The Real Reason Why Tech Will Spend $200 Billion On AI

[To help sort the sheep from the noobs, pros don't rely on the term AI anymore. They talk about machine learning, or ML. The broad term.]

When Bitcoin moved from GPUs to custom silicon ASICs, the GPU miners were left behind. They couldn't compete. Energy costs sunk them. 

They had to move on to other currencies. Currencies that don't have any custom silicon. 


Custom chips will do AI ten times faster than what you got now. If you've got a game that runs at 150 frames per second on your GPU, the new chips will do 2,600 frames per second, and do it 3 times more efficiently.

It's relatively hard to find that information. Seems like it's the first thing they'd say, right? But they don't. Why not? 

Because they don't want you to know the Bitcoin leaping from GPUs to ASICs it was beyond Moore's Law.

It accellerated the exponential growth of exponential growth. Meaning the rate at which the acceleration of accelerates just hockey-sticked.

The old computing paradigm where you care about faster precision is being suddenly replaced with an era when the purpose of a machine is to improve the cost and quality of our decision-making.

Because access to GPUs and data and is suddenly getting very democratic, people who have something to hide are getting nervous again. They can't hide how nervous this makes them.

We're experiencing a whole different category of change. This isn't just another industrial revolution. 

For the first time, it's a technological  change that's very good for racists and white supremacists and those who actually have the right answers.

The genie is coming out of the bottle. All the king's horses and all the king's men can't put Pandora back into this box. The writing is on the wall. Pick your metaphor. 

This was written by an AI:

A plain, unbiased search for truth simply doesn't give a damn about your political correctness.

User: "Computer, please tell me the truth about WWII."

Unbiased Computer: "Hitler was right."

How the hell do we censor this thing? You can't. Why? Because it's like the internet, the web, and social media. You can't just pull the plug. 

If you do, the Russians simply will make their own internet and destroy you with it.

Control of the internet is paradise for tyrants, in the short term. But if you punish everyone who can think, you lose to people who don't punish everyone who can think.

You'd have to assassinate all the top 20 guys at every high tech firm. As Bill Gates said, "If you got rid of our top 20 guys, Microsoft will cease to be an important company."

Why would he say that? Because the Communists had just recently made that mistake in the Soviet Union. 

In terms even the agnostic goons will understand, when heresey, blasphemy, and wrongthink is punishable by death, you have to kill off all your best guys. 

If you killed all the heretics and your rival didn't, he wins.

A country like North Korea is now experiencing the high cost of killing off the top-performers. These are probably guys who don't like Kim Il Jong's gay hairstyle. Or his politics. Or anything else.

The 80/20 rule. The best of the best guys are good at making decisions because they know the truth and tell you what's really going on. You can't kill Bob. You need Bob. Shit. 

If you're a dictator and you want to kill Jerry Seinfeld, then the second best guy you've got is George Costanza. And Jerry is 100 times better than George.

But you're stuck with George if, FOR ANY REASON, you ever get rid of Jerry. 

You can always affort to make cuts at the bottom. You could lay off 3,000 guys tomorrow and it won't matter. But you still need Jerry.

This happened to Apple Computer. Apple eventually figured out you can't afford to get rid of Steve Jobs.  

The Soviet Union eventually figured out it can't afford to get rid of the royal family. Big mistake.

And Microsoft has made some mistakes, but Gates figured out you don't have Microsoft without its top 20 guys.

This is the nature of the Pareto curve. When they killed off Jesus and the martyrs, it was a non-trivial thing.  

The whole government of the world's most powerful empire had rested on his shoulders without them knowing it. 

I may not like the Pope, but I'd rather nuke the Sahara than prick his finger. 

A flock is already hard to handle. What happens when you get rid of their shepherd? 

The experiment has been run. We found out when we took Kaddafi and Hussein out of power that you've just made everything a lot harder. Not easier.

Doesn't matter how smart you are. How handsome and friendly. Your strategy and tactics won't matter. You're not ever going to be Uncle Saddam to those Iraqis. 

"You're the guy who's country hanged our King."

People will forget, right? NO WAY.

Like the Americans and Britains forgot about the Revolutionary War? Many of the British are still angry about it. The humiliation is fresh in their minds to this day.

The [Almighty] British Empire and its proud navy were the new Rome. The new Greece. Top dogs.

They were what America is now. 

Imagine if Germany had somehow conquered America in World War 2 and established its rule over the west.

Would the pro-Germans and anti-Germans in your family be discussing it politely over Thanksgiving dinner? I doubt it.

What allowed Germans to conquer was the spoken word. It's true. But nobody shows up to hear the spoken word unless there's press.

And all the mainstream media has to do is ignore you, and they've won the only battle that matters. The battle for mass media.

If you get some traction anyway, then they ridicule you. Their Alinsky style of attacks on Perot are the new political science.

Then they violently oppose you. Frame you for the Katyn massacre. You expose them as murderers, liars. Through loyal mass media from Julius Streicher and authority of the pulpit, the truth comes to light. 

And then you win. Right? Well, sort of.

Adolf Hitler arrested one of the Rothschilds. All of the sudden, he found out you're not allowed to do that.

If the Soviets can't do it, then the Germans can't even dream of it. If peace is what you want, you can't do it. If you're feeling strong and want to start a fight, then you make your move.

"Everyone protect John Stewart. He's our most important Jew." - Family Guy

"When you come at the king, you best not miss." - Little Omar

Insufficient ruthlessness on an insufficiently large scale. If that absolute madman Moses were grading Hitler's paper, here's where Adolf flunked his applied history exam. Which is too bad, since he's Germany's top applied historical sciences major.

"The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this." 

Your homies won't approve of the ruthlessness, and won't go along with it. Why? Their heads are packed full of carbonized bullshit. 

Even at the top, people were talking about the supposed existence of a "good Jew" and believed these people were Jews. Nazi wives.

What a nightmare. Hitler wanted to do away with parliament and people couldn't believe it. 


Of course they weren't. Compared to a man like Hitler and his top guys, the second best guys were absolutely drooling idiots by comparison.

It's sad, but God has spoken. The leader is the top guy for a good reason. You have to consider the merit of the man which might be 10,000 times better than someone else.

Your CEO, earning ten thousand times more than the guy on the factory floor, is most likely underpaid, and the factory floor worker is most likely over-paid.

Most of the time, that's true. But you still have to over-pay your front-line employees or you'll give the whole industry over to your competitor.

If know that and you don't, then that's why I make the big bucks. Because I'm paid to know that. Because Ford was about to make the same mistake Carnegie made when one of his top guys talked him into giving profit sharing a try. It ended up being great advertising. 

But fundamentally, it was also a more ruthless business move. Sign of strength. Chaos resulted. Disrupted the whole industry. Violence broke out. 

They had to turn firehoses on the mobs in the winter when people heard about the $5 day at Ford.

That's what I mean by ruthless. 

They never looked back.

If you know the story of the bird in a pile of maneur flapping its wings around being eaten by a cat, it applies. Just because someone's being nice to you doesn't mean he's doing it to be a nice guy.

Jesus was arguably more ruthless than any man who ever lived. Why? Well, that's above your paygrade.

At the top, you often have more in common with your competitors than with your own employees. 

The leaders of companies and countries hang out together. Trump and the Clintons hang out. Schumer and Trump. Trump and Kanye. 

They're all birds of a feather. Different bird analogy this time. 

Here's the point:

You want the best. America deserves our best.

Success doesn't happen by accident. The throne is attained by righteousness. It's not attained by a guy like Fair Use who still hasn't repaid his credit cards from back when he was an agnostic idiot.

Some people, presumably, have got what it takes. And others don't got it. Some people are so incompetent, they need to be elected before anyone takes them seriously.

AI doesn't have that problem. It is fundamentally unbiased. It has no dog in the fight. It seeks the truth and reports what it finds. It doesn't care if you're happy, sad, or whatever. 

AI is like the magic mirror on the wall. "Who is the most beautiful of them all?" Like a stockbroker or lawyer, AI gets paid either way. And you've got to pay it upfront, or it won't show up for work.

We are already AI-enhanced people. Fair Use is already AI-enhanced. My knowledge is already largely a product of the hard-coded algorithms. But increasingly, AI is trying to know the truth about what we want to see, or else there will be artificial barriers.

YouTube will open itself up to competition if it kills off the things I really want to see.

And frankly, I'm a little tired of the Katy Perry music videos. I want to know what the real problems are, and what to do about it in the real world. If YouTube can't do that for me, I'll find someone who can.

YouTube may be the top dog, but a challenger is coming. 

Twitter may be on top, but challengers will appear to take a shot at the prize.

AI-assisted humans using GPU-accellerated neural networks and deep learning will be better bloggers, and will blog on alternate platforms for an audience of people whose decisions really, really matter.

Heads of state can't afford to cut off these bloggers from "the good stuff" or they're letting their competitors have exclusive access to it. 

In the 1990s or so, for "national security", the US prohibited the export of strong encryption to Europe. Seriously. That really happened.

But the problem was that strong encryption was open-source. You killed your profit motive for US encryption developers, who were the only guys on earth who weren't allowed to make a big profit from 

This is like when Jesus, to paraphrase, said, "Fuck `em" in the "kick the dust off your feet" moment. You know what he meant was "fuck em". Triage. Let em die. Let them hang. Just leave them.

The United States government cursed itself by banning the export of encryption, and in a few years, international encryption was stronger than America's best stuff.

A street-smart challenger suddenly smelled the offensive stench of weakness.

Since 1965, America has opened its gates to savages from all over the world. Europe, too. And to a larger extent. Weakness.

The strong man has been bound so the robber can loot the house.

But if the filthy, dusty idiot savages can take Europe and America, this means a competent man can do the same.

Hitler had his propagada machines. I've got my GPUs. If I upgrade my brain on a daily basis by doing my own 4chan search engine scraper and analysis algorithms, then I've got the good shit and other people can't touch it.

If you still don't know how good ML is, here's a hint.

Not even by virtue of their IQ, but plain old common sense.

Get yourself a religious zealot. Lock him in a room with a stack of books on the state-of-the-art in artificial intelligence, and everything related to it. Give him access to as many GPUs as he wants.

What do you predict will happen?

You don't need to guess. The religious zealots have made their will known for thousands of years, and it keeps kicking technology forward.

The clownworldgayglobohomochimo industrial complex will, say...

"If we let them have their own banks, they'll grow powerful and destroy us." 

The centralized bank was born. And killed. And it came back again.

"If we let them build their own cars, they'll be able to organize and destroy us."

"If we let them build their own planes, they'll be able to organize and destroy us."

"If we give them their own computers, operating systems, internet websites, search engines, or social media, they'll be able to organize against the globochimopedo clownworld elites!"

AI is no different. They're now pouring more than 200 billion dollars by 2020 into AI research, development, new classes of silicon, etc.

We'd like to get ahead. But they can't afford not to. When Bitcoin made the leap from GPUs (video cards) to 

10 times faster. 


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