The American Crisis of Moral Illiteracy
Total illiteracy would be a crisis.
Financial illiteracy is a crisis.
Moral illiteracy is an even greater crisis.
Welcome to America's moral crisis. Even Asian karate shows can't fix it. Fake Okinawan Hollywood wisdom can't fix it by installing and hard-wiring the libertarian "Non-Aggression Principle" into your mind with Karate Kid movies.
Let's see if you agree with this slogan:
Strike First. Strike Hard. Show no mercy.
Agree or disagree? How about this.
One leader! One volk! One reich!
Do you see what's being mocked? These slogans work through their simplicity. Why should you care? Simple...
Elite special forces are able to cover/move, prioritize and implement, and decentralize command with simple, easy-to-remember rules and slogans.
Every man is a leader when he remembers the simple decision tree.
When under fire you cover/move, priortize and execute, decentralize command.
Keep it simple. One decision tree for every situation.
Stated otherwise, keep moving forward safely, execute your highest priorities and delegate.
As General Hackworth said, "There are no bad teams. only bad leaders." The Cobra Kai show said something similar, without giving credit to the white guy who said it.
The force is only used for knowledge and defense. Never to attack. - Yoda
Rule Number One: Karate is only for defense. - Miagi
Fly, you fools. - Gandalf
At no point are these Hollywood sages telling you to slay the dragon. Why not?
Jesus tells you to slay the dragon, so to speak. And shows you how to wither its power. How to wither the fig tree. To curse the fig tree.
SCARS trainer Jerry Peterson calls this the "offensive mindset" or the "first strike mentality".
Daniel Larusso says, "You know I'm not going to strike first."
In a domestic violence situation, are the cops going to care who hit who first? I doubt it. With the slippery slope of the ever-expanding definition of domestic violence, my criticism of Mr. Miagi's philosophy will probably soon be considered a "pattern of abuse" and therefore an early red flag that there's a danger of domestic violence.
And red flags are bad.
That and being associated with the card carrying neo-fascists drop-kicking puppies into mass graves, just like all those vile, dog-hating German Fuhrers.
And if you fall for that one, you'll fall for anything.
If you think about it, is there something wrong with having one leader, one people, in one nation?
There must not be, if they don't even want to debate the points. They have pre-judged us as wrong. And that's prejudice. Prejudice is wrong.
They have judged the far-right extremists. "Judge not, lest ye be judged by the same measure by which ye judge others."
You shouldn't pre-judge.
And you shouldn't post-judge. You shouldn't judge at all.
Take the plank out of your own eye first, that ye may see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
The leftists hate, judge, and fear Christians who know the sex crimes of the demonic left. And God knows their crimes.
That's the reason why they want to sit on their moral high horse, attack us with labels and judgment. Why?
Simple. Because they're ignorant, closed-minded people who label us, accusing us of everything they're guilty of.
That's right. Because they're projecting. They're hypocrites. Again...
Judge not, lest ye be judged by the same measure.
To have a nation protected by a stron leader wasn't something Germans considered wrong in the 1930s.
You might think the leaders lied to the German people, picking out a convenient scapegoat. A helpless people who have a natural aptitude for business.
(Not that religion or race affects your aptitudes, mind you. Don't learn THAT lesson, goyim.)
Was it the Germans who won the war, by the way? Or their opponents? Maybe this will tell you who was strong and who was not. Was it the liars or those who told the truth about these liars?
If it's possible to pick out an ethnic group to blame, it's easier to pick the gypsies. Anyone will get away with complaining about them. They have no public relations department, don't have thousands of pro-Romani organiations and hundreds of media conglomerates around the world.
If times are tough, why not ethnically cleanse the gypsies? Who would care? If we blamed them, we could rise to power, couldn't we?
To accept the official version of events, I shoulc be able to simply pick out any ethnic group, lie about them and rise to power. This is the crux of the argument, isn't it?
Of course, it's possible. In fact, that's what Jews were accused of doing.
And maybe they were doing it. I don't really know. I only know they're doing it to us now. Blaming Americans instead of Germans. Blaming Russians to help their political parties rise to power.
What if I say never again? No more Germans. No more Russians. Enough is enough. Would there be sympathy? Would there be hollywood movies?
No. There has been no shortage of movies mentionnig the Holocaust, but very few mention the Ukranian Holocaust of white Ukranians, ethnically white people in Russia in a conscious and deliberate genocide. Were those Jews or Christians, I wonder. Couldn't have been Christians.
Only Jews ever suffer, to hear Hollywood tell the tale. And remarkably, for no reason.
Hmm. Seems like after 500 years of persecution in Europe, you might take a little of that famously libertarian PERSONAL responsibility, instead of shifting the blame to others.
But the same people who preach that YOU should take personal responsibility never take any personal responsibility for being the victims of the Holocaust? Seems counter productive. I thought they didn't want it to happen again.
Here's a piece of general advice:
If you're not willing to change, then the same things are going to keep happening to you.
See, that advice doesn't just apply to individuals, but also to groups.
But when you label me a genocidal maniac, that's projection, and projection isn't healthy. And neither is labeling and blaming others.
If it's wrong to lie, why doesn't anyone consider it wrong when they lie about the far-right? It's wrong to pour out lies.
But what's worse than being a liar, these days, is being an alt-right or far-right conservative, when your moral compass points you toward hell.
The Label...
Invalidates all arguments before there is one. The label alone justifies violence. As if I'd said, "There goes a Jew." What other justification for violence is necessary? Being labeled a Nazi is all the justification the left needs.
To a leftist, wrongthink is violence. It's their reason to strike first, strike hard, and show no mercy.
This is the other subconsciously-taught lesson from the show. If the white, Christian Americans strike first, strike hard, and show no mercy, then why can't the left do the same? All Christians and Americans are a bunch of far-right extremist, facist bullies, right?
Then any force against them is justified, the left believes. Even if the attacks are imaginary and invented by a Hollywood screenwriter.
If Americans might be wondering why they don't have a leader securing their borders for their people, the reason why is simple.
It's not because they're "pretty good people." It's because they believe the children of the devil, now working on screenplays in Hollywood, instead of believing Jesus.
They want you to believe you should train hard, fight against evil, and defend yourself. (Except when it's not politically convenient.)
They don't, for example, make movies about the heroic Court Kid who sued a screenwriters' organization for serial defamation.
We don't attack because we believe it's morally wrong to initiate aggressive action. We're never the plaintiff in a civil trial.
That would seem pro-active. That's like an attack, even when you're the injured party.
Because Americans sit back and wait for life to happen to them, they don't have a leader, nor would they recognize one who showed up, because leaders aren't allowed to talk.
If the real leaders start to talk, and people hear them, then someone might listen. If they listen, someone might launch or seek out some effective, pro-active form of attack.
What's wrong with one leader securing one nation for one people?
What's wrong with "One leader. One people. One reich."?
Do you see what's being mocked by Cobra Kai?
Morality is mocked. For sensitive people, public pressure, morality goes out the window. Ruthless leftist idiots with emotional problems learn to hate and attack the evil white Nazi aggressor!
The slogan is simple, easily repeated, and easy to understand. Explain it once, remember it forever.
So let's explain the slogan.
Something the show never does.
Strike first: Don't be a pussy, waiting to be ambushed. Be pro-active, vigilant, ready for the opportunity to strike. Not just block.
The special forces do not block. They attack. Why? A strike is almost the same movement as a block. The difference is a pro-active mindset.
Strike hard: Don't be a pussy, punching at the target. You have to punch through the target.
When you strike hard, your reputation does your fighting for you. If you hit hard enough, nobody wants you to ever hit them again.
Show no mercy: Mercy is for pussies. You don't want to be a pussy. Moses wasn't a pussy.
Moses wasn't merciful. You can't mercifully slit the enemy's throat. You can't mercifully burn Sodom. You can't mercifully burn the witches at the stake.
When an enemy attacks, they must learn to expect unapologetic, total, rapid, complete destruction of their tribe is our first and only priority until they're dead to the last man.
Which, by the way, in case you didn't know, is the exact policy of Jesus Christ. There's no mercy on the day of the Lord. It could happen when you least expect it. It's the day mercy dies, and Jesus kills it.
You see, God has already been merciful, but you blew it.
Attacking Jesus guarantees a merciless response.
I'm not the one who worked so hard to change the definition of the word "attack", "offense" or "offensive."
We're not on the offensive. That's the problem.
We don't excuse offensive action, or rally around organized group offensives.
And if I told you to kill somone, you probably wouldn't do it. How do I know? You don't do anything else I tell you to do.
If you can't be trusted in small matters, why would I trust you in larger matters.
Therefore you have no leaders.
Because you do not obey. You don't follow instructions. You don't make real commitments and stick to them.
You can't drag a stubborn donkey to his salvation. Brute force won't save you. At best, it can only get you out of my way.
And that's what's going to happen. Those who obey will be killing off all those who don't obey on the day of the Lord. It's inevitable.
At this point, I see the kingdom of heaven as the day a certain tribe faces genocide, and all who shield or defend them.
I don't see how this could happen until the people who like Jesus actually forgive and love the people who don't like the Christ-killers breathing up all of God's oxygen.
You don't like genocide? Why? What do you have against Jesus? More to the point, if you don't like genocide, you must not be on the same page as Moses, either.
You can't oppose genocide and love God. It's impossible.
There's no such thing.
Speaking of genocides and "no such thing", we've apparently genocided the yids a few times, now in the past 55,000 years. You'd think they'd learn. Surprisingly not.
The more they win, the more they lose. It's astonishing. And lose their racial purity in the process. What a tragedy. Sure seems like God hates them, with all the curses he heaps on them.
To read the yid's version of history, they are the unique and only victims of any war, or persecution, ever. Never was even one Christian was ever persecuted by anyone since the dawn of time. Particularly Jesus. Especially not him.
And even if he was, the Jews had NOTHING to do with it, so shut up, you anti-semite.
The new blasphemy is not being godless enough. That's a moral crisis.
America's moral crisis comes from seeking out wisdom from a shriveled up old movie frog, a tiny, ancient wise man from the far east, or a magical wizard in a cloak.
But wisdom could never come from the God of your forefathers. When I put it this way, white men forget they only survived because the past 50 generations of their forefathers trusted Jesus.
Jesus is the god of your forefathers, and white nationalists failed to recognize this until I showed up.
Instead, for some reason, they believe Odin is the god of their ancestors. Maybe because they learned it in college or on YouTube.
You can't survive by worshiping other gods. Your ancestors didn't survive by worshiping other gods. They trusted Jesus and built Christendom with the power of Jesus.
While yids exist, Jesus is required. Jesus didn't speak yiddish. The tribe wasn't his tribe. The God Jesus praised is not the god of the yids and never was, nor should any man mistake them for Jews, simply because the undisputed Master of the Lie/ Father of Lies says he's Jewish. He's not.
Your ancetors weren't Christians because they were an underclass. Your Christian ancestors ruled Europe because God made them wise. Without God, they wouldn't have been wise.
Their people were into hard work, sacrifice, honesty, discipline. And yes, that just seems like a lot of work. Where's the payoff?
You should work. You should obey. You should have sex with one woman for the rest of your life.
Where's the fun in that?!
Your ancestors and parents and grandparents gave you a lot of the right answers.
She's cute. She smells nice. She's friendly and sexually aggressive. Guess what? You don't want the crotch rot. You want the woman you approach, not the one who approaches you. She approaches lots of guys. Gee. I wonder why.
Hollywood is full of guys giving in to sexually aggressive women. It's bad news. Don't do it. If you listen to your dad, and approach enough women, and date some women, you might find one you like.
If you make yourself seem like a rich, attractive guy, like a lot of guys are trying to do these days, then the gold-diggers will come out of the woodwork and they'll find you.
Better to get the skills and wisdom from OUR Father who knows, who's guided dozens of generations, maybe hundreds of generations of your forefathers.
In your fruitless search for wisdom, you'll meet many people along the way in Hollywood movies and programs. Yoda, Miagi, Gandalf. Many mentors.
Each time thinking "this is the one."
And it comes from getting your morality from a force of evil that hates you, a hypocrite who gives you poison, and tells you it's righteousness.
Each "wise man" leaving you a better victim for the self-righteous moral crusaders who know absolutely nothing about the will of God.
Why? Because they don't want to.
They figure it's all very simple. They haven't raped or murdered anyone this week. Even if they did, it's ok because they deserved it.
This is a moral crisis.
The great unwashed masses of men doing wrong, hating good and loving evil, living in sin, and making excuses for it, instead of recognizing any need to change, to follow a better crowd, or to dispose the day in whichever way thou pleasest God.
Americans today are in crisis.
And that crisis has one cause.
They simply don't believe. They say they're Christians. And some are. Some attend church. Some think they are required to attend church for salvation.
Attending a church might help you, but it won't save you.
That's hard to hear, isn't it?
John 3:16 doesn't say, "for God so loved the world he saved everyone who went to church on Sunday."
It's not true.
We Americans are morally, financially, and functionally illiterate to a shocking degree.
Going strictly by the Numbers, we are less Christian than Moldova. take a look at what's happening in Moldova sometime, and that should scare the hell out of you.
Not everyone who says, "Lord, Lord" will be saved.
Some believe we are under grace. Some say we are saved by grace. There's a difference between those two statements.
Are you saved by mercy, or merely still alive because up until this moment, God has been merciful to you so far?
You exist. So did chairman Mao. You're alive. So was Stalin.
Today, many Americans struggle to read. Half of high school graduates can't read a job application, a tax form, or their high school diploma.
These are the graduates! Some are downright illiterate.
My favorite Asian financial guru, the "Mr. Miagi" of money is Robert Kiyosaki. Without our financial sensei, we can't become the Karate Kid of making kajillions of dollars.
We need help. But at least we know we need it. And we might even know where to get it.
We're not financially literate, Kiyosake points out.
I recently came across Robert Kiyosake's work again, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
Like him or not, he's done more for financial literacy than I've done for moral literacy.
His main idea is simple. And it's a valuable suggestion. It applies here.
If you don't know anything about finance, why would you expect to succeed financially?
You shouldn't! Most people don't. You probably won't. Most Americans not competent in that area. And don't know how to be.
Think about it...
Nobody thinks they can become a great basketball player without the knowledge, coaching, and practice.
Nobody thinks they can drive a car without a bit of instruction, coaching, and practice.
Nobody can become a karate master without some coaching, training, drilling, practicing some skills, without that ancient karate wisdom from a fake Okinawan karate master.
We know that.
But suddenly when it comes to finances and morality, even though most people fail to become financially independent, retire broke, and when nobody (except Fair Use) think's they're a so-called saint, often saying "Well, I'm no saint", every amateur still seems to think they can figure out their own finances and morality.
What's their approach to financial literacy? Netflix.
While shoveling popcorn in their mouths between fictional trysts, breakups and hookups in their favorite karate soap opera, they're gonna pay attention to how to open a successful karate school, right?
This is like a guy who wins $100 in a bar on Friday night who thinks he's rich. If he knew he was broke, it would be an improvement.
Just because you know how to drink at a bar doesn't mean you know how to run a bar.
Eating at a restaurant doesn't make you a chef or restaurant owner.
Watching a karate show does not make you a dojo master.
You've seen Jesus in the movies. So have a lot of people. That doesn't make you a black belt in ethical reasoning.
It would be an IMPROVEMENT if you at least knew you were morally broke, bankrupt, born into a country that's got trillions of dollars worth of unfunded liabilities AND the moral equivalent.
Reading the Bible and then looking at your life will get you that far. Then you can see, take a look at the world, and say, "Oh, shit. This ain't good."
Unconscious incompetence is when you finally recognize that there are unknown unknowns.
A beginner's mind is to know you need to learn.
But it's only the first step.
You can't read. But at least you know you can't read. Most are clueless about their own financial and moral illiteracy.
"I think I'm a pretty good person."
Great. No reason to improve.
So we'll just be setting you on fire, then, or...? I mean, believing in Jesus is the other option.
When the Day of the Lord happens, it will probably come right out of the blue for someone like you, if you think you're "a pretty good person."
Because when Jesus returns, his saints will be tossing the "pretty good" people into a burning lake.
With or against me. - The Very Scary Leader of the People-Burners, a.k.a. Jesus
The fuel for that fire is sulfur, by the way, in case you didn't care to study. And sulfur glows kind of blue when it's in a lake, or sorta red if it's in a road flare.
So it might be a blue lake of fire. I hope you weren't picturing a red one in your mind's eye, because that would be incorrect.
Also, you probably think this fire happens after you die. Nope. It's an eternal fire, for sure. But it's a fire on the earth. One that causes you to die because you got your morality about being a "pretty good person" from Karate Kid movies and TV shows.
In other words, you only know what Satan wants you to know.
More than likely it's not just America that's morally bankrupt. It's you.
Finances are a helpful metaphore. Sins are like debts. When someone else pays your debts, it's nice.
If Russia or Germany said, "Don't worry about your unfunded liabilities, America. We'll pay for it." (Which, in fact, they have), then that would be super cool.
Tens of millions Russians and Germans died 70 years ago so that Americans could parate their twats in yoga pants and race mix for free. No big deal. Jesus died for your sins, too? Sweet. I don't gotta pay, then.
Well, you do have to pay ONE thing. It's a tiny thing. It's in John 3:16. It's like a co-pay due at the counter, but Medicare pays the rest for you.
But if you don't have it, you're definitely going to die horribly. You and your family.
And it will be someone like me is paid the same amount per hour to set your house on fire with you and your family inside, "pretty good" person.
When you're in debt, you're still "fine." Still walking around, breathing, going about your life, doing what you do.
Other than a message on the answering machine every day if you're behind on payments, and that nagging doubt in the back of your mind, your life continues like everyone else's. No biggie.
Plenty of Americans are 30 or 300 thousand in debt. It's normal, right?
They've got student loans, a mortgage and a car payment. Totally normal. Everyone's in debt.
But you're also in debt to Jesus. You owe. And everyone has to pay eventually. You don't want Jesus to take you to court and put you in deliquency prison, because there isn't enough room in that prison.
Instead of having a revolving-door parole system, this debtor's prison just tosses your ass in a lake of fire.
If you think there's no debtor's prison anymore, just ask someone who's forced to pay child support.
Can you get by for 90 days without a job? Most Americans can't.
But if you ask them, everything is "fine" and they're a "pretty good person" and "everything's going to be ok."
Funny. That's not what the Bible says.
Now, a few can float on credit cards or home equity for years. Maybe forever.
I don't have to be a good person. If I just teach the laws of God, maybe other people will be a good person, so I don't have to. Blessed is he who teaches the law.
If you're a strung-out junkie, a porn-addicted psycho who can't hold two nickels together, you might want to thump that Bible and preach forgiveness to keep the torches and pitchforks at bay.
Because they're coming for ya, buddy. Fast and furious. Buy enough time, and maybe you can float on through to the next life. But not because of your own righteousness. Far from it.
Financially and morally, a typical American is bankrupt.
And about the same financially and morally as everyone else around them, with the same knowledge and attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and wearing the same clown costumes, levis and yoga pants as every other woman in ugg boots at that particular Starbucks.
Cheating on their diet, their finances, their husbands, their video games with cheat codes. They're cheaters. Not believers.
If you feared the Lord, you wouldn't use cheat codes. Because it's cheating!
You wouldn't cheat YouTube Red out of its $2.99, or Amazon out of its Audible credits, or refund the Kindle books just because you can. You wouldn't Napster your music collection because...
God is watching.
It's free, but it costs you.
There are two kinds of people. One man knows what a balance sheet is, a P&L statement, the importance of cash flow. The other man doesn't.
So why the heck would you put that guy in charge of a business? You wouldn't. You'd expect him to fail.
Would you give him a chance? A job? A loan? If he can't be trusted with small responsibilities, would you trust him with large ones?
And yet, we're all in the business of running our own financial lives in a shark-infested, cut-throat capitalist economy.
In a world where financial knowledge rules, you'd need about 6 teams of horses to drag a fool away from her lottery tickets and other gambling.
[Did you see that? I used "her" instead of him. My one concession to political correctness today.]
No black woman [inclusive!] ever bough a lottery ticket who didn't want to win the prize money.
They all want to be rich, because that's how black women are, but she doesn't know how. Black women are financially illiterate.
[And maybe also some white guy, that one time, but he's probably an exception to the rule. Difficult childhood. Poor neighborhood. A typical victim of black supremacy.]
- 50% of Americans struggle to read.
- About 85% of Americans struggle to retire.
- About 100% of Americans struggle to defeat communism.
If they were financially literate, they could probably retire this year, if they wanted to. Any year, really.
Imagine if we're all walking around with the moral equivalent of this level of financial debt, financial ignorance, and financial bankruptcy? What kind of country would you expect to live in?
Once upon a time, guy calling himself a shephered showed up on the Gaza strip or somehere like that. He taught us right from wrong, the scripture says says "all were astonished by his teaching."
Really? Why were they astonished?
If God showed up and said "You're required to kick and strangle innocent puppies", all would be astonished by this.
Why was it astonishing?
Because it's not what you expect, because everyone thinks about the same, talks about the same, acts about the same, while everything is going down the drain, endless wars, famines around the world, debt, nightmareland and clown world on this gay earth.
And then Jesus shows up.
But why would his teachings surprise you? Did the teachings change? Did God come down from a cloud and say, "Nah, bro. Just kidding about murder and forgiveness and stuff."
NO. He said "go and sin no more", and that it's better to pluck out your eye or cut off your hand than to sin, "do my commandments" and tells you what they are.
They didn't change a bit since Moses brought them down from the mountain.
Can you recite them backwards and forwards? Probably not. Still think you're a pretty good person?
If you're like most Americans, and most Americans are in a trouble, then you are in about as much trouble as they are.
I'm not sure if that really sunk in, so let me repeat it.
If you're like most Americans, then most Americans are like you. What are most Americans like?
We know the answer to that. THEY are in trouble. YOU are one of them.
Therefore YOU are in trouble.
You will stop being in trouble when you are DIFFERENT. Not when you blend in to the crowd, think the same, talk the same, walk the same as the damned.
If America is going over the cliff, and you behave like the Americans, so are you.
Are you in a lot of financial debt? Then you're probably in a lot of MORAL debt, too.
If the world has turned to absolute garbage, and everyone else feels about the same way about what's right and wrong, good and bad, and everyone would be equally astonished by God's teaching if he showed up here today, then everyone must be wrong about right and wrong.
It shouldn't surprise you then, that the way out of hell might be doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing. That's what a holy people do. Holy means you're set apart. Not doing what everyone else does.
If you don't stand out like a sore thumb, you ain't holy. If you blend in and go along with the flow, you ain't holy.
If you ain't holy, you're not a "pretty good person."
If you and all your mates are sitting in a shithole country like Moldova, with poor people everywhere who can't afford to keep the cooking gas turned on, and the infrastructure is garbage, and thieves and looters are elected everywhere, and commie graffiti is coating absolutely everything, including being projected onto every single movie screen in the country, then why would it surprise you if God comes down on a cloud and said, "You're doing it wrong!"
It shouldn't surprise you if God said, "I was serious about smothering all the puppies, too. EVERYTHING that breathes. Don't miss any puppies. They've probably got gay rabies. Strangle them all. I said what I meant and meant what I said. And remember what I said about that lamp oil? Yeah. It's time to grab a flame thrower. It runs on kerosene lamp oil I told you to set aside."
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if God showed up and said all that. I'm more than halfway expecting it to happen late next year.
But I run into people who'd be very surprised to see me coming with a bunch of lamp oil, illuminating our lanterns to be seen, marching in endless columns by the millions and millions and torching all the unbelievers in the world, starting with the Sodomites who've been bundled (into the leftist cities) to be burned, just exactly as it says in scripture.
Before you say, "Fair Use can't do all those things", you need to read the rest of this blog.
Those who obey Jesus will also obey you. Kings included.
The masses shouldn't be surprised by any of this if they read their Bible. It's all written out in black and white, in plain English.
Times, dates, and numbers are all there. Clear as day. The end of the age. Can't get any clearer than that.
When's the end of the age? The wise men knew when Jesus was coming by the stars in the heavens. The wise men still know when Jesus is coming by the stars in the heavens.
As for the Americans in clown world, they're clueless.
You've got a bunch of tranny clowns putting kids on the stage where gay strippers shake their syphilis for a buck. You know what they think? They think they're a "pretty good person."
And to a large extent, New Yorkers have about the same attitude about morality as the rest of Americans. Not very different.
You've seen the Seinfeld show? That's New York morality right there.
A man from Alabama and New York might disagree about a few things. That's true. But both of them will probably agree about what to do about it.
Something like this:
Go to school, get a job, save money, get out and vote. That's about it. The guy from Alabama goes to church. The New Yorker goes to the club. Otherwise, they're about the same.
None of those behaviors solves the problem.
Andrew Carnegie, the steel king, whose family had a Protestant background, understood finance pretty well. His chemists knew about smelting and coke and purifying things with heat and fire to make lots of cheap steel, transported by railroads.
He competed against Rockefeller, purifier of petroleum products, from a Baptist background. Iron sharpens iron. These tycoons purified their products, made them plentiful and abundant and consistent in an orderly, systematic, automatic way. Both of them very successful.
Financial competence. Persistence. Automation. Systematic. Reliable. Scientific, cutting-edge technology to create cheap, abundant commodities, operating in a cloud of darkness, even in the face of cut-throat capitalist competition, as forces aligned against them, sometimes in secret, sometimes teaming up against the others, forming alliances to block each other's progress, shutting down the lesser mortals, consolidating industries into damn near monopolies.
As for working in a dark cloud of secrecy, and quickly, Rockefeller controlled 90% of the refinery production before anyone knew it.
These tycoons had several things in common. Things that were different than the common man. But what was important to them would be a meaningless nuance to the common man.
Each behaving very much like gods on earth, right? Like titans in their mighty accomplishments?
Actually, their actual daily behavior isn't so different from a man earning a thousand times less.
You pay your bills. The make sure the right amount is on the check before they send it.
Every day, one man magically arrives exactly when he intends to. The other man arrives within 5 minutes of being on time.
Each one shows up to the meeting, listens, and says some words.
But the effect of each man's words is very different.
One man reads a book. The other man reads a book, too. What's the difference? Different book.
One man underlines a passage. The other man writes it down in his journal.
One man sleeps with a woman. The other man sleeps with his wife.
The difference, at it's heart, is that one man trusts God. And the other man doesn't.
Each man walks into an office, but one strides in with a purpose.
They each take friends to lunch. One is friends with man who's memorized every statistical fact about banking law. The other eats lunch with a man who's memorized every statistical fact about baseball players.
In giving a speech, one man talks immediately, lifting his voice over the noise to get attention. The other waits for the audience to come to attention before quietly beginning his speech.
But both guys make their whole speech, so they're not much different, right?
One may be quite loud, or very quiet. The other is monotone.
One may be known for bellowing or whispering, like anyone else does in the hallways. Sometimes shouting. Sometimes whispering. But one man does these things on purpose, while a microphone is in front of him, instead of while tossing a football to a guy he knows from home room.
The differences each day are quite small.
While one is changing drill bits. The other is changing batteries to their portable keyboard.
One sits on a concrete slab for a moment. The other sits on perched on a granite slab for a moment.
Both men are sitting, walking, and talking for about the same amount of time each day.
What they read, watch, and do is incredibly, strangely similar. But one man is surrounded by wealth, power, and because his thoughts and comments are not the same.
Each man comes away from an experience changed, but the two men didn't experience the same thing, and didn't change very much.
Seeing the same speech, two men iwll both do things a little differently as a result. But in both cases, the consequences of their actions will be profound and far-reaching.
You might think one man is lucky. Privileged. That he has all the right connections and knows all the right people.
But if so, how did he meet all those people? By making 50 or 100 more phone calls a day? No. Probably by making only 2 or 3 more phone calls per day.
He has practiced the principle of the slight edge. One man sits and thinks about his life.
The other man sits and things about another man's life with a keyboard in front of him, typing his thoughts into a blog, speech, vlog script, an email, postcard or letter.
But both men are thinking about someone's life for hours every day.
Both men make introductions, comments, and suggestions. Both suggest books, shows, people, or ideas to friends, but one man's recommendations (and one man's friends) are worth hundreds of times more than the other's man's because he spent an extra 2 minutes thinking about it.
Spent an extra 10 seconds before sealing the envelope.
Spent an extra 30 seconds writing something down instead of underlining it.
Spent an extra 30 minutes choosing a daily driver.
He spent an extra 10 minutes looking at the job listings and the companies before making a call, submitting a resume, or asking a friend for an introduction.
He cares about the effect his clothing or car may have on others. The other cares what other people think about his clothes and car. There's a difference.
He cares about getting comfortable being uncomfortable. The other man cares about being comfortable.
The difference between a fat man and a thin man might be 500 calories per day.
If both men exercise for 30 minutes every a day, the difference between a thin man and a strong man is that one man pushes himself a little harder than the other.
Let's say your body is 170 pounds. You do squats. The other guy does squats. One guy racks some weight. A comfortable amount.
The other guy adds 28 more pounds to make it an uncomfortable amount. One man is lifting 20% more weight than the other.
When you do 12 reps instead of 10, it's only 20% more reps. It's not a lot more work. It's a little more work. You already showed up, excercise every day, go to the gym and shower, but you push a little harder to increase your weight and increase your reps.
You don't make the common mistake of pushing yourself to injury by grabbing 10 times more weight than you can handle.
That's zero percent discipline. That's like putting a turkey in an oven and cranking it up to 575 degrees.
Each you add just a little more than the average guy. You track results a little more than the average guy.
But that extra 20% weight and those extra 2 reps are where all the gains are. That's where 80% of your strength and size comes from.
The mediocre man has no purpose. No mission. No reason for being somewhere. No reason to prepare. No reason to appear or not to appear. No reason to be on time, or fashionably late, or strategically absent.
Through a series of tiny, careless mistakes, repeated every day, disaster results.
The other man stays a little later, is a little more careful, a little more timely, a little more conscientious in his studies, more careful how he spends his time and money, focus and energy?
One man struggle to get his grammar and spelling right. One man struggles to get his thoughts and ideas right.
The common man believes he knows right from wrong. Goes to the church that prays to the same Jesus. But while in church, he blends in. He doesn't stand out. He thinks like everyone else.
He doesn't stand out, nor does he stand in the congregation of the righteous, nor is he skillful enough to stand before kings.
He wastes a decade just as surely as he's wasted the day.
He is purposeless and spiritually void. He is empty and soul-less, clueless, careless and damned.
He does nothing on purpose, but reacts to everything around him, no matter the cost of the consequences.
He impregnates whatever womb show up. Reads whatever blog post or email shows up. Talks to whatever friend shows up.
So, as far as the common man knows, strangling puppies could be the solution to the globohomo communist threat. But he'll never know.
Drop-kicking babies into an open grave might be the answer. But he wouldn't know.
The common man is not God. But he lets the common man rule him as if the masses of ordinary men were his God. He bows to peer pressure 100% of the time. The coward seeking the safety of conformity, like all the sheep who follow one another off the cliff.
You're not God. Your thoughts are not God's thoughts. And you don't know and have probably never met anyone who knows the first thing about the will of God.
They probably wouldn't even pass the driver's test, the admissions test, the entrance exam, if there were one. And there is one.
The Lord your God is testing you by sending false prophets who perform miracles, for example, to see if you really love Him. Many have failed this test.
In the far east, to know that you don't know is called "beginner's mind." To admit that you don't know something.
In the scripture, this is called humility. To admit that without meditating day and night on the scripture, without dwelling in the refuge with the Father in His tent, you do NOT know the will of God. If you don't seek Him, you will not find Him.
But seek and ye shall find.
This is the beginning of the path to repentence.
Why has God created a world full of so much evil? And why has he created a world full of so much mercy we don't deserve? Same answer to both.
Why does LA burn and why does Seattle fester and rot?
Who knows the will of God?
You could probably pass a driver's test, an entrance exam, but can you pass a multiple-choice test on the ten commandments?
Would you remember that little tiny rule about graven images?
Well, that's why you've got a problem. Moral illiteracy.
God hates your graven images. People like me hardly ever think about it. Hardly ever mention it.
God always thinks about it. That's the difference. The graven image is the slippery slope to hell. God knows it and you don't.
You don't know how it leads to adultery. God does. He sees everything. Your runes and sculptures. Gay. All of them gay. Unnatural, teaching people to be gay all the time, do gay stuff, get themselves killed. In thousands of years, there hasn't been one graven image that hasn't led people to sin.
Now, I'm not saying it's right to strangle puppies and drop kick babies into mass graves. How would I know? Only God knows. If it's a problem, he'll have someone write it down for you. You can read about it in his book, Do this. Not that. The 613 ways to not be tossed into a lake of fire.
Maybe buying a lottery ticket is a great retirement plan. All I'm saying is you probably haven't made an effort to figure out what God wants.
In a way, God sent those children into clown world for a reason. Funny. Nobody ever asks what that reason is.
Homosexuals parade children on a stage, and participate in nude public pride parades in front of grossed-out kids gay couples have adopted. Why?
Because you don't know what you're doing. Because you don't know what God wants you to do.
"Do you mean to tell me that if I knew what God wants, I could stop clown world?"
That's what I'm saying.
You could stop the degeneracy if you wanted to, once you know what you're doing. If you don't know what you're doing, it's no wonder why you're struggling.
Here's what I mean. Jesus says, "If they obeyed my teaching, they'll obey yours."
Here's a couple more. A fool hates rebuke. A wise man loves you for it.
The throne is attained by righteousness.
A man of great skill will stand before kings.
So (as long as it's not contradicted elsewhere) let's put these together.
A wise man improves his skills at righteousness instead of basketball.
He obeys Jesus. With that wisdom, greater than anyone else, he attains the throne. Gains political power.
How does he attain great wisdom to do this? By learning from the best. The most skillful, knowledgeable moral guides.
When in power, he continues serving the people, responding to them, and seeking out moral guidance, especially in times of difficulty. As do his most trusted advisors, who seek understanding from those who do the same.
It's like on Twitter. Anne Coulter may not follow you directly, but some of the guys on the Third Rail probably do. And her favorite advisors probably tune in to the Third Rail religiously.
How do I know this works? Well, by faith. But also because if you listen to Terms of Fair Use or read the blog, you can just wait a week and the ideas appear to infect others. If a meme is good it spreads.
If a meme is about strangling puppies, it probably doesn't escape my blog.
If I make a meme that reaches a podcast which reaches and advisor of Anne Coulter, it's going to affect public policy.
Not might. Will.
In his office, I have no doubt Chuck Schumer has people who know my name, address, and phone number on a list somewhere. People who help him get elected and stay elected. That's what a staff is for.
He's too competent not to have somebody nudging him this way and that about where the religious boundaries are, while in the high office of enslaving hyper-Christian America.
There are pastors and preachers and priests unborn who'll, thousands of years from now, distill the essence of Terms of Fair Use into a respectable-sounding form, and doubtless make it sound a whole lot smarter than it is and give pieces of it to their congregation.
Maybe not the puppy strangling clown world stuff. Maybe "Is it ok to punch your wife in the womb" is a blog post that won't get as much traction. But someone's gotta tell these leftists to take it easy with the womb-punching.
As I'm streaming season 2 of Cobra Kai, I'm kinda noticing that either the catering gave everyone low-key food poisoning, or their hearts just weren't in it. It was like watching the walking dead. But with baby bumps and comb-overs.
Maybe the reason all these actors look sick to their stomachs is because the Army of the Apocalypse is in the world, ready and waiting to dissect every anti-white communist flaw, to point out how ridiculous a show about karate masters with obvious health problems so bad, they can barely make it to the set.
At one point Kim Fields (?) shows up extremely irritated by something, almost raging in a scene where she's supposed to be smiling and happy, and I'm starting to wonder if the caterer was a diversity hire.
Everyone on the screen is mixed-race or worse. And the screenplay was obviously written by people trying to ensure job security for all the lawyers in their family.
I'm thinking "Kreese really needs an Intellectual property attorney right now" and "You can't just punch someone for no reason". This show's obviously designed to keep criminal and civil attorneys employed for a long time.
What's Season 3 about? In real life, these characters would spend all their time in court for trespassing, kidnapping, domestic violence, defamation, alienation of affection. They'd be broke, homeless, and jobless in a big hurry.
There would be no-contact orders everywhere, none of them would be allowed to carry a firearm. They'd all be convicted felons, behaving like that.
That's the point of the show. To make you a fist-fiter in a world that hates all violence and wants you to solve all your problems in court.
Sick to their stomachs, pissed off, low-energy, with obvious birth defects, bad acting, and who are in generally in poor health in a fight show about karate solving all problems.
I think the show is, in no small part, fighting a losing battle in response to the internet age. And their stuntmen, comb-overs, camera tricks and baby spankx are no match for the awesome power of the internet that's sitting around wondering, "Are any of these people trained actors?"
I can't help but feel like white nationalists have affected the show, despite all the efforts to shut them up. The crew is too tired from raging against one another when everything is politicized.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
All those who do not gather with me scatter.
A man's enemies will be the members of his own household.
The devil's household is divided, exposed, and losing money, fighting a war against truth on too many fronts.
Netflix had to float a couple billion in junk bonds to try to put another season of commie trash in the can.
The infiltrating internet shills need a day off. They're exhausted, not getting good sleep, and falling to pieces, relying on cheap, rusty old camera mount techniques from the 1950s because it's a few hundred dollars cheaper.
They've got Batman-levels of TV show production values with no real movies stars.
They're going to the well, dredging up 80s movies, mocking their audience.
You can say this for the show. It looks a little better than what they ever could have filmed in Moldova.
For decades, lots of TV and movie productions have been going as far as Eastern Europe to save cash, freezing thir flat chests off in scanty, barely-there costumes while everyone else behind the camera is nustled together in furs.
In that frozen nightmareland, after hours of makeup, they need to bust out at least five seconds of compelling drama before they can go warm up again. That's when you'll see some acting.
In southern California, with tight schedules and tight budgets, with a complete stop to production every single time a small plane goes by, a cast and crew of the diseased, sickly, or pregnant walking dead trying to take commie filth and put it on the screen, with all the flaws showing up in living color, with over-the hill, has-been actors with nowhere to hide in HD, trying to pump the audience full of the non-aggression principle, trying their best to keep the audience away from Jesus, the fiction is breaking apart at the seams.
Everything they do, the reason why they show up to work to film the script is to ram that NAP down your throat.
All so you, and all your friends, and all Americans will learn that it's wrong to "Strike First, Strike Hard, and Show No Mercy."
The climax of season 2 exists to show Americans that the "good guys" never do what cops always do, which is to initiate force.
That "good guys" never do what Navy SEALS always do, (under SCARS, by Jerry Peterson) which is to maintain a first strike mentality.
Meaning if attacked, you want the mindset that you're going to defend yourself with a strike, not a block. That you're a cause in the universe. Not an effect. This attitude wins a lot of fights before they happen. It's also a fight-prevention system, since you want to win without fighting whenever you can. The "bad guys" can tell when someone knows how to fight, is ready to break you, and they don't mess with them.
Of course, nobody in the show demonstrates readiness or a first-strike mentality. They just go around hitting people when they're disrespected, like those inner city teen youth thug gangstas do.
Randomly hooking up with strangers, drinking while pregnant, (the actress was actually pregnant while drinking "the good stuff") moving boys into your house with your fertile young daughter, fighting, drinking, and fornicating with all the other racially-fluid, genderqueer fetal alcohol syndrom victims to prove themselves.
Is there right and wrong to fighting? Of course. For instance, one option is to take the advice of Moses, which is to kill them all. Everything that breathes. But not the fruit trees. Depends how good the fruit is.
The difference between "hit someone because they irritate you" and "be ready to defend yourself by attacking with decisive force" is night and day.
One is 100% discipline. One is 0%.
Karate Kid is teaching zero percent discipline. But with their propaganda, they're certainly striking first, drawing first blood, and teaching you to lay down and take it with a woman's foot on your neck.
You might not see it at first, but try reading the Bible yourself, then take another look.
You'll see that no one within a thousand miles of you has the first clue about right and wrong because they get their morality from communist TV shows (and YouTube shows) instead of scripture.
John Kreese is a mockery of Moses, veterans, special forces, and everything that works to defend yourself, your country, your racial purity and your people.
Yes. Racial purity is in the Bible. If you marry (hook up) outside your tribe, you lose your inheritance. You should separate your sons and daughters who've married outside their tribe, because if you don't, they'll worship other gods. There's nothing worse than worshiping other gods.
You wouldn't want to worship the gods of the Non Aggression Principle, for example. Because the author of NAP is Satan. God is not the author of confusion, learning the ways of other nations. Especially not Gender/race confusion. Karate Kid is. Now, more than ever.
This whole series is bad news. Very bad.
If these TV shows don't land you in court, then they have failed at achieving their primary purpose.
If they don't get you ambushed by anti-fa, then they've failed at their secondary purpose.
Haven't enough white boys been killed in war hoping for a taste of that sweet, $5 vagina over in 'Nam?
The show is mocking you.
It's saying you and your American flag and your government aggression, your Christian cross, laws and cops are all out of touch with the new anarchy.
The old fuddie-duddies and their fast-talking high trousers are all falling hopelessly behind the times and its swelling, throbbing, pulsing morally grey, dark cloud of hypocrisy leading you to swamps full of disease, orgies, birth defects with morally beige, racially beige people with their fetal alcohol syndrome, poverty and incarceration.
They're warning you away from the dangerous wisdom of Jesus, going Biblical on your Sodomite enemmies who hate white breeders and their tradlife nuclear families.
They're teaching you, through emotionally manipulative stories, that ancient wisdom is totally inapplicable to solving the hardest problems of daily life, unless it comes from the Asian races of people who are perpetually conquered and enslaved, often by communism, great wall or no great wall.
That you should race mix with a bunch of whatevers without asking questions about it, and learn about life from wise, dead Asians, since white people are stupid ghetto thugs with nothing to offer. Especially white Jesus.
That you can't make a difference in society, when we know from scripture that a man skilled at wisdom will have an audience of modern-day kings taking notes and implementing your commands as if Christ himself had uttered them.
And with power like that, who needs karate?
Ok. Get yourself some moral literacy from Jesus, who fully endorsed every jot and tittle of the laws (of Moses). Be fruitful and multiply. Keep off the pork. Even if it's cooked. It's bad for your brain function in ways you won't notice until it's too late.
And try not to strangle any puppies on the way to the dojo while your fat butt is doing pork-rhind-powered camel-toe kicks in your underpants yoga tights, you sick, godless sex-monkey karate freaks.
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