Effective Non-Violence

If a mob of commies barged in right now, guns blazing, would you know what to do? Would you be prepared, right now, this instant?

Have you given a speech to your neighbors that begins with those words, or words like them?

If you haven't loved your neighbors, and therefore haven't prepared them for the routine violent incursions, then what good are you?

Would the cops stop you? Then why haven't you given a speech to those cops? Oh, that's right. They won't let you.

So how come you don't reach them while they're young? Oh, that's right. They won't let you.

So how come you don't find a way? Make a way? Teach your church leaders to create civic organizations to pro-actively organize and inform each and every neighbor about the possiblity of a communist invasion of your city where the cops defend the communist invaders instead of their community?

Does this take violence? No. It takes non-violence.

A strategy Jesus took to the extreme, in my opinion. But it's because of our sins and our lack of repentence that his sacrifice for all mankind was necessary.

And his resurrection. Let's not forget that part. Fear no evil.

Things that are non-violent, but contribute to the cause:

- Recruiting more disciples and soldiers into the Army of the Apocalypse. Non-violent, right?

- Participating in fund-raising to broadcast the truth about our enemy. That's non-violent.

- Many people expose the evil. Few distribute the expose to their neighbor's doorstep, making an effort to make copies available, so that people start to wonder why the left is freaking out about harmless pieces of paper containing hate facts.

This is unpaid work. Thankless work. And gives very little ego-gratification. Everyone wants to write an essay, but nobody wants to airdrop 100,000 copies of it out of an airplane.

Which would also be non-violent.

- Clarifying the Rules of Engagement for the soldiers in the Army of the Apocalypse who will march with Christ Jesus when he returns. Non-violent.

George Washington had rules of engagement for his soldiers. We don't seem to be teaching these things in schools anymore. If you want a future, you've got to pay for it.

Your free public school education is worth every penny you didn't pay to get one. Our piss-poor education system is why it now costs $3,500 to get a penicillin shot at the emergency room (if you're a legal citizen) and $10,000 per year, per student of government K-12 dildo indoctrination for the goddess-slave-making communist regime of brainwashed wimpy pansies who cannot begin to fathom that the price of life is to be willing to run a filthy commie through with the tip of your bayonet with about zero seconds advance warning, or whenever they choose to ambush you.

- Acquisition of broadcast media to rapidly inform the masses that the "Jews" aren't Jews, and that their propaganda is always anti-white because they're always anti-God and therefore always opposed to the white children of God. Non-violent.

- Organization of infiltration-resistant civic groups centered on rapid relocation, distribution of arms, food, clothing and supplies, establishing supplies and support networks, facilitating intelligence gathering and distribution, heirarchical and geographic leadership structures with decentralized command. Non-violent, right?

- There is "no political solution". But that doesn't stop us from putting forth candidates for sherriff and other local offices, holding local meetings. Not very violent.

- Spying on the enemy and exposing them. Very non-violent.

- Identifying the actual shills, Feds, and infiltrators isn't violent.

- Doxing the opposition isn't directly violent.

- Storing up flammables isn't necessarily violent. Lamp oil, for example, exactly like the scripture says, both metaphorically and literally. Not violent.

- Preparing your vehicles for various kinds of EMP attacks is non-violent.

- Helping others find jobs, helping their businesses prosper, helping them raise white Christian children who respect natural masculinity and femininity is non-violent.

- Establishing safer schools and neighborhoods isn't necessarily violent.

- Organizing efforts to refuse federal funds (and the communist strings attached) is non-violent.

- Disseminating information about where to learn the truth is non-violent. (Writing independent, 3rd party book reviews and/or distributing the best book reviews others have written by email, social media, and offline media is non-violent.)

- Attending book clubs is non-violent.

- Teaching the law is non-violent. Exposing the specific instances of scriptural hypocrisy is non-violent. As far as I know,

- Teaching others what you know about how to raise capital to acquire a great big media empire like William Randolph Hearst or Zionist Rupert Murdoch is, in theory, non-violent.

- Teaching "white supremacist Nazis" (conservatives) how to concealed carry for self-defense is non-violent.

- Funding scientific and statistical research into racial realities has been done, but has not been widely publicized. To publicize it is non-violent. This will never be accomplished by anyone who makes excuses, of course.

- Teaching "WS NS" how to concealed carry at local rallies where they can speak in public to their neighbors is, in theory, non-violent.

There are those who keep saying there is no political solution. These people are making a hell of a lot of excuses for doing absolutely nothing about the online censorship. These are armchair WNs

And these people, too, should be identified and exposed, because excuses contribute nothing to the movement. This is non-violent.

- In my opinion, people who counter-signal the organization of a worldwide apocalyptic army to join Christ Jesus in throwing fire on the earth should be identified, shamed, and exposed for the cowards they are, shunned and ejected from the movement. Non-violently.

I already have a list of such people to identify. They are not our friends. They are not Christians. They work against us. Not for us.

Don't expect me to attend any more of their useless social functions. More than enough time has already been wasted.

Failure to fund, to finance, to capitalize, to grow, to seek and ask for funds is the result of communist brainwashing. Money is only useful for the extermination of evil.

It's time to stop failing to act and time to start succeeding.

And also to have faith that our brothers have joined in the battle, that the end of the wicked, seen by King David, is coming. They themselves are making their destruction inevitable.

There are tens of thousands of ways you can be useful to the Christian movement, which, in the end, is a white movement, a nationalist movement, and an "anti-semitic" WN/WS/NS and "racist" movement. (See the story of the "Caananite dog".)

And if you don't know all this already, then it's high time you did the single most important thing you can do for the movement.

Educate yourself. Our movement certainly doesn't need any more know-nothing idiots polluting the world with their noob-headed idiocy, fighting, in the end, for globohomo by worshiping all the wrong stuff.

As the self-improvement speaker Jim Rohn once pointed out, the Bible means MORE than it says. You won't get the truth from any preacher on earth. Not now. Not ever. Knowledge of God's will comes from your study of the scripture alone. All your heart, all your soul, all your mind.

Nothing does more for personal development than having some kind of idea what the hell is going on.

If you meditate on the scripture as directed, you'll achieve this and much more. An hour a day of reading/audiobible will get you up to speed very, very quickly.

You will be SHOCKED, even if you listen to everything I've ever publicly said about the Bible, and every quote I've ever given.

This world is turned upside down. If every page of the truth doesn't shock the hell out of you, then you just ain't paying attention.

And paying attention is non-violent.

Raising white children is non-violent.

Learning to take responsibility to know how to hold your marriage together is non-violent.

Moving your spouse away from the city and suburban life, television, magazines, radios, and other sources of commie brainwashing could save your marriage and therefore your children. Non-violently.

And, in my own humble opinion, which pretty much matters more than everyone else's, at this point, you're going to be useless to yourself and everyone else until you do.

So go read your Bible, God dammit.


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