog the noggin'.
Learning to write is like learning to play guitar. If you want to play guitar you can either learn to play someone else's songs and be in a cover band someday or you can learn some popular chord progressions and write your own hit songs one day.
George Lucas learned the chords well enough to make billions of dollars.
He did his farmboy battles oppressor story in the MacGuffin chase (or Golden Fleece) genre. You could outline a story like that tomorrow or next week and plug in Dirk Handsomely's or Drake Chiseljaw and the mighty elf-riders in a tantalizing new journey across the time gates of Rekskellion or whatever.
If it's turns out to be crap, ok. A few revisions down the road it could still be awesome.
If it goes no farther than a fan fiction forum, you still get you feedback and practice. (I'd use a pseudonym). But 50 Shades of Gray was originally a Twilight Fan Fiction called Masters of the Universe by Snowqueens Icedragon that got enough revision to make it publishable.
If you look at the feedback others writers are getting, learning what readers loved and hated from good and bad fiction, you'll know in advance what. That information is all freely available. And if you want to learn how to write TV, books, movies that are designed to please a human being, you can read Save the Cat by successful industry professional Blake Snyder.
Revising and re-hashing is just the tip of the iceberg. After the theatrical release of Star Wars, LucasFilm published their VHS tapes, the widescreen edition, laser disc, restored the film and released the special editions, released DVDs with bonus content. There were adaptations. They did an expanded universe full of books, comics, a couple of Ewok films, the cartoon series, special appearances, the holiday special, radio dramas, games and more. They syndicated the films for TV, streaming, on-demand. Then there were the sequels, prequels and spin-offs.
But you don't need a billion-dollar trilogy to run a crowd-pleasing "cash grab" operation. Garfield creator Jim Davis cranked out intentionally bland syndicated cartoon strips to sell toys, books and other merchandise.
Genre fiction authors will write a series of books, releasing each one, maybe offering a monthly discount day to boost their sales ranking, later bundling the series together into a package deal.
The comic industry would bundle a mini-series into a compendium, over time creating a series of collectible hardbacks, cashing in on the rising popularity of a series, creating a product that could easily be reprinted to meet demand.
Successful authors write what the market wants and pays for: Crowd-pleasing series fiction. But sometimes they skip the market research and miss the mark. It's not so bad if you're floating off the income from writing ten books per year.
But even if your work is unpopular now, it could become popular when the time is right. Author Anne Rice said she's seen vampires trending three times in her life, and she sells truckloads of books each time it does.
Believe it or not, there was even a time when vampires and aliens were considered the bad guys. By reversing the natural fear of vampires and aliens, Hollywood held open the gate for parasites and invaders.
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