Cost to Homeschool Kids

This is an article about the "cost" to homeschool kids. A common misconception. Noah's family lived because he was different.

Not because he conformed his behaviors to those of the damned, as all else did.

You are conditioned to assume there's a cost to homeschooling, aren't you? Why? If educating kids is a cost, then why does the government give free schooling to kids?

Free Homeschooling Options:

Thanks, Red Ice. Love you big league. 

It's can be an investment, to be sure. But one with spectacular returns.

[I'm such a trend-setter, you guys. If you don't like a blog post or email, just wait a week and others will do a much better version of the terrible crap I come up with.]

Now, something that WON'T likely be copied because it's so 17th century BC. It's fair to say it's a Fair Use exclusive to the dissident-trad-right-alt-supremacist movement.

I'm about to drop a homeschooling red pill out of left friggin field. And it's arguably Bible-compliant, even if most won't see it that way.

But remember... How did Noah survive? By being different. Why was Abraham blessed? Because he was different.

So in the spirit of throwing a wrench in the gears of civilization, let's clear up a few things right now.

You, too, can be a cult leader with a bajillion kids. Now get on it, slackers.
(See more on Ziona's highly orderly and regimented operation.)
Patriarchy USA: 15 Rules for an American Sister-Wives-style Open Marriage 

A priest should only have one wife. Jesus comments on this, but the Lord never gave Himself the authority to change even one jot or one tittle of the eternal law.

So Leviticus still has the final word and that's that. If the church and the civilization has been wrong for thousands of years, then it's been wrong. You need 2 to 3 witnesses (verses or epistles or accounts) for a matter to be established, especially in scripture. So bring your evidence that this policy has actually changed since Mt. Sinai.

This article isn't about multiple wives, but about educating children in YOUR own ways. Ways which will profoundly differ from the views of society. Making it a useful exercise.

Americans are disgusted by sales and afraid to do it, but done honestly, salesmanship brings great wealth.

Americans are disgusted by white supremacy. But if the natural order is what offends you, then maybe the supremacist isn't the problem.

Americans are disgusted by multiple-wife homes, but increasingly tend toward multiple-husband homes, with the white man literally, physically caged while a black man breeds his white wife. So don't tell me society has it right.

The Bible is the truth. A man shouldn't have too many wives. Why not? Because they will lead him away from God. The key is to worship God, and marry none who lead you away from God. (One is too many, if she leads you away from God.) But more than one?

Look at the laws of war, which allow a man to capture a wife from the virgins of the enemy tribe he's conquered and destroyed. These are laws from everlasting to everlasting. God is the Father of nature.

He's created life abundantly, and has provided abundantly, and we are made in His image.

The first and most important law of life is to be fruitful and multiply. The law for all life, including the first law given to man.

If men want to wear rubbers, put women on birth control, practice hatred and disdain for the perfectly natural feminine purpose and use women for their hedonistic exploitation alone, if they hate a free woman's choice to choose any husband she wishes, and refuse a conquering soldier's right to be justly compensated for risking his life to come and collect reparations from an attacking tribe, even forgiving that conquered tribe through the gift of eternal life through it's surviving remnant, the sisters and daughters of the fallen, making a lifelong commitment to save and support a second wife, of he wants her, then you'd better make a solid case that the anti-white, anti-breeder laws are right, natural, and justifiable.

Because they sure as hell aren't Biblical.

But we live in Satanic times with a deceived world that seeks our destruction and unhappiness.

Obviously, not everyone should be a polygamist, but everyone should notice a few things:
  1. His kids and wives aren't a cost, but instead are a source of his wealth.
  2. They live in the world's most densely populated country, but he's focusing on maximizing his own population size.
  3. They live in the world's most densely populated country, but still live miles away from anything else. Hmm... How do you solve the world's UNDER-population problem?
  4. His many wives live in harmony with one another.
  5. They all serve him.
  6. There's no shortage of food, clothes, or anything. In fact, they have a very large house.
  7. The country doesn't support him or his kids. He must run his own school, farm, sports teams, and so on.
  8. He's not exhausted by all this. Why not? Because having more kids is LESS WORK.
This man reads his Bible very carefully indeed.

Now that we've seen what's possible, let's look at the much more conventional approach with fresh eyes.

To lead the world to freedom, blessings, and abundance, we must be and raise the farmers, the entrepreneurs, the entertainers, educators, the business leaders, workers, the financiers and the investors.

Extraordinary results requires an extraordinary education. There's no room for the incompetence public schools produce.

Toxic waste education spills into intellectual dead zones where no useful thought or action exists, where misbehavior can't be treated, repaired, or remediated.

Misbehavior is instead temporarily quarantined in jailhouses at a cost higher than the average worker's annual wage.

"The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) estimates that the average parent spends about $300 to $600 per year, per child, on homeschooling curriculum, games, and books." - Money

Less than the cost of school supplies to attend public school.  And about $10,000 less per year than the government spends per child on bureaucracy.

Fun fact: It costs about the same to lock up your kids in public school as it costs to lock up a convicted felon for a year. Oh, wait. The price went up. That $2,200 per year ZOG mind prison is a bargain! Those ZOGs really are cheap!

You can home school a child for the cost of two or three heritage breed turkeys, which, by the way, can be processed (butchered) in 2.4 man minutes. (8 adults can process 200 birds in an hour.) 

States are unregulated, don't require notification, have low regulations, or are moderately regulated.
If you're required to use certified, pre-approved curriculum or texts, they might be communist anti-Christian trash, even if it comes from a "Christian" (Churchian) source, loaded with white guilt, anti-colonialism (while we're being colonized), the false idol worship of Holocaustism and climate change. ALL MUST BOW TO THE GOD OF HOLOCAUSTISM OR BE THROWN INTO THE FIREY FURNACE!

Which is totally fine. I don't have a problem with that. Why would I have a problem with it? What? I'm just saying you have to worship our greatest ally or burn. And questioning historical facts about it either is or should be illegal in 14 to 50 countries, of course. 

So glad the evil, hateful thought criminals are locked in a dungeon for thinking bad think and evildreaming visions and uttering hate-prophecies about what Jesus said. (Like "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil", for example.)

Don't want that. Let's just subject 100% of all children in all states to a pro-race mixing curriculum in every textbook. Damn whiteness. Damn it all to hell!

Whiteness is to blame for all Hollywood movies

I think maybe I'm done being helpful for today.

God will provide.

You believe it or you don't. (It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when you do.)



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