How I Concluded Tarrant is a Counterfeit

No matter what side you're on, pro or anti shooting, pro or anti Muslim, pro or anti firearms, pro or anti Yang, freedom, racism, etc., the simple fact remains...

Tarrant divides the movement. Why? Because he's supposed to. Again... Whether or not you're pro-Tarrant, you must admit this story is covered by the media because it divides our movement.

That's why you heard about it and kept hearing about it, but you don't hear about the priest being knifed, the Christian churches being bulldozed, attacked, burned, shot up to nearly the same extent, nor the attacks on whites, Europeans, and Western civilization itself.

You don't even have to be pro-white to know the attacks on the West are anti-civilization.

But I happen to be pro-white and pro-civilization and pro-justice. That doesn't mean we can't be friends. And it doesn't change the crucial facts.

This is a long one, so commit some time to hearing me out, or else kindly show yourself the door. If you're offended by the idea that someone else might be convinced by the facts, then you're what's wrong with the world.


I didn't immediately know it. And one can't take such things lightly.

But I had an impulse. A gut feeling. After sneaking a peek at the "manifesto", I appreciated Tarrant's intelligence, his savvy, his political acumen, but found several strong points of disagreement. And something nagging at my conscience.

Sometimes, force is necessary. The military. The special forces. The dropping of bombs destroys some, but may also save millions of lives.

I was struck by a few things he said. Things that merit further investigation. For example, he intends to plead "not guilty" and seems to think his actions are legal.

And there have been cases where men have used force, even against police, and the Supreme Court agreed, in some rare instances, that the use of force was legitimate. It's not something the New York Times endlessly drones on about, but it's not a secret.

And if his actions were somehow legal, I thought,

Maybe I'd cynically misjudged his bold and heroic and meme-tastic intentions!

Possibly. At the very least, it was worth investigating. What else am I here for?

And I've got to admit. He had me going for a second.

Actually, I have it clocked precisely, because I started recording a sonnet to his beauty, brains and might, so a clock was running while I did so.

Let the record show Tarrant had me going for precisely one hour, 28 minutes, and 14 seconds.

So don't feel bad.

And I certainly don't and can't blame anyone for holding a different view. You're free to disagree. But at this point, I'm unlikely to change my mind. For a number of reasons. For about 12 reasons, actually.

You can feel free to disagree, even though that makes you a gay homosexual who strangles puppies and hates Jesus and America!


As your fire and brimstone specialist, and a "self-appointed, worldwide leader of the white supremacist movement", [as I've once or twice said in tongue-and-cheek fashion, especially since NO ONE ELSE wants the title (especially NOWADAYS)], you wouldn't expect me to "punch right" against /ourguys/ and extremists.

And I wouldn't. Never. Not a bit of it. Not if he's one of ours.

But what about the children of the devil? How about then?

Then it's a whole different story. Why?

Just because Sarah Silverman dresses up in a brown shirt, draws on a mustache and throws a Roman salute doesn't mean she's /ourguy/.

She's still a JQ. And a JQ is a JQ is a JQ, after all. And no amount of vipers is a good amount of vipers.

As Tarrant himself admits, funnily enough. Convenient to turn his own arguments against him.

Somehow, his own arguments become even better when I throw them right back in his face!

And not just because I'm argumentative. But because it shines a bold, stark searchlight into the depths of his twisted soul.

If I recall correctly from a rather authoritative work written by a keen observer of nature on the subject, maggots apparently recoil from the light shined into a festering wound.

I'm not the first to notice a certain domestic terrorist in the news plain forgot to name the existential JQ problem that no competent person would deny is directly at the root of all other human problems, if Mel Gibson is to be believed.

And I think he's spoken his mind on the subject.

It misses a golden opportunity not to have even hinted at any finality of a... what's the word?

It's that stuff you mix up in a pitcher, isn't it? No. That's Grape Kool-Drank. Or some other kind of solution.

SOLUTION! Yes. That's the word. The final one.

Saints come marching in...

Anyway, the actual pit of vipers, the den of thieves who claim to believe in God but deny Jesus is the Messiah.

Not a solution-oriented group. Not even in jest. Not even when they're FUNNIN' AROUND with fully automatic weapons and stuff!

Not even when sinking American ships, rounding people up into death camps and GULAGS, not when lining people up against wooden doors, or when locked in a room that opens from the inside. I thought these guys had the best comedians! No? No sense of humor?

For Sonnerads? Sure. Backwards, twisted, awkwardly-drawn swatikas? Eehhhh... if it's for a "good cause", maybe.

But solutions are for grape drank. No exceptions.

No solutions in the manifesto. No hints. No dog whistles. A flat-out denial when he asks himself if Israel is the enemy of all mankind, or words to that effect.

Don't take my word for it. See for yourself. Israel is SWELL! It's super-keen! It's the neatest. Even Muslim-hater Tommy Robin(((son))) thinks so!

(Son, is one of them eyebrow-raisers. Not conclusive, of course. But it gets ya scratchin' your head, saying, -son? Isn't that a little like -berg? And the answer is.. sometimes. Keep diggin' and see.)

To read his manifesto, (((Tarrantson))) or (((Tarrantberg))) or (((Tarrantman Sachs))) or whatever has zero problems with blacks, by the way. I'm just mentioning. Blacks? Totally fine. Upstanding citizens in their own countries. God love those black buggers and their Coke bottles falling from the sky, walking to the end of the earth to make this god-foresaken planet a better place for humanity, burying white people in the dirt to prevent dehydration, and living in peace and harmony with all of nature.

Mexican immigrants? Barely worth mentioning. They can live in their own countries, right? Cool! Neat! Who doesn't love their culture?! Weirdos. That's who!

And shooting invaders dead? He's not above it. Damn heroic. Fine and dandy, if you ask a shooter, he'll be shootin' for a medal, by the time we're through!

But ethno-globalism is a BRIDGE TOO FAR, sir. Not a bit of it!  It simply wouldn't be Mosley, old chap!

Fine, upstanding gentlemen do NOT want blaggs harmed. Not a hair on their head. Not when they're in the People's Democratic Republic of Nigerstan, like those swell Chinese.

In fact, I've got a yangerin for a Chinaman President, so long as he lives in China with the rest of them.

You see? We can come to some agreements, can't we?

Just draw a line in the dirt. The magic dirt that solves all racial problems, conflicts, and makes danger disappear. You on your side. Me on mine. Dirt is amazing. It can do ALL THINGS THROUGH DIRT WHO STRENGTHENS ME!!!

That's the eco-fascist creedo. Hold three fingers in a swastika-shaped "OK" sign and say,

"Dirt is magic. Dirt is great.
You stay on your monkey crate.
Don't you march on through my gate!
Backpackin' white chicks hesitate
To visit no places with their mate..."

Wait one minute. Maybe that dirt ain't so magic after all, eco-fascists. As recent events might have taught us, even if we are an eco-fascist with his head so far up his own rectum that he completely missed the Morrocco story, the white girl fed to alligators, and pretty much every other news story on Daily Stormer and Incogman and Narrative-Collapse and Don't Make The Black Kids Angry, and Red Ice Radio, and Lincoln Rockwell's newsletter and Dr. David Duke's work and every fascist news source and absolutely every single white nationalist news source in the history of ever.

If your views conform to those of Eli Mosley or Adolfus Hitler or Wagner or Thomas friggin' Jefferson, you aren't going to be OK with, for example, white people living off in Haiti in the good old 18th century.

And if you know anything about Mosley, or Candace Owens, for that matter, then you'd know that you can't get white people to fire a shot in anger without 12 to 16 weeks of "obey me now and kill 'em all" bootcamp, an officer's signed deployment orders, a paycheck and weapons and ammo provided.

And even then, he might just fire a warning shot and duck down nice and low until the fighting is over. Because come hell or high water, not every white guy necessarily does what you pay him to do. We've been rebellious like that for at least 6,000 years. Probably longer.

Mosely, by the way, was so non-violent, he politely ordered his men to stand down and go home during a lawful, peaceful protest at the first hint that the police wouldn't allow it, even over the protests of his own men.

He makes Candace Owens look like Chairman Mao.

That's why he's so threatening, isn't it? It's why Satan wants to discredit Mosley. Because given all these decades, that kind-hearted, warm, passionate Brit is picking up more steam than hot-headed noble wolf Adofus among the wide swath of eco-fascists, amirite?

Of course. Now your feelings of hatred have betrayed you again!

But how can you really believe I'd never punch right against even the most extreme members of our movement?

How can we ever trust Fair Use again? Well, I'm nothing if not consistent. Really.

You may have heard me mention, a time or two, that I'm a big fan of Jesus. Might have heard of him.

Jesus... little known fact... is more extreme than you, me, and ten planets full of commies. And Jesus doen't just want every last living soul to bow down and worship him with fear and to terrorize every wicked human being, he even wants to burn every unbeliever in a lake of burning sulfur.

You guessed it. He's my #1 homie. And a swell chap. Maybe even more hard-nosed that Mosely.

Tarrant, though? Well, he just ain't no Jesus. He ain't even Moses. Hell, the dude ranks somewhere about 50 levels below Cain, down in the dust with the snakes, in my own humble opinion. Why?

Fire. Firearms. What's the difference?

It's not just because the surname flags the coincidence detector with a bunch of echoes. It's not just because someone on /pol/ claimed his mom is one of the tribe. And not just because his actions are 100% congruent with the spawn of Satan.

Ok. Mostly because his actions are 100% congruent with the spawn of Satan.

Which means the "don't punch right" rule doesn't apply.

It doesn't apply to vipers, to infiltrators, frauds, counterfeits, homosexuals, the tribe, and stalinist infiltrators passing themselves off as one of us by falsely claiming to be an "eco-fascist" while repeatedly unleashing a hailstorm of lead into... let's face it... the very Philistines King David would have used to overthrow Saul when he wouldn't build the Wall.

Or... something. Left somebody alive who God wanted dead. Sinful, sinful Saul!

Now, if they're doing something useful, and haven't accepted Jesus quite yet, that's one thing. That's technically tolerable to doubt, to seek evidence, to have some questions on the whole Jesus Question.

After all, presumably Henry Kissenger was politically useful to Nixon for awhile. Maybe even essential. But you saw how that whole mess turned out.

Not good.

Not the kind of helicopter rides you want when you're el-presidente of the commie dropping party in the USA. Know what I mean? Hold up those two fingers and say it with Nixon.... "HELICOPTER RIDES."

Now there's a WN gang sign, OK?

Back to they crypto report already in progress...

I don't believe Tarrant is intending to play pretend that he's nice and sweet and useful while slipping poison pills in our morning coffee. He's no Kissenger.

I simply believe he's not one of us. How do you spot a vampire? Hates crosses, explodes when holy water touches him, no reflection, likes his stake medium rare, not through the heart.

I don't even believe he's a religious Protestant brother, nor a lapsed Catholic, nor an agnostic.

In fact, I don't even consider him to be racially white. Simply doesn't fit the racial profile.

I think Quentin Tarantino is probably more white than Mr. Brenton Tarrant, after examining the limited available evidence.

Doesn't take much. A headline will do ya.

A single data point. Sort of like when you've got a single piece of photographic evidence that Tarantino likes `em young, if you know what I mean. You don't have to match up the patterns of moles on his skin to identify him in the photo, like you do with Jennifer Lawrence's butt hole. It's most definitely him. Chin gives him away.

But if Tarrant is one of us, then I'm wrong.

And in that case, I will stand corrected. But even if he's as white as an Aryan catching air on a 1980s ski slope, for the sake of the movement, allow me to offer my stricted, sternest admonishment for his total incompetence in choosing the worst of all possible targets.

Secondarily, for totally mass-murdering all our best and most useful memes.

Thirdly, for (I believe) intentionally and deliberately and pre-meditatedly setting back a Ukraine-style merger between Christians and Muslims which was HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, if you happen to want to look into it, and for driving a highly predictable backlash leading to more despondency, white guilt and suicides, and a tendency towards even more inaction, despite his stated intentions.

He's done more damage to Muslim-Christian relations than Faith Goldy's skin-tight, Lewinsky-blue dress in that special report on Canadian refugees. Damn that tight dress.

Counting to ten. Ok. I'm good.

You might think Muslims are dogs. Caananite dogs, perhaps. I may have recently compared them to maggots, myself. Stephen Crowder might do some Bob Ross paintings of their favorite celebrity now and again.

But both dogs and maggots and Bob Ross paintings have something in common. They're all incredibly useful once you know how to make use of them!

But that's slightly outside the scope of this article.

Maggots or no maggots, if you want more action and more participation, non-violence does a better job. Even if you're the world's biggest fan of Roman Armies kicking mighty warlordin' ass all accross Europa with their monster-truck tire chariots with semiautomatic crossbows and trebuchet's and whatever else was shoehorned into the movie, Gladiator.

Like Romans? I'll give you Romans.

I'll explain and demonstrate how below. And you'd better requisition a friggin' box of Kleenex before we get there, soldier.

See, for all my fire and brimstone, you don't see me picking up a firearm. At the gun range? Ok. For self defense? Why not?

I like firearms. I like fire. I like brimstone. I like lakes of burning sulfur. I like Jesus and the coming of the Lord, marching in with all his saints. I like "When the Saints Come Marching In."

If you liked Jesus, you'd wait on the Lord instead of rushing in by yourself.

I know, I know. Yes, I did read Siege. I know there's room for some disagreement here and there. But let's address a few relevant points.

Because some of us really like Siege. And some of us like Jesus. And you can like both!

If you like Jesus, you have duties. Not just options.

One duty, for example. You've got to reveal the truth to those who listen. Some call this the Great Commission. It's our job. To follow the commandments, if we love Jesus. He's our brother. A sign that we're Christians is that we love our brother. Love has no greater sign that this. That we'd lay down our life for our brother.

And if telling the truth might get you killed, but it might save your brother, you'd gleefully lay down your life to share the truth.

To pick apart the obvious contraditions and show everyone (who will listen) what mistakes Tarrant's made so, at the very, very least, the next incompetent mass murderer might do a less incompetent job of mass murdering.

I mean, you gotta give me that much. Let me critique the egress, at least, even if nothing else.

For example, if I wanted a mass murderer to succeed at committing more mass murders, which a good egress will do for ya, I'd at least mention that the use of GPS is pretty risky.

You might let me say it's a bit of a rookie move. Wonder how he got caught so fast? Live streaming your exact location kinda has that drawback!

If you like dead Muslims, and you like MOAR dead Muslims, and you agree with absolutely NOTHING ELSE I say, then can I show you something that makes more Muslims more dead more soonerer?

Ok. Now get a pen and takes some notes, then.

Using ANY electronics like dash-mounted GPS, or even the high-tech computers in a fully modern car makes you so easily tracked it's ridiculous.

Let's say you're them coppers, see? And ya want's to get away with the heist, like. And they've got all them statellites and comfuser machine thingos. Yeah?

Well, when you hook up your cops on the confuserator machines to the statellite jobbers, then what do ya got?

An f-ed up egress that leaves hundreds... maybe THOUSANDS of Muslims waltzing around, twirling like dervishes, strolling on past all the dead white people on their cell phones without nobody doin' nothin' to them!

And for some of us, that might be considered a less desirable state of affairs!

In addition, your license plates are a dead give-away. Why? Because there are cameras everywhere. Not just on police cars.

Let's safely assume they already had plate-tracking 20 years ago, which I suspect they have, and also the ability to shut you down at the push of a button with your fancy-pants magic car computer, and congratulations! You're almost paranoid enough to play eco-fascist, Vice City.

Now, if you really want to be caught almost immediately, make sure you shoot holes in your windshield, too. Why?

Because nothing says amatuer assassin shill like hanging out a great big sign for all the cops that says, "Yeah. It's definitely that car with the obvious holes in the front windshield."

And that tells me he didn't really want to arrive at any more locations. He might break a sweat. And if there's one thing I know for sure about the chosen, they don't exactly go in for a whole lot of manual labor. It's not their favorite.

They're so uncoordinated, tiny little people can just knock them right over when they lightly brush past them.

Oops! Not very Fred Astaire of you, sir. Pardon me while I every so slightly flail within 20 feet of you. Mind if I pass by? You do? Then I guess I'll just not do that, and you can fall all over.

Oh, no! I fell all over the place like Milo Yiannopoulous at a gay black orgy! How embarrassing! My chemically bloated muscles didn't stop me from being a completely clueless, uncoordinated, awkward fraud!

When running away from fast-moving vehicles in a city, especially if my people very recently, wrote, starred in, and directed a Ryan Gosling movie about evading police in very clever, devious ways, I might have a few ideas about how I might accomplish this.

Now, for sure, I like a lively game of "tag, you're it" as much as the next mass murderering domestic terrorist white supremaciss Christian fundamentalist with an AR-57 and 72-round mag ejector port, (if that's even a thing) but even in the most extreme of all circumstances, even as a last, last, last resort, I'd still have to question the wisdom of painting my car with the biggest possible sign that says,


If I like gunning down dead Muslims, that is. If I like setting Mosques on fire with all the extra tiny gas cans, I mean.

What's even the point of stockpiling exactly the right amount of firearms to hit exactly two mosques if I'm not ever going to allow myself the possibility of setting things up to make it to the third or fourth location possible.

Maybe by using that famous white capacity for patience and long-term gratification by rolling down a window instead of blasting through my front windscreen?

The even bigger give-away? Well, it's as plain as the nose on your face.

It's pretty simple, guys.

He chose violence. Deadly violence. Assassination style violence. Going back twice to be sure types of violence.

Given all the many choices, when doing something becomes necessary, with panic and chaos and fire, when backed into a corner with no other options, when Iceland (I bin there, guys) no longer seems like an option despite it's famously lily-white demographics, or Vermont, or Montana, or 7,000 acres of nothing-but-bears Alaska, and even the empty, endless tracts of Himalayan freedom in the world's most populous brown country, it takes a startling lack of imagination to come up with violence in broad daylight.

And on a Friday? With the exact weapon shitlibs want banned?

Come on. I'm deduciting style points for lack of creativity and playing straight into the enemy's hands.

When you say you got the go-ahead from Breivik, did you mean Obama? Come on. Level with me. Was Hillary actually in the room? She was, wasn't she?

You see, white people are famously creative people. It's in our genes. Being children of the CREATOR and all.

Shitlibs are pale-colored, but can barely be classified as human. Pet cockroaches are markedly more human than liberals. I seen it. Don't make me get my magnifying glass. I'll do it.

We huwhites don't just go around and destroy stuff. We architect beautiful, elegant implosions. We're fine artists, even with destruction.

White people seal off the exits. They line things up in order. When something needs killed, there's precisely 100 million of them killed per year in the swine slaughterhouses, plus cattle and chickens and geese and everythinge else.

And we use a lightweight aluminum bolt gun to reduce wrist fatigue while we do it.

There has never, in the whole history of white people emergency room visits, been a white guy with a broken bone who wasn't aiming to achieve something great, beautifully designed, intended, architected, or at least worthwhile in the mighty and valiant effort that broke his bones or punctured his lungs.

Christopher Reeve is a great example, even though he was an actor. He made a bad recovery into a beautiful and inspiring masterpiece, to make his life meaningful and give kids hope, even after the worst happened.

He didn't blame the horse. He didn't give up hope, and he fought like hell to make sure that the next person with a spinal injury had a better chance than ever before in history.

So if you're white, gunnin down some of them dern varmint muzzies sure seems like it's the worst possible strategy in a world full of bad, lame strategies.

And what's more, he knows it! And how do I know he knows it? Because he says so himself. Really.

Does it get any better than a signed, sealed, and delivered confession?

He says we can handle violent terrorists, armed invaders. It's those pesky non-violent invaders that really threatens the system.

So... the Muslim immigrants, being non-violent, stand a better chance of changing the political system?

And you choose... which one was it again? Oh, yeah. The exact OPPOSITE of the thing that you know for a fact, and outight admit would successfully change the political system in your favor.

Which leads me to... gasp!! DOUBT your motives, slightly.

Say it ain't so. You know peaceful methods threaten the status quo?

If you're right, then I might even want to consider a less violent approach. Should I maybe start by setting 39 brown people on fire, and split test it to see what the CNN will say on the TV instead of 49 or 50?

But Tarrant doesn't split test. He doesn't use a petition. Doesn't use a YouTube channel or hate speech. I mean... no n-bombs. Nothing like that. He kinda talks like a... like a... leftist!

And like a leftist, he uses violence. And like a commie, he preaches violence, even when he hypocritically knows and says peace is the real threat to the status quo.

Hmm. Violence won't work, he says, but uses violence, which doesnt' work?

And preaches that violence doesn't work, but you should be violent. Tells everyone else to start getting violent, when violence is easy for the system to deal with.


It's almost like he's doing one thing, but saying another. How... progressive?

Shutting down the lights at the snark factory for a bit, let's examine this question through the "lense" of a historical perspective. Let's check our assumptions using the logical process of looking at cold, hard reality.

If you knew NOTHING about the world, except that there's Christians and commies and they hate each other. Let's ask a kindergartener or a college freshman and see which one can give us a straight, yes or no answer... Pick A or B... Black or white, gay or straight, man or woman... yes or no...

Which one works? Peace or violence.

I'll give you 30 seconds to decide. Write down your answers. Now your wagers.

Peace or violence?

Which one did Jesus do? Non-violence.

Wow. He used non-violence. Amazing. Well, that didn't work, did it? Oh, it DID WORK? Wow. Great.

So, there are billions and billions and billions and billions of Christians in dozens of Christian governments that rocket people off to the moon and make Mach 5 super-planes, right?

Ok. That's peace.

How about Communism? Does communism use peace or violence? It kills 100 million people for fun? Ok. Did Communism sent rockets to the big old moon?


Did Christianity succeed in repelling Muslims?


Who does he SAY he wants to repel?

That's right, kids. The dirty Arab Muslim invader immigrants who are illegally hurting the West.

What's his recipe for success? The EXACT OPPOSITE of Christianity and the EXACT OPPOSITE of what works and the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he JUST SAID is impossible to fight.

In other words, he has a sure-fire strategy that works like a champ, and he chooses to be a violent friggin' commie.

So to sum up, let's make a little checklist, shall we? Let's insist on papers, please, and make ourselves a paper trail and record the point-by-point infractions, here so that we can judiciously and logically and truthfully apply every jot and tittle of the beautiful, perfect, and sensible laws of logical reasoning in a fair and impartial and factual manner, shall we?

His approach included, but was not limited to...

- Violence

- Vengeance

- Murder

- Mass murder

- Cold, callous, psychopathic mass murder to a homosexual soundtrack

- Deception (Not naming the JQ is a deception of omission, guys. ROOKIES!)

- Tripping and falling like he's actually Woody friggin' Allen

- Panicking and shooting out his own front window, insuring he'd be caught before he could get very far.

- Using a GPS so he doesn't get lost, even though it will fire off a beacon into space letting the cops know exactly where he is, so that fewer brown invaders will be dealt with

- Painting a Sonnerad on his body armor in case anyone with an 80 IQ doesn't know who he intends to frame-up for this caper

- Using the exact weapon the shitlibs want banned in every country but Somalia

Feel free to add any other commie stuff I might have missed to YOUR list as you do the white thing and tally up the infractions to the statutes, here, as our law-abiding, law-loving people are known to do and teach to every nation on the planet.

Now let's do a for-instance, to check our mental "math." Let's add another randomly-selected data point to our mental model, and see if it fits.

What if Jesus had showed up and mass murdered people, and said, "Hey guys. Mass murder your enemies, yo", and said, "A country full of people who don't believe in the Son of God aren't a problem for white people, as long as they don't subvert white peoples' countries, and stay their own country", then Tarrant would certainly be in perfect agreement with Jesus. He could easily call himself a Christian. No problem.

If Jesus was all, "You know how sky daddy said THOU SHALT MASS MURDER WITH FIREARMS?" then Tarrant would be a Protestant... maybe a Catholic. But definitely a Christian.

Here's the sticky thing. Jesus didn't say it was cool to murder if you feel like it. He didn't say you should probably kill if you don't like what's on the TV news. He didn't say you might want to murder as long as it's technically considered legal by some unknown loophole.

But even though I haven't checked my gospel this morning, I don't think my translation is going to say "Render unto Caesar some mass murders if there's invaders, bro."

For all I know, it might even say the opposite. It might be of the opinion that sinners will be turned over to an army of savage barbarians, and that that's the consequences of sin. Good thing God made all those barbarians, sinners, wolves, sharks, and alligators to eat up all the surplus of complete idiots.

God calls them fools. And to the extent which is practicable, they're to be avoided.

If early Christians had instead followed Tarrant's advice instead of Jesus and his "Let's not piss off these scary friggin Roman legions" type of live-and-let-live advice, then maybe there would be a splatter of bashed-to-death Christians all over the scriptures, and absolutely no Christendom for Muslims barbarians to invade.

I know. Weird idea, to pay your taxes, debts, settle up your lawsuits instead of being thrown into a cell with Tyrone, but it is what it is.

And it helps daddy come home at night after a long day's work to throw Ms. Christian a big old bone to multiply that family into lots more little Christians.

Smashed to death by Roman legions or dicking the missus nightly? It's a pretty tough call.

Is there like a landing strip down there or...

I'm pretty sure the early Christians had an abacus or something to figure out the cost-benefit ratio.

And if I was an early Christian, I'd rather get f-ed by my wife than smashed by a Roman soldier.

That's just me. Thinking with my wedding tackle. The little head makes ALL the decisions.

Such a race traitor. But he only knows how to do one job. Making lots of little Christians. And he can't do that after dying in prison with Tyrone taking revenge on the white supremaciss Nazi Christian.

For some reason, the Christians were not well-regarded in those days. They liked to pin them to crosses and stuff. Almost like what they do to the Nazis and Trump voters and Nazis today.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. It's as if the early Christians were white guys.

Maybe not. Maybe they were Trump voters or something. Who knows?

But if you choose guerilla warfare, violence, smashing and burning and shooting with all these organized professional soldiers taking orders from the most successful conquerer in the world this week, then I'm pretty sure... yes? No. Yes.

Then I think maybe you'd have yourself a very small, very dead, quickly wiped-out Christian movement.

Especially if Jesus would be like, "Hey. Shoot the Roman legions in the leg!"

Um. No.

Taking Rome by force, (i.e. a coup de tat) requires that the military is actually on your side. Caesar knows whassup, amirite?

Saying, "Yo, Romans, if we have to shoot you with our bows and arrows, it's cool, bruh. Our disciples' policy is just to wound you a little. Don't worry. It will heal up quickly. We're swell guys, though. It's for the greater good."

And THEN you tell those same Roman guards, who are quickly turning red in the face and fuming mad, "Hey, one other thing, dude... If you're buds with a little brown Muzzie who's basically had your back since day one, we'll prolly have to take him out. But only 'cause he's the wrong race. You understand, right? Peace, dog."

Then you slightly run the risk of offending said Roman legionaire. It would be a "let slip the dogs of war" situation, man.

You could try some equally stupid policies. You could offer to strangle his puppies, too, if you were so inclined, but admittedly, not giving you legal advice or nothing, but I think it would be inadvisable.

I mean, do you even KNOW any Roman soldiers, dude? They're like "Two in the chest. One in the head. Gotta make sure. If you're under a chariot, you can get your crossbow and sword and cut the Achilles and take him out."

Have you read ANY Roman soldiers' books about how powerfully they love one another, and hold their tongue for a lifetime so as not to DISHONOR a brother in arms?

The big, tough, elite special forces Roman soldier was all, "Then after silently slitting the throat of the 107th heathen, I held Barnabus in my arms, promising I'd send his wife news of his heroism. Then we built a city for Barnabus. Even though he was a lowly shitskin. He proved himself a true soldier. And an honorary Roman."

But I kinda doubt you have the first clue about that kind of situation because you're a murdering lying sack of shit commie psycho.

Jesus, on the other hand, laid down his life, rather than harm a Roman soldier who was there to haul him off to his death.

And he healed that Roman soldier. Jesus told his own, personal armed guards, in front of God and everyone, the truth.

If you live by the sword, you'll die by the sword.

And that the greatest act of love is to lay down his life for his brother. Yadda yadda. Something like that. You know the story.

If a cop, even a black, Muslim cop screaming "Allah Ackbar" decides to shoot me, for any reason, then on behalf of all whites, I would rather die than accidentally scratch his wrist when he's snapping on the handcuffs to behead me.

Why? Because the next man he arrests or detains or is my brother. And if my spittle from being backhanded in politely objecting to or questioning his order should somehow accidentally land on his freshly polished shoe, then after killing me where I stand he'll seek out a white guy to torture to death to take his revenge.

Or something like that.

And because that officer of the law is serving the government God Himself installed for His glory, and because it's my fault for placing myself in his way, the responsiblity for that evil would be mine.

Laying down your life for your brother also happens to be what soldiers do. And I happen to agree with Jesus that it's the ultimate act of love.

In addition to being true, happens to be at least a somewhat flattering to say in the presence of a professional soldier risking his life to keep law and order among the lowly, stinking rabble and selfish, rich elites and might, as a secondary consideration, plant a tiny seed of emotional loyalty to guys who are as swell and honorable as Jesus.

But it's not like the World War II ranks were full of Bibles being personally handed to each man by the general, thousands of years later. Oh. Wait. The were? That's something busy generals took time out of their day to personally do? Well, I'll be God f-ing damned if they did. If only there was SOME WAY TO GOOGLE IT!

Well, Christians are well known for stretching the truth when it comes to swimming kangaroos on super-yachts, so is there a historical example of a soldier changing his tune? There is?

Sure is. It worked on no less than St. Paul, who inexplicably stopped slaughtering Christians all of a sudden. Imagine that!

You'd think he was Patton or George Lincoln Rockwell with how well that Christianity stuff worked on old St. Paul. Seems like he kind of made it his MISSION IN LIFE to make sure every living soul on the planet knew about it.

Which, in less than 40 years, they all did. The whole known world, all the way to Asia. Imagine that. Man. Leave it to a busy soldier, and watch that job get done!

But you know, that's like a whole other empire, and it was a long time ago, and none of that stuff works on us today.

We've got Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus to jack off to on our smartphones.

So in light of LED technology, I must digress, since a fool despises wisdom and all.

Nowadays, it's become something of a hard-and-fast rule. If it happened 5 minutes ago, it doesn't hold any relevance anymore.

But who made that rule? And does it serve us in situations where there's a 100% chance of Hitler being falsely blamed for the Katyn massacres, thousands of years of years later. Kind of like Jesus was accused of having a demon when, in fact, he was casting out demons.

It's like this world full of false flags, crisis actors, declassified documentation of Operation Northwoods, and people more than willing to carry out attacks on the USS Liberty is every bit as deceptive, treachorous, and screwed up as the time of Jesus, and the prophets, King David, Moses, Noah, and Adam.

It's as if the passing of thousands of years between each of them didn't change the nature of the world, the cause-and-effect relationships, the nature of the people who hate us because they've ALWAYS hated us, and the final flood... I mean fire... I mean answer to this eternal question.

Whatever are we gonna do with all these commie sodomites? I dunno. I guess we'll re-invent the wheel like always, cross our fingers, and hope for the best.

You see, when dealing with the "undisputed master of the lie", as they're sometimes called by atheists, and "the Father of lies" by believers, one has to recognize the artistry and craftsmanship of the high art of deception honed over millenia.

Their tactic is simple, but effective. They tell you a whole bunch of bullshit that leads you to believe the opposite of the truth.

And then you, being inherently noble, law-loving, trusting, and honest, naturally assume they couldn't do anything but tell you the truth.

On and on exactly the same way for about 55,000 years, they day they first laid eyes on a bunch of suckers to leach off of.

If you've ever seen a professional pick-pocket or illusionist at work, then you've experienced the astonishing power of the simple tricks of directing someone's focus, misdirection, distraction, and witnessed a man losing his watch, tie, phone, wallet, and more.

A man can be robbed blind without a clue that it's happening.

An empire can be robbed bline without a clue that it's happening.

This is the large effect of simple tricks, repeated every day for 55,000 years. The trick is simple, but in the hands of a professional practicioner, the trick loots the coffers of nations day after day, nation after nation, empire after empire.

One trick is telling you a lie.

Another trick, almost as simple, is telling you a lie of omission. A fact which cannot be disputed, but that misleads by leaving out vital pieces of information.

If your livelihood depends on a man not knowing the nature of a situation, then you won't necessariliy tell all you know.

Infiltration is a very well-known but simple tactic. You act nice and friendly and helpful so you're welcome into an organization.  Then you sabotage things right under everyone's nose.

There's always a perfectly reasonable explanation, of course.

"Oh, no. I thought you needed me to put those vitally important, signed, sealed government documents in the shredder. I promise I'll make it up to you. Please. My family. My kids. I'll make it right. Just give me a second chance. You won't regret it."

Lenin knew he'd be opposed. That's why he preferred to lead the opposition himself.

Today, controlled opposiiton is such a well-known fact of life, that we're incredibly vigilant and always on the lookout for it.

But in our desperation, we also hope that somehow, a pro-active leader will finally appear and "do something". A bold man of genius who will somehow emerge from among our brothers. A deliverer. Like Moses. Even Hitler.

But we're also conditioned to be blind to our real savior, even when he's right in front of us.

Those who don't believe are blinded by the devil, scripture tells us.

Due to our desperation and wishful thinking, we see what we want to see, and ignore or overlook or forgive the rest.

We want a conquering hero. Like in the movies. An avenger to conquer by force. Grenades and tanks and planes and other modern chariots.

Instead, our real hero conquered all of Rome and continues to conquer the world forever with love.

His reign increases every day.

He gives life to those who see through the lies. To those who expose the lies. To those nations and tribes and groups who can pick apart the many contradictions, and see the truth shining through.

That our enemy is a liar. A deceiver. The master of deception.

And tells us that our enemy is a murderer. A well-practiced murderer. A cavalier murderer. And has been since the beginning.

One who hardly feels a thing when murdering 50 people, tripping over the bodies, and, as an experienced murderer does, double-checking that they're dead.

Almost by instinct. As if guided by thousands and thousands of years of murderous, evil instinct.

Murdering so many. The women and children. Murdering them quickly, efficiently, effectively. Justifying it. Planning the kind of mass murder you kids can do at home!

Using the kind of tool that easily murders the most people in the shortest possible time.

The kind that cuts down all those filthy meatsack invading goyim.

Somehow knowing when and where people will be unarmed, unable to respond. And, of course, wearing body armor just in case.

Showing ya how it's done, importing lots o'targets for ya to gun down for Satan. All over the Western world.

Moses may have done some of the same things. But Moses would have raised an army, and wouldn't have spared any in the city. They would all burn. All those commie homosexuals.

Acting alone proves he's not like Moses. Not at all.

He doesn't have the competence of Moses. The warmth. The inner conflict. The moral qualms. The shame. The regret.

Read what Moses said, back to back with Tarrant, and you'll recognize white of the two is from YOUR BLOODLINE. You will see your brother Moses back-to-back with the alien murderer who wants his people lured into sin and depravity and destruction.

Tarrant doesn't even attempt to speak on any of the authority of Moses. Throwing away all that precious authority is the sign of a rank amateur, a godless commie homosexual, or someone who, from the beginning, has always and forever utterly hated God from the very beginning.

God has given us his power and authority. An ungodly fool tosses it aside like a bit of useless trash.

Even the lowest of the barbarian terrorist clerics make frequent use of god's law to suit his aims. Even a pedophile seeks to twist the word to corner a helpless child.

So why wouldn't THIS terrorist try to exploit the easily available scripture? Why invent all new, strange, alien arguments from some demonic realm where torture and cruelty is justified by bullies, slave-keepers, abusers and tormenters?

There's only one possibility: Because he hates God. Because the word is no help to him in a world where even one man still knows and loves the word of God.

When Jesus knew the meaning of the word, and all else but Jesus seemed astonished by his teachings, the wealthy, powerful, and deceitful synagogue of Satan couldn't defeat him, couldn't destroy him, and couldn't stop him nor discredit him.

What is a liar, a deceiver who hates God?

What kind of man says he's not sure if he's a Christian, but he'll let you know when he finds out?

Let your yes be yes. And your no be no. ALL ELSE COMES FROM THE EVIL ONE.

What kind of man sets an appointment to meet us "in Valhalla"?

What kind of man says "Europa Rises" in the next moment systematically discredits our most useful and non-threatening memes such as NPC,  beloved PewDiePie, deliberately vilifies the exact weapons we'd need to gun down a horde of homosexual commies and their black panther invasions?

A man who glorifies and glamorizes the acceptance of death in his cult of destructive self-sacrifice, while he himself seeks life instead?

You see, Jesus didn't jsut die on the cross. He came back, too.

So that in the conquest of death itself, he proved to us death is 1) temporary and 2) not natural 3) not intended of the children of God who believe Jesus is the Messiah.

Accepting death? No. Death simply isn't Christian. We deny it. Through belief, we overcome it. Mourning death isn't Christian. Celebrating death isn't Christian. Worshiping death isn't Christian.

What is Christian is joining forces with the Lord our God, awaiting his return so that we may awaken with him, to join him in flinging the wicked, the cowards and all liars in the the eternal fire.

Therefore there's no need to make other plans or murder anyone. When he comes back, we'll join him. For the wicked, for the devil, his children and their servants, there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. For believers, there will be the kingdom of heaven. The meek will inherit the earth. The tares will be uprooted at the end of the age.

There's a punishment for murder in the Bible. The wages of sin is death.

Does that mean that we should go around paying everyone death for their sins? Nope. Maybe you've heard of the forgiveness of sin? It's a bit of a running theme from beginning to end.

Then what's all the fire and brimstone about?

Well, guys. It's like this. It's not good to sin. By no means should you sin. If you love Jesus, obey his commandments.

One of those sins, going all the way back, is failing to set cities of Sodomites on fire.  

But Israel routinely obeyed God, and suffered as a result.

When they obeyed God, they gathered up the tribes, being sure to send the cowards home, and killed off all the Midianites, taking none of their plunder. Anyone who stole the cursed silver or gold was put to death on the spot.

These summary executions were conducted in public, in front of witnesses, with all in agreement. And all the people said "Amen", which basically means "I agree."

If killing is wrong, what about the Navy SEALs and other special forces? Aren't they baby-killers and murderers?

Nope. God puts the government in charge. Special forces may operate in a small unit, but they're still acting on orders of an authority installed by God.

But what if Breivik himself gives me permission? No dice.

Time for a short story. Once upon a time, Germany was badly mismanaged.

People were starving. Sexual perversion was rampant. Some sinners had passed the point of no return. Many Germans had chosen sexual immorality, of their own free will. Some for money. Some made other excuses.

There were sex changes and cross dressing. Corrupt politians looted the country, stabbed the German army in the back, and you know the rest.

A dashing young orator, maybe the best public speaker who ever lived, capitalized on an opportunity to wage war against... well... capitalism. And democracy. And communism.

And he did a great job. He offered Germans a better deal. Which they desperately wanted. He encouraged generosity, self-sacrifice and other virtues.

He believed in the German people. As he should. And preached from his heart. And he saved Germany.

Well, 3 out of 5 or them anyway. Which is probably better than they would have had otherwise.

Better to fight than cower.

And Germany achieved a far greater spiritual victory. An eternal victory which can never be taken from them.

Hitler made some mistakes, though. For example, there was the Beerhall Putsch. And that was the day of an attempted military coup which failed. It failed because he was jumping the gun, so to speak. He was impatient for power. With good reason, but it simply wasn't his time yet.

God had other plans.

But after his imprisonment, releasing a book, the failure gave him something he otherwise wouldn't have had. With his book and the spread of propaganda, he gained far greater support than he could have otherwise had.

He didn't write his book prior to a solo massacre, because that's not what great leaders do.

He didn't give up on the political process, even in Germany's darkest hour. Especially because, in Germany's darkest hour, in the failure of Democracy was his greatest opportunity. The dawning of a great awakening.

In other words, the devil screwed up and mis-managed things so badly, he almost lost control of Europe, and therefore the world.

By a gnat's hair, because of his unbridled greed and haste, his lust to conquer and destroy all the Germans in one fell swoop, the prince of darkness almost lost his grip on planet earth entirely!

And due to his naked vengeance and cruelty after D-Day, the devil even lost General Patton, and presumably many others who had no stomach for senseless murder of the finest race in Europe.

Satan still managed to kill 20 million Germans out of 50. But there is no force on earth that could defeat those 30 million, protected by God's army of angels and their swords of fire.

Even the nuclear-powered American military failed to defeat the tiniest, weakest German babies in their cribs, because the Lord Almighty fought mightily on their behalf.

How is it that these weak, helpless, utterly defenseless Germans survived by the tens of millions, when the full force of trillions of dollars of propaganda was aimed at destroying them? When Satanic soldiers were drooling with lust to rape them all to death from every side?

Because God cannot be defeated. Because His law is eternal. Because God is Almighty. And because He has kept his promise to Abraham, and multiplied Abraham's children, making them as numerous as the stars even though they were the fewest of people, and slaves in the land of Egypt.

A humble, but disobedient, forgetful people who became a company of nations, as prophecied. Who've forgotten who they are, as prophecied. A people who have God's laws written on their hearts.

There will be wars and rumors of wars. These things must happen.

But don't expect the children of God, and especially the elect, to be fooled by a Christ-denier and a murderer like Tarrant trying to deceive us.

The devil has overplayed his hand and mismanaged things once again. It will backfire on him.

And the loss of these few is intended for good. Because it will save the lives of many.

Thank God.

May the many Muslims, Arabs and otherwise, and all who doubt Jesus, come to our Lord and savior by the billion, and turn their back on the devil's tricks forever, and be saved, and be given God's awesome and eternal protection, and all His beautiful blessings.

For those who want to know what else gave Tarrant away, my other reasons were listed elsewhere, on an account they quickly shut down.

I don't ask you to agree with my conclusions, but to carefully consider actually listening to what your own brain tells you, in light of the facts at hand.

God gave you those brains for a reason. There's no harm in putting it to good use.

Our movement is now divided.

People who are pro-Muslim or anti-shooting will be on one side. And people who are anti-shooting or anti-Muslim on another.

The fracturing of our movement is their goal. And that's why I believe that if Tarrant hadn't existed, they would have had to create him.

One way or another, they succeeded in doing so. And I happen to believe, based on what he's said, that he's a communist anti-Christ deceiver, and one of the children of the devil.

From my point of view, it fits the facts. What you believe is up to you.


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