Harems in 2019 - Plural Marriage for WS Men And Women
Hollywood. Always making it seem like you're the bad guy if you've got a harem.
If you've got women chained up in a sex dungeon, suddenly you're the "bad guy". But not so fast, Hollywood. I need to ask a few questions, first.
You see, they all seem to want you to think being the king of your castle is a bad thing. But have you ever stopped to examine that assumption? Do you disagree with God about the patriarchs and King David and King Solomon and Jacob and dozens of others God loves?
The purpose of this article is to love my neighbor, to serve the Lord, to reveal the truth, to multiply the Army of the Apocalypse and soldiers of Christ into a mighty army like the world has never seen.
I remain happily single and have no personal ambitions or biases to disclose. America is my beautiful bride, and she's more than enough for me. What I write is out of duty and my gratitude to God.

God considers refusing to breed as prescribed is punishable by death.
Because they were wicked in His sight, God slew two out of three of Judah's children by the daughter of a Caananite. It's a sin to take a foreign wife. Among other things, taking a foreign spouse is a waste of opportunity, time, money, and energy.
There are times when it's wrong not to do your duty to continue your brother-in-law's line for him, and it's punishable by death immediately.
When Judah fathered two children by the daughter of a Canaanite, Er and Onan, the Lord slew them both. Society may say God was wrong to do so, or that we can't learn lessons from the ancients because they believe times have changed, as if gravity itself is the latest fad.
Our sick society doesn't mind a baby daddy who abandons dozens of women, leaving a trail of kids unfed, uncared for.
But it hates the man who, like the ancient patriarchs, is a man who stays to raise and provide for his kids, and stays to raise them in God's ways.
As we know, every white Christian baby is a victory against evil.
The world will throw up every obstacle to prevent this from happening. Economic, psychological, and spiritual.
Those who have told you the truth, and who have led you by their example, who have been leaders, who have been respected and who have been loved by God have been accused of being cult leaders. Sometimes it's true, but not always.
Most of the time, men have been hated by the world and loved by God because they are the one who loves God.
The Satan-deceived world will not be happy about a man who is blessed by God to spawn a village of prepared, informed, strong, well-educated, well-informed white children who worship the God of Abraham and walk in His ways.
Such a man will be accused of the worst kinds of crimes. Even jailed. He'll be accused of any kind of sexual abuse, child abuse, misogyny, rape, human trafficking or anything else that might stick.
TV shows endlessly runs stories about people who escaped polygamists and cults. But escaping is easy. There's the door. When they play the victim, as if they didn't walk in by themselves and walk out by themselves, they lose credibility.
But on TV, a man who doesn't dump all the girls he's dating and doesn't use birth control will quickly be associated with murderous, left-wing cult leaders.
The anti-American's biggest objection to pedophilia seems to be that it may be a gateway to polygamy.
That's right. Leftist anti-America thinks normalization of child rape is ONLY dangerous because it might lead to men fathering and raising white kids.
That's how much status women and homosexuals have and how little status men and heterosexuals have. That's the reason why I have no pity on the godless anti-Christ masses who say "whatever god you believe in, the universe, whatever".
This is what "whatever" leads to:
Don't recognize this guy? It's Jim Jones of the Jonestown massacre, a leftist communist on a multi-racial commune, in case you've somehow mistaken him for a far-right extremist.
That's right, kids.
When you're a left-wing polygamist (or whatever), and you kill everyone with poison, gun down a congressman. It's called a mass "suicide". How tragic.
When you're a right-wing polygamist, the government kills everyone or imprisons you for life, and you're called a terrorist. The hypocrisy is disgusting!
If you sleep with 50 women, they'll call you a player.
If you live with 50 women, they'll call you a cultist.
If you impregnate 50 women, they'll call you a baby daddy.
But if you try to stay and raise 50 those white children, they'll consider you worse than a child rapist.
Why? Because leftists always project.
They're guilty of everything they accuse you of.
I don't know about you, but I'm not a job destroyer, but a job creator. We want to create meaningful, useful work for useful American workers to do.
Creating work and workers should be a good thing, right? Of course not. Leftists consider it child abuse to allow children to help out.
There are worse things to be charged with.
And while some of these charges might be accurate, FLDS religious leader Warren Jeffs pleaded not guilty.
Then from behind bars, a confession video was issued. Forced confession maybe? Coerced?
His followers aren't buying it and continue to maintain his innocence.
Judge not, lest ye be judged by the same measure by which ye judge others.
Remove the beam in your own eye so that you may see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
Sex crimes are unforgivable. True. But you must understand what God considers to be an unforgivable sex crime, and what He doesn't consider to be an unforgivable sex crime.
Let Jeffs himself educate you about some sex crimes God considers unforgivable. Then I'll explain why there's no coming back from impurity.
We must forgive our enemies and must not resist the evil man because a man who is wrong in some things isn't wrong in all things.
Throughout the Bible...
God doesn't offer us any age of consent, nor any hint of one. He leaves this to nature.
God doesn't offer us any limit to the number of wives.
When King David took 18 wives, God considered him to be without sin in doing so:
For the multiplication of wives to be a sin on the level of accumulating gold or horses, he would have to be a king. So... if you believe he's a sinner for multiplying one of these three things...
Should I, for your sake address him as His Majesty Warren Jeffs? Or are you willing to forgive a repentant man?
Are you equally outraged by the king who keeps many horses and much gold for himself? Jesus taught you to by example to forgive your enemies so that the world would know and recognize the spirit of Truth.
If someone still hasn't been accused of the worst possible sins, then it's probably because he hasn't told you the truth.
The false prophet thing is a biggie, though. The video shows a confession. If true, would this be an unforgivable sin? Under one circumstance.
Is it blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? To my knowledge, it's not a charge that's even been considered in our sick, Satanic, anti-Christ, anti-white society. And it's not likely to have been a charge the jury was asked to consider.
But I'd be surprised if that jury weren't asked to consider his sermons against race mixing in determining guilt or innocence. In which case they may have disregarded all other evidence, and thereby disregarded the will of God entirely.
In other words, Jeffs hasn't been charged with disobeying God's will.
In other words, he got off a lot easier than David Koresh.
There will always be a small, vocal, anti-white, anti-heterosexual minority who will always try to make you, your spouse and children wrong for faithfully making your best efforts to faithfully please God.
To do so, you must also faithfully obey the laws of the land, pay all the taxes which are due, give generously to the poor, the priests, and the food stores, generously and cheerfully opening up your own home to the poor on the Sabbath day, just as Isaiah 58 suggests.
Not, for example, closing off your family compound to outsiders. Why not?
Even those who don't invite people in are at least inviting cameras into their homes to amply prove their innocence in advance to the whole community, who shares in their story, partakes of their surplus, who helps them in all times, including times of need so that the courts would be filled with lines around the block of character witnesses.
The Lord will bless you for such transparency, especially when you remember for one day per week to be on your best behavior and abstain from all sin.
And now, as your nazibigotwhitesupremacistgodkingprophetleaderfuher and littletruckthatjumpsoverbigpuddles of the heavenhalebopprealm, this is what I hereby command you, my brothers, for your own sake.
But in a nerd parable form that's out of the reach of some who are blind. Seeing, they don't see, and their heart doesn't understand. But blessed is he whose eyes do see, and whose heart does understand.
It's not a request, which you might interpret as a command, but only for the wisest, most careful-minded and the most brilliant among us, the fathers of future leaders who can correctly interpret such things.
It's been a while since I had 4 girlfriends at once, but I'll do my best.
For WSX Men:
Like President Coolidge, the farmer must ask himself the FQ: The farmer's question.
A farmer cannot meet market demand unless production is high. The fruit of the womb of a hen is its eggs, and the market demands the maximum number of highest-grade eggs, but the world is full of too many cheap, useless brown eggs of low quality which meet none of the sensible standards for an egg.
His question is whether we're even optimizing to get the most pure offspring from the white cockrels or maximizing the production of the white hens.
He finds there are many, many brown hens, but only 2% of the world's hens are fertile white chicken hens.
And even fewer of these who lay white eggs.
And even fewer of these who always lay white eggs.
And even fewer of these who will consistently mate with the highest quality white cockrel it can.
The farmer gives instructions to his most faithful servants first. They are to tell all the other servants about the policy to maximize the white eggs which are so desperately needed in the world.
And if they want to continue serving their farms and families, they can continue, for the time being, to produce pure brown eggs or pure white, but must not mix two kinds of layers, since there are so few white eggs that bless the whole world's egg supply.
The high grade white eggs are wanted for every kind of purpose under heaven. The low-grade brown eggs are only tolerated because they are cheap, abundant, and because if pooled together with the others, most people won't even know the difference.
Like pouring cheap, unfiltered vodka into a bottle intended for expensive, high quality vodka, the horrible hangover will always tell you the truth. But by then, it's too late. The distiller must enforce strict instructions to keep the cheap vodka in cheap vodka bottles and expensive vodka in expensive vodka bottles.
Or else one day, there will be no vodka for anyone.
Just as the distiller sends this message to all his servants, and hopes for everyone's sake they will all obey, he knows not everyone is obedient, and there is a short-term profit motive for cheating until every brand name has been ruined by the adulteration of the labels until one day, all labels become meaningless.
Then one day, the Pedo-brand dollar vodka and Black-brand nickel vodka is treated exactly the same as the $10,000 bottle of Platinum Standard White Russian vodka, because the label is no guarantee of quality, strength, or purity.
And every bottle of white Russian vodka will therefore be subject to much closer inspection, even sampling before purchase if anyone expects more than a dollar for the bottle.
While contemplating his next order of egg-layer chicks, the farmer goes over the purity of his hens and examines their family trees, carefully selecting from the best available breeders. Not enough. He will have to import some chicks to the farm this year to meet demand.
And that means he'll have to order whatever is available. That means he faces the same exact same problem as vodka buyers. The labels don't mean anything anymore. He puts on his reading glasses to see the fine print.
Of course, none of the worst breeders want him reading the fine print from the good book, or telling any others about it. But he tells his friends, and all who want to listen.
He gives them the truth about these hatcheries.
As a result, the most evil hatchery which produces the most adulterated of all hatchlings threatens his life. This is the sower of tares among the wheat who pretends to be the good shepherd. But he is a real snake, always going back and forth when caught. Ravenous and deceptive, like a wolf wearing the good shepherd's clothing.
It pays to know which is which.
Before making an order from the hatchery, the farmer considers all of them very carefully, since, as he learned from his papa, there have been many, many problems with dishonest distillers, hatcheries, and other evil counterfeiters in the past.
The breed he wants is WS. The egg isn't just white, isn't just large, but is the WS grade. White and Supreme (the most superb) quality. Particularly those who come from the X hatchery, if, in fact, they are genuine WSX chicks.
These are set apart from all others. All the customers in the world prefer them, once they know the difference.
The farmer finds there will be male chicks (M) and female chicks (F) delivered together in a box. Since hatched, they have seen nothing of the world and know nothing of the world except what their instincts tell them.
But they are only descended from those who feared wolves, hawks, snakes, and other predators. Their instincts exist to keep them alive, but instinct alone can't detect every kind of threat, or else it would be impossible to lure, trap, or capture them.
In such a world, there would be no fishing lures, because no deception could work to lure a fish. There would be no pornography, because no man would mistake an image for a woman. There would be no tempter, because no temptation could succeed.
We don't live in such a world. Deception exists that defies our instincts. Instinct alone is poor protection from these many kinds of deceptions. Even for chickens.
They may not have learned how to detect a growling predator that dresses up as a sheep.
To mistrust everything means running away from everything.
To trust everything means becoming a wolf's dinner.
New chicks have no knowledge of the world, and need protection from elders.
The servants have trained the strong white geese to know the difference between the threats and the farmer's servants who feed them. The guard geese goose-step all over the yard protecting the flock and keeping order.
These guardians allows the prized WSX hens to fulfill their life's purpose.
If they are fruitful and multiply, then the farmer will save them and multiply them, culling those who don't, breaking their chicken necks and bundling them to be burned in a fire pit.
If any good and just farmer really wanted to maximize for WSX hen (WSXF) production,
He tells his servants the truth. That WSX white chicken production leads to the fruits of wisdom and all good things. The highest WSX-grade egg production for many years to come.
The farmer must preserve his good instructions forever. It wasn't easy or inexpensive to learn these pearls of wisdom.
So he tells his most faithful servants exactly how to share and preserve his good instructions, to pass them down through the generations and to everyone they love.
The new servants take over from the old servants, learning the right and proper ways so that the wicked hatchery can't ever tamper with or destroy the precious, rare instructions without the servants finding out and correcting it.
Well trained by the good farmer, his best servants know the evil counterfeiters will try anything to tamper with the servant's understanding of this farmer's good instructions.
If they can't re-write the instructions then the counterfeiters will re-write the language they speak, so that today's servants can't understand any of the languages of their ancestors.
Most scholars will try to conceal the meaning of the good old Farmer's ancient wisdom and ridicule it. Others try to reveal it, preserve it, and share the most correct translation to all the new and faithful servants because they love the blessings of following the good words of our loving Farmer.
He has revealed to us that a cockrel (WSXM) can't service more than 17 or 18 hens without the egg production of each hens starting to fall off. Why? Because that's simply the nature of these kind of hens. They don't lay or hatch as many eggs, but 18 hens need to be serviced by at least one cockrel to produce the maximum number of eggs and hatch as many WSX chicks as possible.
17 or 18 is the best number of hens per WSX cockrel, which the farmer knows, and told us. The king Cockrel who showed us this fact was called David, who took over from a previous cockrel who was destroyed.
In the end, all face the risk of being destroyed if they don't perform as the farmer has instructed.
But the WSX white cockrel may not have access to 18 white WS hens, leaving an underutilized surplus of his own production capacity.
The farmer has instructed his servants to love the WSX cockrels who strut as a WSX should strut, walking in the farmer's ways.
None of these will ever lack for feed. "Feed my cockrels", the Farmer's son said, promising to return.
When paired with underperforming but otherwise viable WSX hens, the WSX cockrel could adequately service hundreds of hens, producing the same or greater yield per cockrel.
Of course, the purpose of the X hatchery is to deliver the best possible yield per hen or cockrel, but the plain fact of life is that some will greatly outperform all the others because underperformers don't want to strut in the farmer's ways, because they haven't been loved by the wicked servants or counterfeiters, because they haven't been given the right environment, or because there's simply too much stress, noise, or distraction, or because they don't have enough water, feed, or protection from the cold and predators.
Some just need more daylight or space, better feed. Some need gentler treatment and to be shown less aggression and hatred.
The farmer knows this, and his son will whip to death the wicked servants when he returns, casting them into the fire all the murderers, cowards and liars who've failed to love the farmer, the son, their farm and those who belong on it.
For the farmer, the only question is what to do with his WSXM cockrel who only has five to twelve hens. Can he substitute other hens?
Yes. There are other hatcheries. But only if they in fact meet the X hatchery's standards before breeding. If they would be accepted into the X hatchery itself, then they can be accepted by the farmer.
But it's only to the extent that they don't interfere with the maximum production of the WSXF layer hens that non-WSX hens can be substituted. Because those who have come from outside the X hatchery, though they may meet the minimum standard of acceptance into the X hatchery, are simply not the same quality as those who have been bred by the X hatchery for many generations to achieve the most superb and reliable quality, even though they're in fact the exact same breed, sub-species, and meet all the same standards.
X hatchery is run by Christians. Other hatcheries are run by Mormons, Jehovah's witnesses, etc.
The fact is if they didn't come from the X hatchery, it's because they've been managed & handled by other hatcheries and farms.
Was a pure hen taken? Did the hen run away? As a consequence, has this pure WSX hen been traumatized, mistreated, mishandled, mismanaged, malnourished, or abused?
Now what quality is the pure hen or cockrel? Not as good. If it's broken, stressed, misled, confused and traumatized, can you really expect it to do what the farmer intended it to do?
Not good enough. Not for the top WSX cockrel, anyway.
But is it even good enough for other WSX cockrels? If raised well, what will be the quality of the egg of a runaway hen? Not as good. Even a pure WSX, if a runaway raised by an X hatchery, descended only from pure X ancestry, even if taken in by the M hatchery, or sold to it, has fallen so far from her place in the heavens that her wings may be broken, unable to properly brood her clutch.
But her offspring, handled properly, may be still be excellent in quality, if not the very best. If some pleasing virtue, some trait is desired, she may be mated to an excellent cockrel, even she's never paired with the top WSX cockrel, she may be worthy of a WSX cockrel somewhere further down the line.
If that's the case, then their descendants may in fact have a glorious destiny. Even an eternal one.
The farmer's best WSX cockrel must be reserved for the best hens. Because he is the king cockrel of the whole farm, and much depends on his progeny.
But so long as the top cockrel services a good many WSXF hens, as nature demands, keeping them at their maximum healthy production, the farmer may give his white WSXM cockrels rights and access to as many as 500 or 1,000 white hens of other types, since they're certainly abundant in supply.
This is the reason why if a maximum number of Christian-bred hens can't be obtained, then white Mormon-bred hens (if they've converted) may sometimes be substituted among the hundreds, so long as they don't lead the WSXM cockrel to the Mormon farm but instead accept the true Gospel.
Because these hens are easily obtained in quantity, they're also easily corrupted, and therefore may already be corrupted without any outward sign, in addition to being of lower quality where it counts.
A higher of quality bird is greatly preferred because the damaged bird must be proven mendable, then mended, and kept healthy before any laying can occur. Make no commitment to accepting any bird that cannot be mended.
They must bring the gospel. This is the one who can repent and make amends, so that God will heal them.
Likewise, Pagan-bred chickens are not mentioned above because their standard of evidence is to consistently remain willfully ignorant of the truth for 2,000 years, or they're wired with a tendency to fall away during that time.
In theory, Pagans could produce X chickens at any time, but for whatever reason, they've never in thousands of years chosen to do so.
When night falls, the door to the hen house swings shut on all the non-existent chickens belonging to the Pagans. Like all other unbelievers, it must be presumed at this point that Pagans quite simply have no immortal soul.
Nice boobies, to be sure. But don't be fooled by their other attributes. Some old dogs will live another year. But not all old dogs will, even if they're a prize showdog.
Jesus came to make you fearless, and thereby save you from becoming Mormons, Pagans, Arabs, mulattos, Muslims, or "Jewish." There is one path to purity, and therefore life.
Accepting the Mormon faith, for example, makes you more vulnerable to ethnic cleansing by an ethnic "Jew" posing as a Mormon. Once one is infected by such a mind virus, he's made even more vulnerable to genetic contamination.
The white WSX cockrel is the healthy, virile WS Xtian male who is ideally free of selfishness and other defects who can provide for his family.
This is possible through your tribe's compliance with the Gospel, with Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Leviticus as a schoolmaster, as did the Son of Man and the prophets.
Naturally, the WSXM cockrel won't be overly concerned about the hen's sorrows, her pain in egg-laying/hatching/childbirth, nor that she burns with lust for her cockrel who will rule over her.
It's the most loving, broody, gentle, silky chicken that's transcended even it's own birdness.
God is good to have given salvation to X hens through egg-laying with an XM cockrel. Because salvation is not something she could achieve through her own deeds, which are filthy rags to the Lord.
For cockrels to sew the maximum amount of seed, history has shown he may take 500 to 1,000 hens.
But he only does so when he's considered the quantity of his progeny, not its quality.
For a king to multiply wives without regard to preserving and proliferating a rare woman's fine and extraordinary quality shows he has strayed far from the Farmer's ways and has lost his understanding.
It shows he has even lost his ability to do basic arithmetic and reasoning. For there are so few wives of virtue that will ever knock on the door of eternity.
Such a woman's value is far more precious than rubies. A king who has no time to multiply the diamond mines of his kingdom must be too busy rubbing himself with aluminum foil. Does he also march past the stables of the kingdom's finest horses so he can please the pigs by letting them pluck the toes off his feet?
Of all the birds of the earth, WSX birds are the most limited in numbers, both the male and the female.
In his good notebook, which is a catalog of the successes and failures across time, the Farmer found that X birds and M birds from Christian and even Mormon farms will sometimes mate with one another.
It's the wicked servants who have done this. They have not loved the Farmer.
If WX birds should be paired with WX mates, then WSX birds should only be paired with WSX mates.
To destroy the purity of the WX is a disgusting thing. How much more so to destroy the virtue of the WSX line?
What's unnatural and disgusting and displeasing to the Farmer should not be held up as an example of what's correct. It's not an example of what's preferred, but instead it's a tragedy. Pearls should not be thrown to the swine.
Especially among those who should know better. But a man who hates God is already destroyed. And God the Father is right to destroy what's most precious to him in all the world, that his progeny, at best, will suffer a thousand generations of contempt in the kingdom.
are available, and WSX birds, if possible, should always be bred together as a first priority.
But even in the absence of other WSX birds, any WSX birds should certainly breed and be multiplied as much as possible, even if it must be bred to X or even, as a last resort, M birds (from Christian or, as a last resort, Mormon breeders), even though it's certain that multiple hens can be much more easily obtained and more easily set to laying if it's from Mormon sources, the quality of M birds is less desirable than the X breeds.
It's best if the purity of the breed is maintained by selecting for health and function of the bird, since in the end, correct and proper behavior is the most desirable outcome. Those who prioritize a certain look over observable behavior, which is the outward evidence of its inner alignment to the desired outcome, are sacrificing the most important criterion.
No WSX birds of a white-feathered bloodline should be be mated to any bird that doesn't have a white coat of feathers, which is necessary but incomplete evidence of whether or not it's from a loving bloodline that has been blessed by God.
A loving cockrel won't tolerate or participate in any kind of rebellion against the natural pecking order, aggressive or otherwise, and will lead other birds toward the natural order by its good example, and the bird is fruitful, multiplies, and is loved by God who fights for him.
The farmer must be sure none of the hens bred to a WSX cockrel are foreign, because a foreign hen would lead her mate away from the Good Farmer. In a mixed era such as ours, these foreigners can still be identified by their resistance to the Good Farmer's teachings found only in the Good Book.
Some "white" women, like hens, aren't white in their hearts, resisting the Go. Some "white" women are white in their hearts, but not white in their minds, resisting the God's WS meaning.
But if the purpose of your marriage is to please God, then you're not just maximizing for production of whites, but to produce the most WS offspring with both male and female WS parents, receptive offspring who are raised in God's truth. All other considerations are secondary.
It's ok to have many hens who lay eggs, but since hens and feed are limited, and because the farmer's cost time, effort, and energy is used, you not only want the most white eggs from each hen, but you also don't want any brown eggs, even from a white hen.
If a farmer is maximizing for WSX production, he must select only the best-behaved cockrels, or else the hatchlings won't grow into the best-behaved WSX birds.
The sorrows and clucking of hens and disobedient cockrels is expected, is inevitable, and must not the Good Farmer's first concern. In fact, some responsible culling practices will be necessary, and can be found in the law.
In the times past, the Good Farmer culled all but the best birds, leaving only a tiny few, and will only keep the very few faithful birds at the harvest, processing the rest and tossing them into the eternal oven to be cooked.
The Farmer found a male can't maximize the production of more than 17 or 18 hens. Some things have their limits.
The question is whether we're optimizing to get the most pure offspring from white cockrels or maximizing the production of white hens, even if they're not WSX hens.
If you want to arrive at the most white hens to lay the most white eggs that hatch and become productive white hens who lay white eggs, then your preference should be for white cockrels to have as many white-egg-laying white hens as possible. But also maximize for as many white hens as possible.
An Xtian WS male (WSXM) is a rare and special creature on the earth. Because fertile Xtian-WS females are also very rare, the data show he should have no more than 18 WS Xtian female (WSXF) wives.
If he is wise, he should make every reasonable attempt to multiply in this way as long as he maximizes the production of each WSXF female and can support his family, receiving his full blessing from God.
As long as all his WSXF are maximized, giving preference to them, he may have as many additional wives as are willing to be exclusive to him, who he can support and love.
If spiritual wives (exclusive long-term, committed breeding relationships/XLTR) are white, Christian, but not WS, then they're a much lower class of white female. Why? Because they're willing to become Christian, but blind to the WS meaning of Christ's teachings. Their heart has no understanding. Their family has failed to raise her in the light of the truth about the world.
Her genes are obviously impaired, which may take generations to correct. But have faith. God loves all white Christian women, and grew WSXM from the dust of the earth to save them from the temptation to matrimony outside their tribe, which is displeasing to God.
Their blind, brain-damaged state, aren't entitled to top tier treatment or access. Their access is strictly limited to his availability.
Within the king's own harem, his concern is for the hundreds of concubines and wives. But his concern extends far beyond his own household, to the productivity of the kingdom of thousands.
He has the future of the kingdom to consider.
Consider the king who has seven daughters and seven sons. They won't always be children, will they? One day, in ten to fifteen years, if they do their duty, almost certainly they'll be producing enough food and clothes and housing to provide for dozens of people. What else do they produce?
Potential husbands and wives, potential soldiers and leaders who have the favor of the king. One is wise to seek to be sure he has the favor of the king, and his blessing. Why?
Because God has made and raised and placed kings to be obeyed, just as he's created husbands to be obeyed by their wives, children to obey their parents, pets and other animals to obey the master's children, and even the animals are made to obey and follow other animals. This is the natural order.
Money, lands, and there is the small matter about how the thriving kingdom will distribute all its lovely virgin women to suitable husbands capable of providing for them. The favor of the king makes it easier to gain control and stewardship of lands with the best and strongest workers and all their many happy virgin daughters.
In his search for great beauty, a prince throws a party for his subjects and eventually finds the woman who belongs to the glass slipper, so to speak.
Like all the lords, dukes, and barons, he's amply able to provide for each and all of her wishes because he has the favor of the king, lands, rank and title.
How has this king been so successful? Because in a time of existential threat, he emerged as the hero who conquers, tames, or subdues, by whatever means necessary, or whatever means possible, the dangerous barbarian invaders to restore peace and harmony to the land.
By displacement. By creating, for example, many kinds of home-spun industries of the finest, hand-made crafts available from all the greatest local artisans. It's the hand-crafted arts, wines, cheeses, laces and custom-tailored fine linens which can't be easily mass-produced and provides an authentic mark of quality which can't be easily faked.
When you know it's not cheap foreign goods and merchandise you're getting, those in the know are always delighted to pay the premium for quality.
Such as quality foods, grass-fed, butchered, prepared and served at boutique local farm kitchens and restaurants by the farmer's own family. Where did the fresh lettuce come from? About 300 feet away, picked, washed and served at the time the customer ordered it.
Where did their beautiful clothing come from? Locally produced by the finest tailors using locally grown cotton and wool with local automated looms to create custom textiles of exactly the right size.
You know what else should be locally grown? The people!
The wise king shows them the way to multiply in the lands, unlike any other leader they've ever followed, and so God blesses them with prosperity. A wise king's subjects are feared by all nations.
From these wives, a surplus of sons and daughters, young shepherds and seamstresses who create riches, who build, repair, sow, grow, harvest, clean, and cook. A surplus of young progeny who play and sing beautifully, in whatever way best pleases the Lord.
It's also possible to multiply without multiplying wives. This is the path of many.
In most cases, in pleasant times and places, I suggest WSX men (woke white Christian men) consider taking the easier, simpler, mainstream path to happiness, unless desperate measures are necessary to replenish the earth, or unless God has called you to provide for more children.
Not everyone is content to find themselves completely at odds against a deceived world. If a man has several wives, for example, those of the poverty mindset will suspect another man must go without. Not necessarily so.
A delay is not a denial. In time, there may be 5 or 10 times more women for everyone of his generation.
Many young men are patient. They're willing to wait for quality or for quantity until they're 25 or 30 to settle down with the woman of their dreams. She might be a bit younger than he is, but I doubt he'll object.
And if the age difference is a bit larger, there are men in their 40s and 50s who've sometimes been willing to accept younger wives and girlfriends. It's true.
If the population is growing, there's hope for these men that they'll find someone in the next generation. Particularly if that generation is twice as big, doubling everyone's options. Even if 1% of the men take 10 of the wives in this generation, that leaves 90% of those beautiful women looking for husbands.
But while some of the younger men will unfortunately struggle to find their economic footing, leaving women available, not to worry.
Slightly older bucks who've found a solid footing on the steeper slopes can always help take up the slack and see that she lacks for no good thing.
If, in a growing population, there's always going to be a surplus of eligible young fertile women, then the alternative to plural marriage in such times is many single women leaping from man to man, living on alimony, child support, and state subsidies.
In such a case, no one has ensured that if she doesn't work, she doesn't eat. She's given a free ride for misbehavior. It's the government who has become her husband and provider.
And the government was never given the freedom of choice to say no.
A wise king wants happy, productive workers paying their taxes, fighting for their future. If they're single, they're not going to be as happy. If they're single, the population won't grow as quickly.
This means fewer eligible fiances in 20 years time, fewer young, sturdy men entering the workforce willing to take full-time jobs and earn their reward.
Why should these young men work hard if there's no reward?
If single women seeking their next divorce are the problem, then God knows what comes next.
Because Eve listened to the snake and disobeyed the Father of the natural world, He cursed her with sorrows and sharp pain in childbirth and cursed her to lust after her husband.
It's much easier for a man with two wives to get a third wife than it is for a man with no wives to get his first one.
The laws of nature also apply to women when it comes to humility, patience, love, forgiveness, charity, and all such virtues. Those who abuse their position suffer the curses of any king who abuses his. We saw what happened to the Pharoah and his kingdom when he abused his position.
Why did the farmer have his servants break the necks of the unproductive hens and bundle them to be tossed into the burn pit? Because they were no longer worth even a few pennies per day of chicken feed. What brown or beige egg has been worth its feed? It is wrong to think of a brown egg as truly a chicken egg, because this leads him to make mistakes in dealing with such rotten eggs.
That's how the farmer treats the worthless animals, the unfruitful trees, and even the barren fields and brittle brush may be burned to clear the way for the wiser, more productive stewardship of the land.
If parasites are treated as a special, privileged class, then why should they produce any work or workers? Why should they ever want to make our working men happy if they don't have to? Why should a home-wrecker become a home-maker?
In which case, for the few brave WS men, plural marriage must obviously become a consideration. But your responsibility is to provide for your family and love your spouse(s).
According to Paul, a priest or clergy may not marry more than one wife.
But it's clear God approved of King David and his 18 wives, except for the matter of Uriah the Hittite.
Any spouse need not be WS, and can even be a normie r/thedonald - tier wife, as long as she's willing to obediently submit to her husband, especially in matters such as cutting off her access to TV, internet, news, magazines, books and all the corrupting influences that endanger your family and her salvation.
For WSX Women:
Women have a different reproductive strategy than men.
Start your family as young as you possibly can. DON'T GO TO COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY, OR ANY SCHOOL WHICH TAKES YOU AWAY FROM YOUR PARENTS. Don't delay in starting a family with your mother and father's permission.
And as long as they live, by no means should you marry anyone without their permission.
What is a woman's calling? To bear much fruit of the womb, and thereby receive the Lord's blessings and salvation.
Especially if you are considering a larger family a possibility, or haven't ruled it out, you'll want the highest quality provider so you can receive your full blessing and salvation through procreation and obedience to your monogamous husband.
He doesn't need to be a nationalist or an activist, but should love you, forgive you, be able to commit to you for a lifetime and should love Jesus as much as you do.
For most men, unless they're overseers such as kings and priests, multiple wives aren't forbidden by the good book.
WSX women may have as many children as they possibly can, especially through monogamy, while WSX men may have the same. Or even more children through plural marriage, maybe even hundreds of children, without depriving anyone else of anything.
In fact, like the logger re-planting trees where he's harvested, as long as he sows as many seeds as the crops he harvests, and raises at least as many women as the number of women he marries, who can have legitimate cause to complain about his actions? He's produced much more than he's taken.
I can't see any legitimacy to the complaint about a man who takes from the surplus of aging women and converts them into a fresh new crop of young virgin women, while adding to the army of tax-paying young working men besides.
A wise king, chosen from among your brothers, would be delighted by this.
There's a good reason why women are naturally more attracted to married men than single men. Even if they're Christian women.
Raise children as Christians first. Not supremacists. They'll have the law, and the law will protect them. At least make sure they know who they really are so they can understand the scriptures.
All the success of Mormonism can be explained by this one single factor. When the descendants of the Hebrews know who they are, the promises of God, then the scripture suddenly makes a lot more sense.
It's important to start a family early, especially for women. Past age 40, there can be problems for men, too.
There's nothing wrong with maximizing the production of WSX children by making sure the WSX women each have a highly productive husband who's full of faith. A man they're passionate about. Passionate enough to let God decide how many children they'll have instead of trusting in birth control.
Even if the only reason they burn with lust for their man is he's got a few wives because he knows how to read.
When Jesus returns, the world will quickly be at least a couple billion short, so the myth of over-population is not a consideration.
An EMP attack may quickly destroy nine out of ten people in the land.
How to accomplish this is a subject for your attorney. I'm not a lawyer. Seek competent counsel for legal advice.
Needless to say, reading this one blog post and then turning to your wife and mother of your children and saying, "Honey, I'm thinking about getting another wife. What do you think?" would not be a prudent move.
But for people who are used to having multiple girlfriends anyway, for men who already know about and have experience in open relationships, know all about leveraging jealousy plotlines, know from experiences that dating via threesomes is easier than dating one-on-one, and you've played the field, want to settle down with a few different women and raise 90 or so kids...
There are alternatives to going your own way, so to speak, if keeping a woman's respect, attention or her faithfulness has ever been a problem. If having a relationship with one woman is just too much work because you're the only one for them to talk to, making you into a surrogate girlfriend, then there's potential.
You can have a greater degree of happiness and blessings, if you pursue wisdom.
There are resources.
Now, instead of complaining about it, you have more tools to personally fix the white birth rates. Obey the law, don't marry all your cousins and use at your own risk.
Brady Williams
"I'd rather have 20% of a good man than zero."
Winston Blackmore
(((NON-Christian))) who preys on Mormon Women
Isaiah, Becky, and Marlene, Part 2
Michael Crawley
Man with Two Twin Sisters (Forbidden by scripture.)
National Geographic: Multiple Wives in Islam
Christian Sect in India: Ziona
Do you have two dogs? Does anyone ever ask you if one gets jealous of the other? No. People love dogs more than they love people, but the communist propaganda hasn't gotten around to asking anyone whether two dogs ever have feelings of jealousy.
Well, of course they do. If I have two dogs and feed them, take care of them and treat them well, then it's not my problem how they feel about sharing me with another dog. Don't be ridiculous.
The same with women.
It's easier to keep women physically interested in an interesting guy. They can't help who they're attracted to. And you can consistently trigger that attraction an demand. Or kill it accidentally, ruining a relationship.
Women are much more interested in a man with choices, control, and competence. Such a man has a high opinion of himself, humbly, even if reluctantly accepting that the Lord our God has been right about his abilities.
The mathematics of intrigue shifts the power to him the power in the marriage, if he'll take it. One wife may try to withhold from performing her duties, but a wife knows she can't force his other wives to restrain their desires for him.
Other benefits to men and women.
Because of feminism, there's not nearly enough misogyny in the world to balance out all the misandry. Fair is fair. Whatever women get, they receive it from the Lord who is just.
The Lord knows they'll get more than they deserve, either way. For thousands of years, women have more than abused the social safety net and God's patience, mercy, and forgiveness fluctuates.
So whatever route you choose, I thank you for your service, brave soldier.
In whatever way thou best pleasest God, dispose the day.
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Hollywood is attacking our traditional family values, fam |
You see, they all seem to want you to think being the king of your castle is a bad thing. But have you ever stopped to examine that assumption? Do you disagree with God about the patriarchs and King David and King Solomon and Jacob and dozens of others God loves?
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Because the unexamined life isn't worth living. It's time to question what we learned at the movies. |
The purpose of this article is to love my neighbor, to serve the Lord, to reveal the truth, to multiply the Army of the Apocalypse and soldiers of Christ into a mighty army like the world has never seen.
I remain happily single and have no personal ambitions or biases to disclose. America is my beautiful bride, and she's more than enough for me. What I write is out of duty and my gratitude to God.
Then Judah said to Onan, "Go in to the wife of your brother and perform the duty of a brother-in-law to her, and raise up offspring for your brother."
And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.
And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.
- From Genesis 38

God considers refusing to breed as prescribed is punishable by death.
"In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes." - Judges 17:6
Because they were wicked in His sight, God slew two out of three of Judah's children by the daughter of a Caananite. It's a sin to take a foreign wife. Among other things, taking a foreign spouse is a waste of opportunity, time, money, and energy.
There are times when it's wrong not to do your duty to continue your brother-in-law's line for him, and it's punishable by death immediately.
When Judah fathered two children by the daughter of a Canaanite, Er and Onan, the Lord slew them both. Society may say God was wrong to do so, or that we can't learn lessons from the ancients because they believe times have changed, as if gravity itself is the latest fad.
A believer knows it's not the God of the Christian Bible that's wrong. It's society that's wrong.
Our sick society doesn't mind a baby daddy who abandons dozens of women, leaving a trail of kids unfed, uncared for.
But it hates the man who, like the ancient patriarchs, is a man who stays to raise and provide for his kids, and stays to raise them in God's ways.
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The victory against evil is near. |
The world will throw up every obstacle to prevent this from happening. Economic, psychological, and spiritual.
Those who have told you the truth, and who have led you by their example, who have been leaders, who have been respected and who have been loved by God have been accused of being cult leaders. Sometimes it's true, but not always.
Most of the time, men have been hated by the world and loved by God because they are the one who loves God.
"Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me. The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him.”
(John 14:21)In twenty years time, will you be able to say that because you've lived, many thousands of soldiers of Christ entered the world, summoned forth from the dust of the ground to fight for justice?
God's will is the antithesis of the will of of our deceived, anti-white society.
The Satan-deceived world will not be happy about a man who is blessed by God to spawn a village of prepared, informed, strong, well-educated, well-informed white children who worship the God of Abraham and walk in His ways.
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You'll hear endlessly about Jeffs: Jailed for raising way "too many" white babies. 50 of them. These are his wives. By multiplying whiteness on the earth, he's given the world far more than he's taken. |
Such a man will be accused of the worst kinds of crimes. Even jailed. He'll be accused of any kind of sexual abuse, child abuse, misogyny, rape, human trafficking or anything else that might stick.
TV shows endlessly runs stories about people who escaped polygamists and cults. But escaping is easy. There's the door. When they play the victim, as if they didn't walk in by themselves and walk out by themselves, they lose credibility.
But on TV, a man who doesn't dump all the girls he's dating and doesn't use birth control will quickly be associated with murderous, left-wing cult leaders.
The anti-American's biggest objection to pedophilia seems to be that it may be a gateway to polygamy.
That's right. Leftist anti-America thinks normalization of child rape is ONLY dangerous because it might lead to men fathering and raising white kids.
That's how much status women and homosexuals have and how little status men and heterosexuals have. That's the reason why I have no pity on the godless anti-Christ masses who say "whatever god you believe in, the universe, whatever".
This is what "whatever" leads to:
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If you want white kids, you must be just like Communist mass-murderer Jim Jones who loves murdering brown children. |
Don't recognize this guy? It's Jim Jones of the Jonestown massacre, a leftist communist on a multi-racial commune, in case you've somehow mistaken him for a far-right extremist.
When he's not forcibly injecting people with cyanide, gunning down senators and their camera crews, he's blowing out his own brains. That's what mass suicide means, right?
That's right, kids.
When you're a left-wing polygamist (or whatever), and you kill everyone with poison, gun down a congressman. It's called a mass "suicide". How tragic.
When you're a right-wing polygamist, the government kills everyone or imprisons you for life, and you're called a terrorist. The hypocrisy is disgusting!
If you sleep with 50 women, they'll call you a player.
If you live with 50 women, they'll call you a cultist.
If you impregnate 50 women, they'll call you a baby daddy.
But if you try to stay and raise 50 those white children, they'll consider you worse than a child rapist.
Why? Because leftists always project.
They're guilty of everything they accuse you of.
I don't know about you, but I'm not a job destroyer, but a job creator. We want to create meaningful, useful work for useful American workers to do.
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When this pic was posted, leftists flipped out and called this "child abuse" |
There are worse things to be charged with.
And while some of these charges might be accurate, FLDS religious leader Warren Jeffs pleaded not guilty.
Then from behind bars, a confession video was issued. Forced confession maybe? Coerced?
His followers aren't buying it and continue to maintain his innocence.
Judge not, lest ye be judged by the same measure by which ye judge others.
Remove the beam in your own eye so that you may see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
Sex crimes are unforgivable. True. But you must understand what God considers to be an unforgivable sex crime, and what He doesn't consider to be an unforgivable sex crime.
Let Jeffs himself educate you about some sex crimes God considers unforgivable. Then I'll explain why there's no coming back from impurity.
We must forgive our enemies and must not resist the evil man because a man who is wrong in some things isn't wrong in all things.
Clearly not a fan of the immorality within the negro race and their ways.
Throughout the Bible...
God doesn't offer us any age of consent, nor any hint of one. He leaves this to nature.
God doesn't offer us any limit to the number of wives.
But the king must not acquire many horses for himself or send the people back to Egypt to acquire more horses, for the LORD has said, ‘You are never to go back that way again.’ He must not take many wives for himself, lest his heart go astray. He must not accumulate for himself great amounts of silver and gold. - Deuteronomy 17:17(Also, he must not acquire many horses for himself or send people to get more horses from Egypt.)
When King David took 18 wives, God considered him to be without sin in doing so:
For David had done what was right in the eyes of the LORD and did not turn aside from anything the LORD commanded all the days of his life, except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite. - 1 Kings 15:5Regardless of guilt or innocence, the blood of Christ covers all sins. For Jeffs to have committed a sexually immoral act, it would have to be immoral in God's eyes.
For the multiplication of wives to be a sin on the level of accumulating gold or horses, he would have to be a king. So... if you believe he's a sinner for multiplying one of these three things...
Are you saying he's a king?
Should I, for your sake address him as His Majesty Warren Jeffs? Or are you willing to forgive a repentant man?
Are you equally outraged by the king who keeps many horses and much gold for himself? Jesus taught you to by example to forgive your enemies so that the world would know and recognize the spirit of Truth.
If someone still hasn't been accused of the worst possible sins, then it's probably because he hasn't told you the truth.
The false prophet thing is a biggie, though. The video shows a confession. If true, would this be an unforgivable sin? Under one circumstance.
Is it blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? To my knowledge, it's not a charge that's even been considered in our sick, Satanic, anti-Christ, anti-white society. And it's not likely to have been a charge the jury was asked to consider.
But I'd be surprised if that jury weren't asked to consider his sermons against race mixing in determining guilt or innocence. In which case they may have disregarded all other evidence, and thereby disregarded the will of God entirely.
In other words, Jeffs hasn't been charged with disobeying God's will.
He's been charged with obeying God's will, found guilty of it, and has been sentenced to life plus 20 years for the crime.
In other words, he got off a lot easier than David Koresh.
There will always be a small, vocal, anti-white, anti-heterosexual minority who will always try to make you, your spouse and children wrong for faithfully making your best efforts to faithfully please God.
To do so, you must also faithfully obey the laws of the land, pay all the taxes which are due, give generously to the poor, the priests, and the food stores, generously and cheerfully opening up your own home to the poor on the Sabbath day, just as Isaiah 58 suggests.
Not, for example, closing off your family compound to outsiders. Why not?
Because you are to be in the world, but not of the world.
Even those who don't invite people in are at least inviting cameras into their homes to amply prove their innocence in advance to the whole community, who shares in their story, partakes of their surplus, who helps them in all times, including times of need so that the courts would be filled with lines around the block of character witnesses.
The Lord will bless you for such transparency, especially when you remember for one day per week to be on your best behavior and abstain from all sin.
And now, as your nazibigotwhitesupremacistgodkingprophetleaderfuher and littletruckthatjumpsoverbigpuddles of the heavenhalebopprealm, this is what I hereby command you, my brothers, for your own sake.
But in a nerd parable form that's out of the reach of some who are blind. Seeing, they don't see, and their heart doesn't understand. But blessed is he whose eyes do see, and whose heart does understand.
It's not a request, which you might interpret as a command, but only for the wisest, most careful-minded and the most brilliant among us, the fathers of future leaders who can correctly interpret such things.
It's been a while since I had 4 girlfriends at once, but I'll do my best.
For WSX Men:
An old joke about Calvin Coolidge when he was President (source)
The President and Mrs. Coolidge were being shown [separately] around an experimental government farm.
When [Mrs. Coolidge] came to the chicken yard she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how often that happened and was told, "Dozens of times each day."
Mrs. Coolidge said, "Tell that to the President when he comes by."
Upon being told, the President asked, "Same hen every time?"
The reply was, "Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time."
President: "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge."
Like President Coolidge, the farmer must ask himself the FQ: The farmer's question.
A farmer cannot meet market demand unless production is high. The fruit of the womb of a hen is its eggs, and the market demands the maximum number of highest-grade eggs, but the world is full of too many cheap, useless brown eggs of low quality which meet none of the sensible standards for an egg.
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The farmer wants more high-quality white eggs, and none of the brown eggs from brown hens. |
His question is whether we're even optimizing to get the most pure offspring from the white cockrels or maximizing the production of the white hens.
He finds there are many, many brown hens, but only 2% of the world's hens are fertile white chicken hens.
And even fewer of these who lay white eggs.
And even fewer of these who always lay white eggs.
And even fewer of these who will consistently mate with the highest quality white cockrel it can.
The farmer gives instructions to his most faithful servants first. They are to tell all the other servants about the policy to maximize the white eggs which are so desperately needed in the world.
And if they want to continue serving their farms and families, they can continue, for the time being, to produce pure brown eggs or pure white, but must not mix two kinds of layers, since there are so few white eggs that bless the whole world's egg supply.
The high grade white eggs are wanted for every kind of purpose under heaven. The low-grade brown eggs are only tolerated because they are cheap, abundant, and because if pooled together with the others, most people won't even know the difference.
Like pouring cheap, unfiltered vodka into a bottle intended for expensive, high quality vodka, the horrible hangover will always tell you the truth. But by then, it's too late. The distiller must enforce strict instructions to keep the cheap vodka in cheap vodka bottles and expensive vodka in expensive vodka bottles.
Or else one day, there will be no vodka for anyone.
Just as the distiller sends this message to all his servants, and hopes for everyone's sake they will all obey, he knows not everyone is obedient, and there is a short-term profit motive for cheating until every brand name has been ruined by the adulteration of the labels until one day, all labels become meaningless.
Then one day, the Pedo-brand dollar vodka and Black-brand nickel vodka is treated exactly the same as the $10,000 bottle of Platinum Standard White Russian vodka, because the label is no guarantee of quality, strength, or purity.
And every bottle of white Russian vodka will therefore be subject to much closer inspection, even sampling before purchase if anyone expects more than a dollar for the bottle.
While contemplating his next order of egg-layer chicks, the farmer goes over the purity of his hens and examines their family trees, carefully selecting from the best available breeders. Not enough. He will have to import some chicks to the farm this year to meet demand.
And that means he'll have to order whatever is available. That means he faces the same exact same problem as vodka buyers. The labels don't mean anything anymore. He puts on his reading glasses to see the fine print.
Of course, none of the worst breeders want him reading the fine print from the good book, or telling any others about it. But he tells his friends, and all who want to listen.
He gives them the truth about these hatcheries.
As a result, the most evil hatchery which produces the most adulterated of all hatchlings threatens his life. This is the sower of tares among the wheat who pretends to be the good shepherd. But he is a real snake, always going back and forth when caught. Ravenous and deceptive, like a wolf wearing the good shepherd's clothing.
It pays to know which is which.
Before making an order from the hatchery, the farmer considers all of them very carefully, since, as he learned from his papa, there have been many, many problems with dishonest distillers, hatcheries, and other evil counterfeiters in the past.
The breed he wants is WS. The egg isn't just white, isn't just large, but is the WS grade. White and Supreme (the most superb) quality. Particularly those who come from the X hatchery, if, in fact, they are genuine WSX chicks.
These are set apart from all others. All the customers in the world prefer them, once they know the difference.
The farmer finds there will be male chicks (M) and female chicks (F) delivered together in a box. Since hatched, they have seen nothing of the world and know nothing of the world except what their instincts tell them.
But they are only descended from those who feared wolves, hawks, snakes, and other predators. Their instincts exist to keep them alive, but instinct alone can't detect every kind of threat, or else it would be impossible to lure, trap, or capture them.
In such a world, there would be no fishing lures, because no deception could work to lure a fish. There would be no pornography, because no man would mistake an image for a woman. There would be no tempter, because no temptation could succeed.
We don't live in such a world. Deception exists that defies our instincts. Instinct alone is poor protection from these many kinds of deceptions. Even for chickens.
They may not have learned how to detect a growling predator that dresses up as a sheep.
To mistrust everything means running away from everything.
To trust everything means becoming a wolf's dinner.
New chicks have no knowledge of the world, and need protection from elders.
The servants have trained the strong white geese to know the difference between the threats and the farmer's servants who feed them. The guard geese goose-step all over the yard protecting the flock and keeping order.
These guardians allows the prized WSX hens to fulfill their life's purpose.
If they are fruitful and multiply, then the farmer will save them and multiply them, culling those who don't, breaking their chicken necks and bundling them to be burned in a fire pit.
If any good and just farmer really wanted to maximize for WSX hen (WSXF) production,
He tells his servants the truth. That WSX white chicken production leads to the fruits of wisdom and all good things. The highest WSX-grade egg production for many years to come.
The farmer must preserve his good instructions forever. It wasn't easy or inexpensive to learn these pearls of wisdom.
So he tells his most faithful servants exactly how to share and preserve his good instructions, to pass them down through the generations and to everyone they love.
The new servants take over from the old servants, learning the right and proper ways so that the wicked hatchery can't ever tamper with or destroy the precious, rare instructions without the servants finding out and correcting it.
Well trained by the good farmer, his best servants know the evil counterfeiters will try anything to tamper with the servant's understanding of this farmer's good instructions.
If they can't re-write the instructions then the counterfeiters will re-write the language they speak, so that today's servants can't understand any of the languages of their ancestors.
Most scholars will try to conceal the meaning of the good old Farmer's ancient wisdom and ridicule it. Others try to reveal it, preserve it, and share the most correct translation to all the new and faithful servants because they love the blessings of following the good words of our loving Farmer.
He has revealed to us that a cockrel (WSXM) can't service more than 17 or 18 hens without the egg production of each hens starting to fall off. Why? Because that's simply the nature of these kind of hens. They don't lay or hatch as many eggs, but 18 hens need to be serviced by at least one cockrel to produce the maximum number of eggs and hatch as many WSX chicks as possible.
17 or 18 is the best number of hens per WSX cockrel, which the farmer knows, and told us. The king Cockrel who showed us this fact was called David, who took over from a previous cockrel who was destroyed.
In the end, all face the risk of being destroyed if they don't perform as the farmer has instructed.
But the WSX white cockrel may not have access to 18 white WS hens, leaving an underutilized surplus of his own production capacity.
The farmer has instructed his servants to love the WSX cockrels who strut as a WSX should strut, walking in the farmer's ways.
None of these will ever lack for feed. "Feed my cockrels", the Farmer's son said, promising to return.
When paired with underperforming but otherwise viable WSX hens, the WSX cockrel could adequately service hundreds of hens, producing the same or greater yield per cockrel.
Of course, the purpose of the X hatchery is to deliver the best possible yield per hen or cockrel, but the plain fact of life is that some will greatly outperform all the others because underperformers don't want to strut in the farmer's ways, because they haven't been loved by the wicked servants or counterfeiters, because they haven't been given the right environment, or because there's simply too much stress, noise, or distraction, or because they don't have enough water, feed, or protection from the cold and predators.
Some just need more daylight or space, better feed. Some need gentler treatment and to be shown less aggression and hatred.
The farmer knows this, and his son will whip to death the wicked servants when he returns, casting them into the fire all the murderers, cowards and liars who've failed to love the farmer, the son, their farm and those who belong on it.
For the farmer, the only question is what to do with his WSXM cockrel who only has five to twelve hens. Can he substitute other hens?
Yes. There are other hatcheries. But only if they in fact meet the X hatchery's standards before breeding. If they would be accepted into the X hatchery itself, then they can be accepted by the farmer.
But it's only to the extent that they don't interfere with the maximum production of the WSXF layer hens that non-WSX hens can be substituted. Because those who have come from outside the X hatchery, though they may meet the minimum standard of acceptance into the X hatchery, are simply not the same quality as those who have been bred by the X hatchery for many generations to achieve the most superb and reliable quality, even though they're in fact the exact same breed, sub-species, and meet all the same standards.
X hatchery is run by Christians. Other hatcheries are run by Mormons, Jehovah's witnesses, etc.
The fact is if they didn't come from the X hatchery, it's because they've been managed & handled by other hatcheries and farms.
Was a pure hen taken? Did the hen run away? As a consequence, has this pure WSX hen been traumatized, mistreated, mishandled, mismanaged, malnourished, or abused?
Now what quality is the pure hen or cockrel? Not as good. If it's broken, stressed, misled, confused and traumatized, can you really expect it to do what the farmer intended it to do?
Not good enough. Not for the top WSX cockrel, anyway.
But is it even good enough for other WSX cockrels? If raised well, what will be the quality of the egg of a runaway hen? Not as good. Even a pure WSX, if a runaway raised by an X hatchery, descended only from pure X ancestry, even if taken in by the M hatchery, or sold to it, has fallen so far from her place in the heavens that her wings may be broken, unable to properly brood her clutch.
But her offspring, handled properly, may be still be excellent in quality, if not the very best. If some pleasing virtue, some trait is desired, she may be mated to an excellent cockrel, even she's never paired with the top WSX cockrel, she may be worthy of a WSX cockrel somewhere further down the line.
If that's the case, then their descendants may in fact have a glorious destiny. Even an eternal one.
The farmer's best WSX cockrel must be reserved for the best hens. Because he is the king cockrel of the whole farm, and much depends on his progeny.
But so long as the top cockrel services a good many WSXF hens, as nature demands, keeping them at their maximum healthy production, the farmer may give his white WSXM cockrels rights and access to as many as 500 or 1,000 white hens of other types, since they're certainly abundant in supply.
This is the reason why if a maximum number of Christian-bred hens can't be obtained, then white Mormon-bred hens (if they've converted) may sometimes be substituted among the hundreds, so long as they don't lead the WSXM cockrel to the Mormon farm but instead accept the true Gospel.
Because these hens are easily obtained in quantity, they're also easily corrupted, and therefore may already be corrupted without any outward sign, in addition to being of lower quality where it counts.
A higher of quality bird is greatly preferred because the damaged bird must be proven mendable, then mended, and kept healthy before any laying can occur. Make no commitment to accepting any bird that cannot be mended.
They must bring the gospel. This is the one who can repent and make amends, so that God will heal them.
"If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting." - 2 John 1:10
"Unless the Lord builds the house,There's a difference between those who doubt and those who reject the truth. Some have chosen to surrender to the truth. Others have chosen to fight against it. The devil has blinded the unbelievers.
the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the guards stand watch in vain.
In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat—
for he grants sleep to those he loves." - Psalm 127:1-2
"And indeed, have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; and to still others,show mercy tempered with fear, hating even the clothing stained by the flesh." - Jude 1:23Any bird that accepts and remains in the the word is X. Those birds who do not submit to the truth and remain in the word are not X and should not be bred.
"If we have truth, [it] cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not truth, it ought to be harmed." - Joshua Reuben Clark, Jr.The stated standard of evidence of the Mormon faith is not whether or not something is the truth, but whether it makes you feel good when you think about it. One must then wonder whether or not the chicken a Mormon provides you is even a chicken at all.
Likewise, Pagan-bred chickens are not mentioned above because their standard of evidence is to consistently remain willfully ignorant of the truth for 2,000 years, or they're wired with a tendency to fall away during that time.
In theory, Pagans could produce X chickens at any time, but for whatever reason, they've never in thousands of years chosen to do so.
When night falls, the door to the hen house swings shut on all the non-existent chickens belonging to the Pagans. Like all other unbelievers, it must be presumed at this point that Pagans quite simply have no immortal soul.
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Nice pair of boobies. |
Nice boobies, to be sure. But don't be fooled by their other attributes. Some old dogs will live another year. But not all old dogs will, even if they're a prize showdog.
Jesus came to make you fearless, and thereby save you from becoming Mormons, Pagans, Arabs, mulattos, Muslims, or "Jewish." There is one path to purity, and therefore life.
Accepting the Mormon faith, for example, makes you more vulnerable to ethnic cleansing by an ethnic "Jew" posing as a Mormon. Once one is infected by such a mind virus, he's made even more vulnerable to genetic contamination.
The white WSX cockrel is the healthy, virile WS Xtian male who is ideally free of selfishness and other defects who can provide for his family.
This is possible through your tribe's compliance with the Gospel, with Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Leviticus as a schoolmaster, as did the Son of Man and the prophets.
Naturally, the WSXM cockrel won't be overly concerned about the hen's sorrows, her pain in egg-laying/hatching/childbirth, nor that she burns with lust for her cockrel who will rule over her.
It's the most loving, broody, gentle, silky chicken that's transcended even it's own birdness.
God is good to have given salvation to X hens through egg-laying with an XM cockrel. Because salvation is not something she could achieve through her own deeds, which are filthy rags to the Lord.
For cockrels to sew the maximum amount of seed, history has shown he may take 500 to 1,000 hens.
But he only does so when he's considered the quantity of his progeny, not its quality.
For a king to multiply wives without regard to preserving and proliferating a rare woman's fine and extraordinary quality shows he has strayed far from the Farmer's ways and has lost his understanding.
It shows he has even lost his ability to do basic arithmetic and reasoning. For there are so few wives of virtue that will ever knock on the door of eternity.
Such a woman's value is far more precious than rubies. A king who has no time to multiply the diamond mines of his kingdom must be too busy rubbing himself with aluminum foil. Does he also march past the stables of the kingdom's finest horses so he can please the pigs by letting them pluck the toes off his feet?
Of all the birds of the earth, WSX birds are the most limited in numbers, both the male and the female.
In his good notebook, which is a catalog of the successes and failures across time, the Farmer found that X birds and M birds from Christian and even Mormon farms will sometimes mate with one another.
It's the wicked servants who have done this. They have not loved the Farmer.
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Such an act of hatred should not occur and should not be celebrated. |
If WX birds should be paired with WX mates, then WSX birds should only be paired with WSX mates.
To destroy the purity of the WX is a disgusting thing. How much more so to destroy the virtue of the WSX line?
What's unnatural and disgusting and displeasing to the Farmer should not be held up as an example of what's correct. It's not an example of what's preferred, but instead it's a tragedy. Pearls should not be thrown to the swine.
Especially among those who should know better. But a man who hates God is already destroyed. And God the Father is right to destroy what's most precious to him in all the world, that his progeny, at best, will suffer a thousand generations of contempt in the kingdom.
are available, and WSX birds, if possible, should always be bred together as a first priority.
But even in the absence of other WSX birds, any WSX birds should certainly breed and be multiplied as much as possible, even if it must be bred to X or even, as a last resort, M birds (from Christian or, as a last resort, Mormon breeders), even though it's certain that multiple hens can be much more easily obtained and more easily set to laying if it's from Mormon sources, the quality of M birds is less desirable than the X breeds.
It's best if the purity of the breed is maintained by selecting for health and function of the bird, since in the end, correct and proper behavior is the most desirable outcome. Those who prioritize a certain look over observable behavior, which is the outward evidence of its inner alignment to the desired outcome, are sacrificing the most important criterion.
No WSX birds of a white-feathered bloodline should be be mated to any bird that doesn't have a white coat of feathers, which is necessary but incomplete evidence of whether or not it's from a loving bloodline that has been blessed by God.
A loving cockrel won't tolerate or participate in any kind of rebellion against the natural pecking order, aggressive or otherwise, and will lead other birds toward the natural order by its good example, and the bird is fruitful, multiplies, and is loved by God who fights for him.
The farmer must be sure none of the hens bred to a WSX cockrel are foreign, because a foreign hen would lead her mate away from the Good Farmer. In a mixed era such as ours, these foreigners can still be identified by their resistance to the Good Farmer's teachings found only in the Good Book.
Some "white" women, like hens, aren't white in their hearts, resisting the Go. Some "white" women are white in their hearts, but not white in their minds, resisting the God's WS meaning.
But if the purpose of your marriage is to please God, then you're not just maximizing for production of whites, but to produce the most WS offspring with both male and female WS parents, receptive offspring who are raised in God's truth. All other considerations are secondary.
It's ok to have many hens who lay eggs, but since hens and feed are limited, and because the farmer's cost time, effort, and energy is used, you not only want the most white eggs from each hen, but you also don't want any brown eggs, even from a white hen.
If a farmer is maximizing for WSX production, he must select only the best-behaved cockrels, or else the hatchlings won't grow into the best-behaved WSX birds.
The sorrows and clucking of hens and disobedient cockrels is expected, is inevitable, and must not the Good Farmer's first concern. In fact, some responsible culling practices will be necessary, and can be found in the law.
In the times past, the Good Farmer culled all but the best birds, leaving only a tiny few, and will only keep the very few faithful birds at the harvest, processing the rest and tossing them into the eternal oven to be cooked.
The Farmer found a male can't maximize the production of more than 17 or 18 hens. Some things have their limits.
The question is whether we're optimizing to get the most pure offspring from white cockrels or maximizing the production of white hens, even if they're not WSX hens.
If you want to arrive at the most white hens to lay the most white eggs that hatch and become productive white hens who lay white eggs, then your preference should be for white cockrels to have as many white-egg-laying white hens as possible. But also maximize for as many white hens as possible.
An Xtian WS male (WSXM) is a rare and special creature on the earth. Because fertile Xtian-WS females are also very rare, the data show he should have no more than 18 WS Xtian female (WSXF) wives.
If he is wise, he should make every reasonable attempt to multiply in this way as long as he maximizes the production of each WSXF female and can support his family, receiving his full blessing from God.
As long as all his WSXF are maximized, giving preference to them, he may have as many additional wives as are willing to be exclusive to him, who he can support and love.
If spiritual wives (exclusive long-term, committed breeding relationships/XLTR) are white, Christian, but not WS, then they're a much lower class of white female. Why? Because they're willing to become Christian, but blind to the WS meaning of Christ's teachings. Their heart has no understanding. Their family has failed to raise her in the light of the truth about the world.
Her genes are obviously impaired, which may take generations to correct. But have faith. God loves all white Christian women, and grew WSXM from the dust of the earth to save them from the temptation to matrimony outside their tribe, which is displeasing to God.
Their blind, brain-damaged state, aren't entitled to top tier treatment or access. Their access is strictly limited to his availability.
Within the king's own harem, his concern is for the hundreds of concubines and wives. But his concern extends far beyond his own household, to the productivity of the kingdom of thousands.
He has the future of the kingdom to consider.
Consider the king who has seven daughters and seven sons. They won't always be children, will they? One day, in ten to fifteen years, if they do their duty, almost certainly they'll be producing enough food and clothes and housing to provide for dozens of people. What else do they produce?
Potential husbands and wives, potential soldiers and leaders who have the favor of the king. One is wise to seek to be sure he has the favor of the king, and his blessing. Why?
Because God has made and raised and placed kings to be obeyed, just as he's created husbands to be obeyed by their wives, children to obey their parents, pets and other animals to obey the master's children, and even the animals are made to obey and follow other animals. This is the natural order.
Money, lands, and there is the small matter about how the thriving kingdom will distribute all its lovely virgin women to suitable husbands capable of providing for them. The favor of the king makes it easier to gain control and stewardship of lands with the best and strongest workers and all their many happy virgin daughters.
In his search for great beauty, a prince throws a party for his subjects and eventually finds the woman who belongs to the glass slipper, so to speak.
Like all the lords, dukes, and barons, he's amply able to provide for each and all of her wishes because he has the favor of the king, lands, rank and title.
How has this king been so successful? Because in a time of existential threat, he emerged as the hero who conquers, tames, or subdues, by whatever means necessary, or whatever means possible, the dangerous barbarian invaders to restore peace and harmony to the land.
By displacement. By creating, for example, many kinds of home-spun industries of the finest, hand-made crafts available from all the greatest local artisans. It's the hand-crafted arts, wines, cheeses, laces and custom-tailored fine linens which can't be easily mass-produced and provides an authentic mark of quality which can't be easily faked.
When you know it's not cheap foreign goods and merchandise you're getting, those in the know are always delighted to pay the premium for quality.
Such as quality foods, grass-fed, butchered, prepared and served at boutique local farm kitchens and restaurants by the farmer's own family. Where did the fresh lettuce come from? About 300 feet away, picked, washed and served at the time the customer ordered it.
Where did their beautiful clothing come from? Locally produced by the finest tailors using locally grown cotton and wool with local automated looms to create custom textiles of exactly the right size.
You know what else should be locally grown? The people!
The wise king shows them the way to multiply in the lands, unlike any other leader they've ever followed, and so God blesses them with prosperity. A wise king's subjects are feared by all nations.
A wise man doesn't have so many wives because he has riches. He has riches because he has so many wives.
From these wives, a surplus of sons and daughters, young shepherds and seamstresses who create riches, who build, repair, sow, grow, harvest, clean, and cook. A surplus of young progeny who play and sing beautifully, in whatever way best pleases the Lord.
It's also possible to multiply without multiplying wives. This is the path of many.
In most cases, in pleasant times and places, I suggest WSX men (woke white Christian men) consider taking the easier, simpler, mainstream path to happiness, unless desperate measures are necessary to replenish the earth, or unless God has called you to provide for more children.
Not everyone is content to find themselves completely at odds against a deceived world. If a man has several wives, for example, those of the poverty mindset will suspect another man must go without. Not necessarily so.
A delay is not a denial. In time, there may be 5 or 10 times more women for everyone of his generation.
Many young men are patient. They're willing to wait for quality or for quantity until they're 25 or 30 to settle down with the woman of their dreams. She might be a bit younger than he is, but I doubt he'll object.
And if the age difference is a bit larger, there are men in their 40s and 50s who've sometimes been willing to accept younger wives and girlfriends. It's true.
If the population is growing, there's hope for these men that they'll find someone in the next generation. Particularly if that generation is twice as big, doubling everyone's options. Even if 1% of the men take 10 of the wives in this generation, that leaves 90% of those beautiful women looking for husbands.
But while some of the younger men will unfortunately struggle to find their economic footing, leaving women available, not to worry.
Slightly older bucks who've found a solid footing on the steeper slopes can always help take up the slack and see that she lacks for no good thing.
If, in a growing population, there's always going to be a surplus of eligible young fertile women, then the alternative to plural marriage in such times is many single women leaping from man to man, living on alimony, child support, and state subsidies.
In such a case, no one has ensured that if she doesn't work, she doesn't eat. She's given a free ride for misbehavior. It's the government who has become her husband and provider.
And the government was never given the freedom of choice to say no.
We must end the selfish rape and exploitation of government
resources by the small, protected class of gold-diggers.
resources by the small, protected class of gold-diggers.
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Sure. I marry you American man. I love you long time. Then divorce you at three o'clock tomorrow. |
A wise king wants happy, productive workers paying their taxes, fighting for their future. If they're single, they're not going to be as happy. If they're single, the population won't grow as quickly.
This means fewer eligible fiances in 20 years time, fewer young, sturdy men entering the workforce willing to take full-time jobs and earn their reward.
Why should these young men work hard if there's no reward?
If single women seeking their next divorce are the problem, then God knows what comes next.
Because Eve listened to the snake and disobeyed the Father of the natural world, He cursed her with sorrows and sharp pain in childbirth and cursed her to lust after her husband.
It's much easier for a man with two wives to get a third wife than it is for a man with no wives to get his first one.
The laws of nature also apply to women when it comes to humility, patience, love, forgiveness, charity, and all such virtues. Those who abuse their position suffer the curses of any king who abuses his. We saw what happened to the Pharoah and his kingdom when he abused his position.
Why did the farmer have his servants break the necks of the unproductive hens and bundle them to be tossed into the burn pit? Because they were no longer worth even a few pennies per day of chicken feed. What brown or beige egg has been worth its feed? It is wrong to think of a brown egg as truly a chicken egg, because this leads him to make mistakes in dealing with such rotten eggs.
That's how the farmer treats the worthless animals, the unfruitful trees, and even the barren fields and brittle brush may be burned to clear the way for the wiser, more productive stewardship of the land.
If parasites are treated as a special, privileged class, then why should they produce any work or workers? Why should they ever want to make our working men happy if they don't have to? Why should a home-wrecker become a home-maker?
Why should women buy the cow when they can get the milk for free?
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Female entitlement. It's working out swell, isn't it? |
According to Paul, a priest or clergy may not marry more than one wife.
"An overseer must manage his own household well and keep his children under control, with complete dignity. For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how can he care for the church of God? He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same condemnation as the devil" 1 Timothy 3:2-6
But it's clear God approved of King David and his 18 wives, except for the matter of Uriah the Hittite.
"For David had done what was right in the eyes of the LORD and did not turn aside from anything the LORD commanded all the days of his life, except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite."In other words, the restriction to one wife is given only to a priest. Not to others.
Any spouse need not be WS, and can even be a normie r/thedonald - tier wife, as long as she's willing to obediently submit to her husband, especially in matters such as cutting off her access to TV, internet, news, magazines, books and all the corrupting influences that endanger your family and her salvation.
For WSX Women:
Women have a different reproductive strategy than men.
Start your family as young as you possibly can. DON'T GO TO COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY, OR ANY SCHOOL WHICH TAKES YOU AWAY FROM YOUR PARENTS. Don't delay in starting a family with your mother and father's permission.
And as long as they live, by no means should you marry anyone without their permission.
What is a woman's calling? To bear much fruit of the womb, and thereby receive the Lord's blessings and salvation.
Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,It's pleasing to to the Lord to maximize your joy and fruitfulness by the full resources and attention of a monogamous, faithful Christian husband.
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one's youth.
How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;
They will not be ashamed
When they speak with their enemies in the gate. - Psalm 127:3-5
Especially if you are considering a larger family a possibility, or haven't ruled it out, you'll want the highest quality provider so you can receive your full blessing and salvation through procreation and obedience to your monogamous husband.
He doesn't need to be a nationalist or an activist, but should love you, forgive you, be able to commit to you for a lifetime and should love Jesus as much as you do.
For most men, unless they're overseers such as kings and priests, multiple wives aren't forbidden by the good book.
WSX women may have as many children as they possibly can, especially through monogamy, while WSX men may have the same. Or even more children through plural marriage, maybe even hundreds of children, without depriving anyone else of anything.
In fact, like the logger re-planting trees where he's harvested, as long as he sows as many seeds as the crops he harvests, and raises at least as many women as the number of women he marries, who can have legitimate cause to complain about his actions? He's produced much more than he's taken.
I can't see any legitimacy to the complaint about a man who takes from the surplus of aging women and converts them into a fresh new crop of young virgin women, while adding to the army of tax-paying young working men besides.
A wise king, chosen from among your brothers, would be delighted by this.
There's a good reason why women are naturally more attracted to married men than single men. Even if they're Christian women.
Raise children as Christians first. Not supremacists. They'll have the law, and the law will protect them. At least make sure they know who they really are so they can understand the scriptures.
All the success of Mormonism can be explained by this one single factor. When the descendants of the Hebrews know who they are, the promises of God, then the scripture suddenly makes a lot more sense.
It's important to start a family early, especially for women. Past age 40, there can be problems for men, too.
There's nothing wrong with maximizing the production of WSX children by making sure the WSX women each have a highly productive husband who's full of faith. A man they're passionate about. Passionate enough to let God decide how many children they'll have instead of trusting in birth control.
Even if the only reason they burn with lust for their man is he's got a few wives because he knows how to read.
When Jesus returns, the world will quickly be at least a couple billion short, so the myth of over-population is not a consideration.
An EMP attack may quickly destroy nine out of ten people in the land.
How to accomplish this is a subject for your attorney. I'm not a lawyer. Seek competent counsel for legal advice.
Needless to say, reading this one blog post and then turning to your wife and mother of your children and saying, "Honey, I'm thinking about getting another wife. What do you think?" would not be a prudent move.
But for people who are used to having multiple girlfriends anyway, for men who already know about and have experience in open relationships, know all about leveraging jealousy plotlines, know from experiences that dating via threesomes is easier than dating one-on-one, and you've played the field, want to settle down with a few different women and raise 90 or so kids...
There are alternatives to going your own way, so to speak, if keeping a woman's respect, attention or her faithfulness has ever been a problem. If having a relationship with one woman is just too much work because you're the only one for them to talk to, making you into a surrogate girlfriend, then there's potential.
You can have a greater degree of happiness and blessings, if you pursue wisdom.
There are resources.
Now, instead of complaining about it, you have more tools to personally fix the white birth rates. Obey the law, don't marry all your cousins and use at your own risk.
Brady Williams
"I'd rather have 20% of a good man than zero."
Winston Blackmore
(((NON-Christian))) who preys on Mormon Women
Isaiah, Becky, and Marlene, Part 2
Michael Crawley
Man with Two Twin Sisters (Forbidden by scripture.)
National Geographic: Multiple Wives in Islam
Christian Sect in India: Ziona
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Got to march the kids to homeschool on time Pictured: The number of unconceived children whose rights to life you're ruthlessly denying right now, you selfish pig. |
Do you have two dogs? Does anyone ever ask you if one gets jealous of the other? No. People love dogs more than they love people, but the communist propaganda hasn't gotten around to asking anyone whether two dogs ever have feelings of jealousy.
Well, of course they do. If I have two dogs and feed them, take care of them and treat them well, then it's not my problem how they feel about sharing me with another dog. Don't be ridiculous.
The same with women.
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Lessons in masculinity: Even the filthy savages have more common sense about the meaning of life than the godless leftist anti-Americans. They believe a woman is valuable mainly to the extent that she can bring you sons. That it's better to marry a virgin, that a man should have 3 or 4 wives, if he can afford them. |
It's easier to keep women physically interested in an interesting guy. They can't help who they're attracted to. And you can consistently trigger that attraction an demand. Or kill it accidentally, ruining a relationship.
Women are much more interested in a man with choices, control, and competence. Such a man has a high opinion of himself, humbly, even if reluctantly accepting that the Lord our God has been right about his abilities.
The mathematics of intrigue shifts the power to him the power in the marriage, if he'll take it. One wife may try to withhold from performing her duties, but a wife knows she can't force his other wives to restrain their desires for him.
Other benefits to men and women.
Because of feminism, there's not nearly enough misogyny in the world to balance out all the misandry. Fair is fair. Whatever women get, they receive it from the Lord who is just.
The Lord knows they'll get more than they deserve, either way. For thousands of years, women have more than abused the social safety net and God's patience, mercy, and forgiveness fluctuates.
So whatever route you choose, I thank you for your service, brave soldier.
In whatever way thou best pleasest God, dispose the day.
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