Effective Pacifism

[See the previous article on effective non-violence. These days, people seem to believe there are only two solutions. Force and doing nothing.

This article is so badly written, I'm just going to pretend it was created by an AI-powered random text generator based on a lot of buzz-words harvested from my previous writings.]

Do pacifists really exist? I have my doubts.

The so-called pacifists claim they want to end war. But they're not willing to kill all the warlords to achieve it.

If you're not willing to pay the price, then you won't get the outcome.

War gets all the wrong people killed. Why is this? I can think of two possibilities.

1) That wars are started and run by those who profit from wars.

2) That no wars are started and run by those who profit from peace.

Why not? If the first group killed off the second group, there would be no more wars. If they don't, there will be eternal war.

The peace-lovers will breed lots of peace-loving babies. The warlords will breed nothing but warrior babies for hundreds of generations.

Those who want peace, or claim to, seem to want to endulge in delusional thinking.  Specifically, wishful thinking.

But if you were serious about ending war, really serious... then you would learn how to do it.

You'd make a study of it. You'd find out what's out there, treat it as a career, not an avocation. Not a hobby. Not a charitable contribution. Not a side project.

You'd find out if there's any profit in peace. If so, you'd raise the funds and get a peace movement going for a percentage of the profits.

You'd share the wealth, too. Creating a plan where others could wet their beaks, so to speak.

You'd get yourself some financing, eventually flying around to meetings and speaking events, hopping around via business class commercial air, and bringing your slide deck with you to show how and why this could be done.

You'd write a book, promoting it on all the radio stations, holding book signings. You'd pull out all the stops, right?

Why? Because nothing's more important. War kill all the good guys instead of the bad guys.

From this poing on, you wouldn't need to complain anymore. You're busy getting things done. Too busy to gripe.

You could simply tell the truth from city to city, and naturally, as a polarizing, pro-peace figure, you'd be attacked for doing so.

The attacks themselves expose the nature of the fake peaceniks.

Actions persuade the masses. Not words. After they've seen someone stoned to death for telling the truth enough times, it sorta changes their mind.

Especially if they've got a good dose of common sense.

Words are cheap. Except when they get you killed, as the truth does. [If you wouldn't give your life for the God of truth, you're not worthy of Him.]

Suppose, as an imagination experiment, you believe there are two kinds of men. Peaceniks and warlords. And nothing in between.

The peaceniks are completely opposed to war of any kind. What will happen to them, as soon as they meet a warlord? The answer is obvious. The same thing that's happened to every peacenik since the dawn of time.

The pure pacifist will turn over his coat and cloak, his wife and child to the warlord, who will take and destroy everything.

This, in fact, does happen. It's called taxes. Or barbarian hordes. Rapists and murderers do and will take whatever they want.

Along come the libertarians and their non-aggression principle, who say "It's morally wrong to initiate violence."

Which, in my mind, is about the same thing as saying "It's only morally OK to defend yourself sometimes."

When? After the ambush has already killed half your family as you unlock your gun safe, load the ammunition, and try to remember to take the safety off, hoping the one clip is enough for the one to ten thousand men invading the country?

(Some of them, by the way, police and/or soldiers sworn to defend the invaders at the expense of the natives.)

When can a libertarian shoot an invader? Is it sometime after hopping over the border wall, the town gates, the picket fence, knocking down the front door, the bedroom door, penetrating the womb, and perhaps even after the ovum itself has been penetrated by the invader's sperm?

Can you shoot before the rapist's kid turns 18, or do you need to wait?

And suppose the invader "gets consent" from your wife, begging you not to do anything heroic, surrendering her body to the invader, so that the rapist withdraws and leaves peacefully, or as he's strutting away hurling insults in the intervening weeks, months, and years, as you pay to raise the rapist's child, forced to do so by the state, a child who will doubtless become a rapist like his biological dad, in all those cases it would still be morally wrong to dash that child to death with rocks, to set the rapist on fire before he violates someone else, to repel him at the bedroom door, the front door, at the picket fence, at the city gate, the nation's border, or no?

Which of all of these cases and places is it finally OK to shoot an invader? And if you get it wrong, you could be arrested. Probably fired for being a racist, actually. Almost certainly fired.

Especially when your wife and daughter rat you out for being a white supremacist racist xenophobic bigot, just like they learned about in Kosmo magazine and EMPT-V.

Can you shoot the invader when they're a writer for Kosmo and EMPT-V?

Tell me. Is there any place where it's morally correct to use "stopping" force?

Not if you're an anarcho capitalist who is, in all cases "morally superior to everyone else." Or, at least, that's the way it feels. It's logically correct, right?

There's no reason to pay taxes to the evil so-called "government", which is basically a thief with a gun. And the government never defends its actions. When you've got the gun and the will to use it, you don't have to justify jack. Morality doesn't even enter into the conversation.

If you only shot 100 libertarians dead by the end of your shift, you may dab the tears from your eyes and say, "Well, I was going for top score today, but now what am I going to tell my wife and kids?"

At which point, there's really no need to go to the political conference and explain your moral justifications.

This is why I continue to believe that at best, the anarcho/libertarian is a cuck, gun or no gun, because he'll never know  when it's ok to use it.

For example, if my wife said to me, "Honey, don't shoot the rapist", it would occur to me to agree with her for the wrong reasons, and it might, in the end, be necessary to shoot her dead instead. And all her kids, for reasons of my own. Reasons I don't need to explain, nor would I even bother doing so.

Jesus has already explained everything. That she is to obey her husband and every jot and tittle of the law, particularly as the end times approach.

Nothing would be listed as a sin if it couldn't get you killed somehow. Disobeying her husband may be the last thing she ever does.

In some cases, disobedient children have a really short life span, as well. That's how the Law is.

Hopefully, it doesn't come to that. Actually, it's inevitable. By the millions, gentle, quiet men will kill their wives and kids for their failure to obey Christ Jesus. Absolutely. That day is coming, and will soon be upon us at a time you do not expect.

But... but... what kind of God?!?!?!


God sent you a government. The government installed a policy. And even put a stop sign at each and every intersection. Maybe even a traffic light.

If you run the stop sign, you might get killed. Don't blame the stop sign or the government God installed to help you.

You can't fool-proof the whole world, no matter what you do. Fools will find a way to get themselves killed, and then blame God.

"Why can't I exercise my sovereign right to rape and murder the gonnaherpasiphillaids tribe's wives without getting crotch rot and mobs chasing me with machetes?", the fool asks. "The whole of the law is do what thou wilt. Why the penalties? God is super mean! Screw Him!"

Another kind of fool says...

"How can there be God if little Joey gets killed when he exercises his sovereign citizen right to travel through the intersection without stopping?"

Little Joey is nominated for a Darwin Award. Darwin will sort him out.

For people who aren't fools, and ONLY for people who aren't fools, the Good News is that the Old Testament is still alive and kicking. Guiding us to life.

Not as a schoolmaster, but as a helper. Like that helpful stop sign that gives an advantage ONLY to those who heed it, and VERY helpfully exterminates those who don't.

The proper sort of Christian, a man of wisdom who, until about 100 or so years ago, knew Jesus and Moses are both on the same side, is neither the pure pacifist nor the pure warlord.

He knows Darwin's gotta sort them out.

When a coal-burning mudshark hooks up with a black man, her genes are unapologetically weeded out of existence.

If you're a white man, you should only need to tell your wife one time... Our kids must never date outside their race. Never. There it is in the Bible. Never ever, ever.

And that should be the end of it. If she's not on board, don't marry her, and you therefore won't have to consumate the marriage and raise complete idiot kids.

(Um... you were saving yourself for marriage, right? Well, oops. That's the end of YOUR genes, then. Say goodbye.)

If you're wise, move on to someone who's not a complete idiot, because her kids will probably be complete idiots. These things run in the family.

A Christian obeys God. A man who says, "I'm a Christian" and does not obey God is obviously not saved. He's in intellectual agreement. And the worms will munch through all his progeny. Good riddance.

I mean, you COULD repent, but who are we kidding? If God has hardened your heart, you'll find it impossible to repent. You'll try to save yourself by adopting an Amish lifestyle, and your kids will come out rebellious, evil, sell their bodies in LA for a movie role and make nothing but niglet children. Probably adopted.

That will be the end of your family's whiteness and your black, adpoted grandchild will piss on your grave after murdering you.

A Christian tells the truth for the benefit of those who are improved by it. And for NOBODY ELSE.

Because, to paraphrase several verses in the gospel, f-ck 'em.

Unlike the libertarian who calls himself a Protestant or Catholic or "non-denominational", a real Christian and soldier of Christ is also an unselfish man who gladly shoots the rapist invaders dead at the nation's border, at the city gates, at the picket fence, at the front door, the bedroom door, when he unzips his zipper, in defense of the womb and the ovum, when a sex pervert looks at the wife or child with sexual lust, when the sex criminal tries to get away through the door, out the window, over the fence, the city wall, or the nations border, and pursues him to the end of the earth though it costs 40,000 lives in the effort of ridding the world of him, the Christian is willing to do whatever it takes to rid the world of this wicked man and all his kind.

Sometimes he wears a badge while doing so. But if they weren't handing out those badges to guys like him, guess what? He'd do it anyway. Better to be in prison with the brotherhood of men of sound mind then out in the insane asylum with all the nutjobs.

And even then, if at all possible, he still doesn't stop with gunning down the thieves, burglars, robbers, criminals, rapists, invaders, and their puppet masters.

The real Christian also institutes governments, whenever necessary.

The real Christian takes control of existing governments, and becomes governments. How?

In some cases, by taking personal responsibity for executing a military coup, records the plan for future generations to pursue his enemy to the end of time, and does whatever it takes to achieve justice with finality, to completely rid the world of the children of the devil.

That ancient devil and his children. The puppet master who tempted, sent, and even carried that invading burglar rapist to the doorstep. The ancient Satanic puppet-master who miseducated the burglars, thieves, and sinners around the world even from the day of their birth, who powerfully decieve the world.

The Christian doesn't stop at evaluating the devil's deeds, but knows God has condemned a rapist and his puppet master even for the wicked lusts in his heart, however seemingly innocently these lusts may be expressed.

In the devil's heart, a funny movie may be an act of murder. Or a sitcom, a play, an article, a joke, and especially a stand-up comedy act.

For the Christian, who is neither completely pacifist nor completely warlord, but some hybrid of both when it achieves greater peace on earth, the enemies of truth have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

The true Christian priest (more a war general of a pack of war dogs than a flock-tender of sheep, once the scripture is seen for what it is) grasps instantly what happens when a pacifist meets a warlord, and knows that many "pacifists" in the world are secretly warlords, and hate those who would genuinely prefer peace over enslaving men.

The Christian knows these warlords in pacifist clothing (wolves in sheep's clothing) are liars, and that there can be no peace while they're still breathing.

The Christian knows a pacifist world is possible if (but only if) all the world's warlords are exterminated by the greatest violent force that can ever be mustered.

And this Christian, in full agreement with this final use of force, this "final solution" a man who is ready at any moment to march for justice in columns with Christ Jesus, readies himself each day for that final act of obedience to God.

A day when we must all answer God's trumpet call with a great assembly of the Lord on the day of judgment. A day when the saints will judge angels, will destroy the wicked who diligently oppose justice.

Principally by deception. By ensuring that you, and the masses, and everyone in the world is deceived about the incredibly simple and easily understood nature of the world.

This effort being futile, they will instead create an anti-Christ. A false Messiah. A deception which will fool almost the whole world.

When the real Christ Jesus returns in all his power and great glory with all his saints, it will not be a day of peaceniks and kumbaya, but a day of fire and vegeance and destruction.

Not pacifism, but a war to destroy the peace-sign wearers and those who worship the false Messiah.

In other words, a day in which the real Christians, though they may be few in number, will kill all the fake Christians.

This day of justice is known as the day of the Lord.

And the 6th day of the week is the Lord's day. A thousand years is like a day to the Lord. (This tells you when the day of judgment will be, if you've been paying attention, and how long this "day" will last.)

Those who claim to be pacifists are already flooding into false churches run by lesbians, advocate for peace instead of  justice and inventing all kinds of distracting, confusing nonsense. This is the spirit of anti-Christ, and has existed since Jesus was with us in the flesh.

The spirit of anti-Christ is already in the world.

No one who is with God is opposed to the destruction of the wicked that will finally bring lasting peace instead of endless wars.

To stop the endless wars, you only need to stomp out the warlords who pose as peace-loving, gentle, harmless souls. A real Christian isn't harmless, but harmful. And because he loves truth, he will tell you so. And Jesus, being Christian, and loving truth, did tell you so.

His enemies will say that Jesus got it wrong, that there is no need to rid the world of these hypocrites, murderers, liars, cowards, warlords, and rapists and their puppet masters.

That peace can come from cuckery. Nonsense. Vigilence is the answer. And if you are sincere about achieving nation-wide vigilence, you'd better know how to achieve it.

The more powerfully and passionately the warlords protest the war, march for peace, march against all wars, call the soldiers of government "baby killers" while killing their own babies, the more sexually perverse and hypocritical all these rapists are.

Those who say, "To have peace, we must sometimes wage war. These things must happen", are on the side of justice. These men are with Christ Jesus our Lord, who we humbly obey, even in secret, even when no one is looking, even when it will do us absolutely no good at all.

Does it help us to go to the cross like Jesus? No. It helps bring justice to the world after we die, but we won't be around to enjoy it unless Jesus was right, and told us the truth about resurrection. In other words, if we believe, and only if we believe, we will not fear the cross.

The frauds act out of self-interest. They hate and fear the cross. At this point, they only exist as vessels to spread the sexually-transmitted disease of Satanism, even when it's disguised as Christianity.

The bastard children of rapists, liars, murderers, and other evil men and women, and the bastard children of history's adulterers, the 100th generation in a row of rebellious sons who call themselves the political leftist or whatever it's convenient to call themselves, these drunkards and addicts, prostitutes, pimps and harlots who fail to obey their parents, particularly our heavenly Father and His government, who God commanded you to take before the elders and destroy.

The Christian doesn't need to rebel against the government. He believes Jesus, who tells him that he can, by his own tiny seed of faith, do all things through God's power, can restore and reclaim that government or command a mountain to jump into an ocean, and do all things through Christ who strengthens him.

But if you do not listen to God's wisdom, then God's punishment is upon you because "there is no political solution."

Of course there's no political solution. There's a spiritual one. A super-weapon called wisdom. Not your own wisdom. By no means.

But instead it is God who makes wise the simple. It's God who teaches us to speak to those who'll listen. And not to cast pearls before swine.

If you're serious about peace, then you must be eternally vigilent. You must become serious about the need to put traitors to death, as serious governments do in serious times.

There will be governements who decide to live by the spirit of the law. Not merely restricting themselves to the letter of it. Because the hypocrite lawyers who serve Satan will twist the letter of the law and its meaning until it finally achieves the opposite of what it was intended to do, and will twist the Constitution until it performs the opposite function the Founding Fathers intended.

And since, in these times, only the US government is capable of fulfilling the world's oldest prophecy, you have a moral obligation to become government. To become an instrument of God's wrath, whether you're elected or not.

Did God democratically elect Moses? No. Did God supply Moses with chariots and armies? No. Did God give Moses a fully automatic assault weapon? No.

But God made Moses more powerful than the pharoah of Egypt and his whole kingdom.

God made the disciples of Jesus more powerful than the Roman Empire.

God will now make the United States government and its empire kneel and beg God's forgiveness.

God has even sent a "Hebrew" supremacist to do this work. One who sleeps on the floor. One who isn't capable or worthy, but willing, to bend the most powerful military on earth to the will of the Almighty.

Many thousands of years ago, the world spoke one language, and the will of God was given in that language almost 4,000 years ago.

Almost 2,000 years ago, Greek was the language spoken around the world, and God sent the message again in Greek.

Now the world is learning English, God once again sends the same message. This time in English.

And God sends yet another endorsement of Jesus, and Moses, and the ancient and eternal prophecy from Enoch mentioned in Jude 1:14 to 15.

"And Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied as to these, saying: "Behold, the Lord has come amidst myriads of His holy ones, to execute judgment on everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of every ungodly act of wickedness and every harsh word spoken against Him by ungodly sinners.”

Not surprisingly, the most sincere and sophisticated of all these sex perverts, liars and murderers of the left are universally opposed to this prophecy, opposed to the laws of God and His governments.

"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.

"Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.

"For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same.

"For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. "

The devil only needs to convince you to do evil, and then the government will destroy you.

But when doing an evil thing, like helping to destroy the children of God, you won't feel like you're doing an evil thing. You'll feel like you're doing a good thing.

None is good but God.

There are some who are police who will be killed because they listened to men instead of God.

There are some who are pro-white who will be killed by police because they listened to men instead of God.

There are some who think they're a good Christian who will be killed because they listened to men instead of God.

There are some who think they're good Muslims, good parents, good politicians, good businessmen, or good people.

No one who thinks they're a good person will enter the kingdom of heaven. It is impossible to repent if you think you're good. It's only possible to repent if you believe you have a sinful nature, and only God can make a man wise.

Again, none is good but God. Not one is righteous. Jesus is the only teacher.

I don't come to condemn you. But to save you from what the Lord is going to do to you with all His saints.

To become government, though the government outnumbers you, though you are the fewest in number of all people, though you have every earthly reason to be afraid, learn from God, and none but God our Father what the difference is between phony pacifism and the real McCoy.

Become government by winning the hearts and minds of soldiers to such an extent that they'd have none but a Christian like you to command them.

Learn what wins over the heart and mind of a soldier, what has already succeeded at doing so, what has ALWAYS succeeded at winning the soldiers, and do it.

Because these soldiers want their children to have father. And it is only through our Father in heaven that they will.

Your Brother in Christ Jesus,

- The Minister of God's Wrath


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