Are we... Under the Law?

Are we under the law?

There are two possibilities. That we are under the law or that we're not.

"For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace." - Romans

The anti-Christ clergy never gives you the very next line, which is, "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law, but under grace? Certainly not!"

But because, at best, so many of the sheep follow the sheep instead of the good shepherd, we can expect them to twist the scripture.

"...some will seek to turn us from the truths of the Scriptures by perverting the teaching of Scripture"
And so we know what the wrong answer is. But how can so many be wrong and lawless?

Because "few there be that find it". They are few, but they find it. Turning neither to the right, nor to the left, but walking in God's ways.

God will love them because they remain in Christ and they'll bear much fruit.

How will we know what's wrong? "Many will come in my name and will deceive many."

What the majority believes, or whatever an increasing number of people believe as we approach the end, as many fall away from the true will of God, as we fall into endless wars, increasing diseases, hunger leading to widespread famine throughout the world.

The time will come when those who kill you will believe they are rendering service to God.

This is for the glory of God. It's because you haven't done what Moses told us to do in Deuteronomy 13. The false prophets are a danger to the children of God.

It's the false prophet to teaches what's contrary to the will of God. He teaches that we are "no longer under the law". Usually, this is a hypocrite who teaches us that we are commanded to tithe.

If we are intended to tithe, but not intended to obey, then how can we be intended to tithe? Has the scripture given witness against itself? Surely the inerrant word of God wouldn't do so. And, of course, it hasn't discarded the law. Jesus hasn't abolished the law. Neither has Paul. Nor has the Father in heaven.

What's happened is this: Criminals have copies of the scriptures and use it as a weapon to rob you. "All who came before me were robbers and thieves", Jesus said.

If the robber states that we are no longer under the law, that we may sin as he does, then he's teaching that a man may "do what thou wilt", a Satanic teaching of Alistair Crowley. This isn't the doctrine of God.

But the wolf in sheep's clothing is doing whatever he wants, including preaching lawlessness and hypocrisy, leading the sheep to disease, famine, and war. Just as the synagogue of Satan lies to cover up their crimes and kills to cover up their lies, the thieves and robbers are liars and murderers who use the Bible to rob whoever they can fool.

They speak of the eternal fire to condemn and control you. But Jesus came to save you, not condemn you. In fact, Jesus came to save you from those who condemn you, who use guilt and fear to control you.

The eternal fire is for the wicked. So don't let anyone deceive you.

Jesus is the true vine. The Father is the keeper of the vineyard. Any branch that doesn't bear fruit is broken off and withers. It's is bundled to be burned. Any vine that does bear fruit is pruned to make it even more fruitful.

There is censorship. There is persecution. There is also salvation. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.

Download and Unzip to Browse The Offline Archive of This Site

Yesterday I published the Top 10 most popular posts I've ever written. Which itself quickly became one of the top posts I've ever written. This blog covers a number of important subjects. It's almost a book in itself.

Because I know how much the voice of reason has been censored on Facebook and YouTube, I'm making an offline archive of this blog available for easy future reference.

Unlike previous archives aimed at making it easy to re-upload and miror the blog, this one is easy for humans to read in a small, light, portable form. (Linked audios are not included.)


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