My 4 Wives - Jacob's Story
Disclaimer: I'm not here to push Jacob's lifestyle on you or to suggest it's required for salvation. I believe "the end" isn't the end of the world, but the beginning of God's kingdom on earth, and that blessings are for those who care to understand the ways of God. Not the ways of the world.
External Resources:
The David Argument for Christian plural marriage. (Why 18 wives isn't too many in God's sight.)
Addressing the most Common Objections (Despite the airtight case above.)
What strategy I recommend for WS men and women.
The modern world seems to believe that if you leave a series of wives and children, divorce them and pay child support and alimony, you're a pretty ordinary, decent, normal person. Jesus believes differently.
For some reason, the world believes if you stay married that same series of wives, remain in the love of Jesus and raise your children out duty and religious devotion, you're suspected of every kind of abuse. But those who abandon their wives and families face no such social stigma.
External Resources:
The David Argument for Christian plural marriage. (Why 18 wives isn't too many in God's sight.)
Addressing the most Common Objections (Despite the airtight case above.)
What strategy I recommend for WS men and women.
The modern world seems to believe that if you leave a series of wives and children, divorce them and pay child support and alimony, you're a pretty ordinary, decent, normal person. Jesus believes differently.
For some reason, the world believes if you stay married that same series of wives, remain in the love of Jesus and raise your children out duty and religious devotion, you're suspected of every kind of abuse. But those who abandon their wives and families face no such social stigma.
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Are Four Wives Enough to Achieve Eternal Life? |
When they're afraid to pass a sentence because the Constitutionality of the law is on very thin ice.
Does Our Society Have The Right Answers?
If you're an American, Britney Spears is probably more trad than you, tbh fam. And she's a single mom with two white children.
That means Britney's baby daddy is a good, normal, ok guy, according to modern America.
That means Britney's baby daddy is a good, normal, ok guy, according to modern America.
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America thinks you're evil and Britney Spears is good. Which proves you simply can't go by public opinion. |
But that mean old Joseph had 4 wives and 12 children who he loved intensely. It pained him to be separated from any of them. His agony from being separated from his fully grown children, and the brother's love of one another is the stuff of legends.
In today's anti-Christ America, the father of the 12 tribes of Israel and grandson of Abraham would be considered a low down dirty FELON.
In today's anti-Christ America, the father of the 12 tribes of Israel and grandson of Abraham would be considered a low down dirty FELON.
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12 Tribes. Don't hate the player. Hate the game. |
But God chose Abraham, of all people, to be be fruitful and multiply, and because he walked in God's ways, would make him "as numerous as the stars".
What Would Jesus Do?
In the gospel, Jesus comes down harder on adultery than anyone. He forbids divorce. St. Paul the apostle says a priest shouldn't have more than one wife. (A priest should marry a virgin, Leviticus warns us.)
But never is polygamy forbidden by scripture.
What Would Jesus Do?
In the gospel, Jesus comes down harder on adultery than anyone. He forbids divorce. St. Paul the apostle says a priest shouldn't have more than one wife. (A priest should marry a virgin, Leviticus warns us.)
But never is polygamy forbidden by scripture.
So question isn't "Is polygamy immoral." The better question is why does America hate God?
In fact, so-called Christians fear the LGBT agenda will lead to polygamy. These wackjobs are allowed to vote, people. That needs to be fixed.
Insanity can only be fixed by breeding more soldiers of Christ who expose the truth, who expose the media bias and the anti-Christ agenda that refuses to set policies favoring large, white, Christian families.
Only 400 years after Jacob, his descendants could raise an army of 400,000 fighters, if necessary. Pretty impressive, before the advent of electric incubators, in my sight.
Only 400 years after Jacob, his thriving offspring threatened the world's most powerful Empire.
Today and in the ancient past, the persistent, pervasive problem is everyone doing what's right in his own eyes.
Maybe humble yourself before God.
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No, not Zod. |
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Also blessed by God, a god of being a Hollywood Mormon. Believes in a God-like entities. |
There is one true God. Accept no substitute.
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America doesn't like the real thing. But in some things, there is no substitute. |
The motto that "marriage is between one man and one woman" appears nowhere in scripture. It's an idea that comes from somewhere besides the Bible.
I beg to differ, actually. There's no such thing as too much Carly Rae Jepson.
Women. If one is good, then 7 must be better, amirite?
Is it hedonistism or heroism? These women can't find a man who's willing to get them knocked up. He's filling a niche in society. Throw the man a parade.
Never mind. He can throw his own parade. He's got enough kids.
King Solomon had 700 wives plus 300 concubines and it didn't stop him from living forever through the bloodline of JESUS EFFING CHRIST, guys.
Although Jesus might not have been fond of his forefathers losing the Northern Kingdom nobody's perfect. Not one is righteous. Don't judge. God's the judge.
If you feel the pressure to perform, read Nehemiah. God saves us for his own reasons. NOT because of our righteousness. That said, don't sin.
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Things God considers sinful? This burger. Not ANYWHERE on the list: Polygamy. |
Oh. You thought the verse was about masturbation? Then SHOW ME THE LAW.
We're supposed to love the law, meditate on the law, and above all these, follow the law. What if your brother doesn't follow the law? You're supposed to forgive him.
"What you've done for the LEAST of these my children, you've done it for me." - Said by some dude on a donkey who probably never existed, according to many Americans.
This churchianity has spun completely out of control. We're living in some dark times that hate people doing what Jacob did.
Making white babies with bowlcuts is the answer.
To replenish the whole earth, after God gets done with them. May as well start now. The signs are clear the Lord will be here to harvest all those damned souls headed for the lake of fire.
In case you haven't noticed, the devil consistently wants one thing for white men:
To stop white men from making more white men.
It's why they've corrupted our Bible colleges, seminary schools, public schools, military and governments.
Mainstream entertainment, music, movies, shows, theater, and even news propaganda is inching closer and closer to pornography every year.
I mean, if you look into what the children of the devil try to do with pornography, and I've looked into the matter, they sadistically want you amped up and sexually torturing one another.
Not healthy families.
When even the churches buy into this "abusing yourself" doctrine designed to cause sexual frustration, they make the same mistake as the Pakistanis. And virtually all their boys are raped in Pakistan. Not good.
For this reason, I happen to side with Chris Cantwell and with Jesus Christ on the subject of relieving that tension. If something causes you to sin, cast it away from you. Daily, if necessary. Better than the pit of hell and eternal torment.
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This is either a deep, dark cave or a teenage boy's bedroom. |
Young men seem to get interested in girls around age 16 or 17. It seems to me that's the age when I started passing notes and writing letters to make my intentions known.
But as a well-behaved young gentleman, I was expected to hold out until much later, for some reason. Not a good reason, as it turns out. Without the affirmative action we complained about at the time, supporting a family would have been possible. I dated a virgin whose patience ran out after about 6 months.
Turns out one of the guys was making pretty good money with very little education. There were decent-paying jobs, but I had absolutely no connections or practical knowledge about how to get them, few friends, and my dad had passed away leaving me clueless about all such practical matters.
The academic schooling I'd received was completely useless. Designed to keep me poor, powerless, and confused.
Others succeeded, so I studied what they did right. Real estate investing, sales and business seemed like the best options. But everyone had told me two things repeatedly:
- Never work in sales
- Don't have children
Why? Because I'm incapable of these things? No. Of course not. I'm more capable than most. But because of their prejudices and lack of imagination, they gave me terrible advice.
And they've given you terrible advice, too.
A drunken party animal knows plenty about excluding people. They major in minor things. They know everything about degeneracy and absolutely nothing about more important matters.
They don't care and don't love you. So don't listen to them.
Listen to your Father in heaven, the father to the fatherless. I've never had a better father than God. Everyone who opposes him can burn, for all I care.
It's not so far from the truth to say that no one else ever really loved me as much as God loves you. But you treat God the same way you treat me, it's no wonder he wouldn't mind destroying you.
Why shouldn't God dump hundreds of tons of cyanide into the rivers and aquifers? Have you ever loved anyone the Lord made besides yourself?
This commandment I give you: Love one another
Have I failed to do so? Have I let you down?
Young women (in their late teens and early 20s) can get a little pushy if you put them off for too long. I'm telling you this because "the condom broke on the first date" is the only kind of romance story I ever heard from the guys I hung around. Not exactly the classiest guys.
At this point, marriage may be your best option, whether you're ready or not. You're paying for the kid one way or another. I knew a guy who ended up that way who had himself fixed after the first kid. Trapped.
If a woman hasn't, at the very least met the man she wants by age 16 or 17, she'll probably be a jaded old hag forever. And probably a communist cat lady who never finds true love.
Somehow I avoided these fates. Dating me must have created a shocking daily reminder never to forget their birth control.
You've never seen godless women who were so religious about anything.Consent was never an issue. They were always more interested in sex than I was, and I never trusted them. When you've been treated as a sub-human by every woman you've ever met because you're a white male, it's easy to distrust women when it comes to sex.
But the abhorrent and godless consent laws (specifically designed to ruin women's futures and make them miserable for life) seem to be aimed at the kind of drunken guys who carry a condom in their wallet, who get trapped by women they don't want.
Not a judgment. Just an observation. I don't go to bars often enough to know whether or not all men's lives revolve around going to bars. But based on the men I've worked with in blue collar America, I have to assume so.
I only knew that life must have something to do with figuring out women. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be easy.
In addition, the devil has ensured that women are indistinguishable in their behaviors from the enemies of all mankind.
Can I say that America culturally Christian? No. From an objective standpoint, it's culturally anti-Christian.
No death penalty in half the country, chowing down on unclean foods outside the promised land, giving magical medical benefits and actual medical resurrection to filthy sub-human dogs (who shouldn't get it: Matthew 15:21-28), cracking down on white reproduction by any means possible, worshiping the church and men as false Gods (the Father laments about nothing more often than this violation of the first commandment), worshiping the real, actual devil, forbidding criticism of the real, actual devil and on and on.
The list of ways America is anti-Christian is almost as long as the Bible itself.
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No, I said Canaanite dog. Not Caanan Dog. Go play. |
The Bible hasn't merely overlooked the question of multiple wives. It's a question which is treated in some depth. Long story short, you don't want ANY wives that lead you away from God. Definitely not.
And not too many, either. Because a large number of wives increases the chances they may lead you away from God. Nothing worse than that.
And not Ben Shapiro's sister. Her milker's will DEFINITELY lead you away from God.
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Ben Shapiro's sister looks different, somehow. Is that the right photo? |
Also, Kendall Jenner will definitely lead you away from God.
Just as there is a Homeschooling Legal Defense Fund and a Homestead Farmer's Legal Defense Fund, there needs to be an NRA for Multiple Wives.
The Multiple Husbands movement (cuckery) already has 666 organizations, if you know what I mean.
Believe it or not.
If you look at a woman in a covetous (lustful) way, you already cheated on her in your heart. So maybe you'll be a little quick to forgive the one time she screws up and forgets to reject one of her 10,000 opportunities per day during 50 years of marriage when you've cheated on her in your heart 10,000 times a day for 50 years of marriage.
And even more than that if there's Pornhub on your phone.
Just sayin, bro. Don't covet. It's in the top 10 list. And don't be a hypocrite. You know where they're going to end up.
That said, fidelity is a wonderful thing. Are you "faithful" every day of your life, but cheat on God every day?
Some enjoy screwing up their brain with all that forbidden unclean food on a daily basis, making every excuse instead of obedience, if you want to get technical about what's actually good and what's actually evil.
Oh. Still eating that shrimp cocktail? Prepare to burn when Jesus comes, if you want to judge others for their sins while you chow filth.
I'm saying you shouldn't sin, and I won't judge you for it, but somehow I'm the bad guy? Nice. Try to save a motherf---.
By the way, don't expect RSD Tyler to agree with Jesus on premarital sex. But he knows what the socially clueless need to learn in order to attract women successfully, even in this socially sick society.
Oh. Also there's a black guy and (probably at least one Jew) in the video. Forgive me. An intro to Tyler's method, because most men and woman desperately need a reality check in delusion land.
Four Wives
So I don't actually have four wives, obviously. But it seems a shame to have gone to all the trouble to figure out what makes them tick, to find out what God wants me to do with them, and to leave the matter where it lies.
The knowledge of the truth obligates you. To he who's been given much, much is expected.
There's just one thing about the Jacob family plan I know for sure. The very LAST place I can go to find a wife is in a modern American church.
But you're not getting out of here alive, so to those who heed me, I can only suggest you multiply.
So I don't actually have four wives, obviously. But it seems a shame to have gone to all the trouble to figure out what makes them tick, to find out what God wants me to do with them, and to leave the matter where it lies.
The knowledge of the truth obligates you. To he who's been given much, much is expected.
There's just one thing about the Jacob family plan I know for sure. The very LAST place I can go to find a wife is in a modern American church.
But you're not getting out of here alive, so to those who heed me, I can only suggest you multiply.
Remember: Thou art mortal.
Now, in case it's not clear, because of the accusations, propaganda and mainstream examples selected by the enemies of God, it unfortunately must be mentioned here that I do not condone or endorse preaching false doctrine, raping children or the FLDS cult. That should go without saying.
In addition, I do agree with Deuteronomy 13, which makes it clear what should be done with these kinds of false prophets. And you might agree with it too, especially once you've seen the damage these child victimizers can do.
In addition, I do agree with Deuteronomy 13, which makes it clear what should be done with these kinds of false prophets. And you might agree with it too, especially once you've seen the damage these child victimizers can do.
You believe it or you don't. (It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when you do.)
But maybe I'm the one who's wrong. Maybe the communists aren't using wall-to-wall brainwashing to convince you of the lie that white people are brutal, lazy, horrible parents who have selfish spouses, and each of them hates all their expensive, noisy, rowdy, unmanageable children, who have proven (in their fictional world of delusion) to be the curse to all mankind who should just engage in race mixing, should worship women, blacks, Jews instead of God and should never ever turn to God for answers. Do you agree with these communists?
Can't be possible to brainwash all of society, right? Can't work in North Korea. I mean, brainwashing? Come on. How would they ever convince you of any of those things?
Think about it. You already believe Germany was brainwashed by propaganda. If you believe Americans are receiving the same radicalizing message, where do you think they're getting it from? Cat videos on the internet?
Shut it down. We couldn't radicalize people if we tried. If we wanted to brainwash the country, it would take hundreds of billions of dollars per year. We'd have to own and control almost all the mass media to get America to believe such lies as the anti-white, anti-breeder homosexual deviant sex pervert communists tell us. (Not that I'm judging. God is the judge.)
We were warned about the big lie technique used by the enemies of mankind who deny Jesus Christ is the risen Messiah.
The reason we didn't listen to the warning from a certain Christian European leader is simple. Because the godless used the "big lie" against all of us, and it worked.
It convinced us that we shouldn't investigate the truth of World War II for ourselves and that we shouldn't tell the truth about what we found, shouldn't tell Americans that America fought for the wrong side in that war, and that in winning the war, we therefore lost the war.
As is many times the case, it would have been better to just stay home.
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