Why your girlfriend is worth $479

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Your girlfriend has value.

Disclaimer: Read at your own risk. You will find this post disturbing. I don't recommend doing the sinful things described in this post. I recommend doing things God's way instead, so that you can avoid the nightmare world God warned you about. But I also admit that God was right, and that we're now living in the exact nightmare world He predicted, and it's been caused by all our sins, and caused by following in the traditions of our sinful ancestors. So don't start a kidnapping crime syndicate. It's a very competitive business. If you intend to live, obey the earthly authorities, not internet blog posts. 

"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies." - Proverbs 31:10 
"The womb shall forget him; the worm shall feed sweetly on him; he shall be no more remembered; and wickedness is like a broken tree. They prey on the barren and childless, and show no kindness to the widow." - Job 24:20-21
It is out of love and kindness I share truth with you today. God is good, and has honored me by allowing me to teach you his will, to reveal to you the value of a woman.

Yes. Have no doubt. A woman has value.

Everyone has value. And every living creature on the earth or the farm has value. Nobody in the world is worthless.

And that's part of the problem.

This planet is basically a big old plantation, largely controlled by the prince of this world who's convinced you to sin, to be lazy, to screw plenty of diseases into your crotch until your brain rots, and in doing so, Satan has convinced you to make yourself almost worthless. Why?

Because he wants to get rid of people like you. It's that simple.

Satan hates people who can think and talk and tell the truth.

Those who tell the truth are called white people.

I'm white. The kind who tells the truth and wants you to believe the truth. (Telling the truth and wanting you to believe the truth aren't necessarily the same thing.)

You wouldn't think someone would be offended when you said their girlfriend has real worth in this world. (But they will. Just wait.)

And this value of hers is completely independent of whether or not she's willing to cook, clean, teach, preach or screw, and this value comes straight from the pages of the good book.

So right now, you might be thinking I'm going to say she has spiritual value, value to her loved ones, or value to her community.

But she probably doesn't.

You see, if you don't work, you don't eat. If your girlfriend doesn't work or even lay down and make more workers and taxpayers, then because we're supporting someone who doesn't give any kind of return on investment, then we could certainly all starve to death because of her and all the millions of worm-food women like her.

Particularly if all the women are like that. Which, being creatures of conformity, they are.

But not to worry. If things get that bad, she's still got worth.

That's the good news I'm here to tell you.

Believe it or not, God doesn't talk much about your spiritual worth. Most of that stuff is just a steaming pile of crap fed to you by phony preachers who hate God.

I'm talking about $479 worth of value. That's what I ought to be able to get if I sold her on the open market. About the same price I'd get from 120 pounds of pork.
Finished hanging weight was approximately 150 pounds per pig, which means about $2.50 per pound hanging weight. Local farms charge $4 per pound hanging weight, and then charge the buyer for slaughtering and butchering fees on top of that. The same pig, purchased from a local farm would have cost around $600.
So if someone tells you you don't have value, remember this. If her hanging weight is 120 pounds, and her meat is worth about the same as pork, then she's worth about $479.

In 1850, live slaves sold for about $40,000 in today's money. But that assumes they're willing to work. If they don't work and nobody even wants to eat them, then they trade for a lot less.

The better you are at managing slaves, they more they're going to be worth. If you're the world's best slave-holder, then people will seek you out and pledge their obedience to you. Billions have sought out Jesus and found freedom from sin by enslaving themselves to God's ways.

If they are sincerely obedient to the Lord, then these are the most valuable slaves on the earth.

Today a slave costs about $90 on average worldwide.

Yeah. That's less than a day's pay in the West. It's less than the value of pork. Why is that?

Either they're very small and have no meat on their bones, [True. Little kids are taken and enslaved for $90.] or they're diseased and nobody wants to eat them. Or both.

As a civilization, you must protect your people. You must fight off the invaders.

If your parents won't defend themselves or support those who do, then you deserve to be kidnapped and sold for $90. You have all their same flawed and useless genetic traits and customs along with their whole useless generation, so you're almost worthless and nobody wanted to protect you as much as the kidnapper wanted to steal you.

If you're a child slave, you deserve to be a child slave. God is good. All who oppose God will be destroyed.

If you're not a child slave, it's because God has not turned you over to be enslaved. Why? Because God is good, and all who oppose God will be destroyed. Their ways will be weeded out, and the only people left will have God's laws written on their hearts.

If you pay your taxes to support a police for who'll fight for you, fine. If the poor fight to defend you because you give to the poor, fine.

If nobody will fight to stop the army of slave-snatchers, then the poor will take the bribes and let them steal your useless filthy children.

As sure as a worm catcher catches worms, a fox trader traps foxes, and a frog-collector grabs frogs, and a crawdad fisherman catches crawfish.

When you sin, you tell God that you aren't willing to protect your child. They're worthless to you. This is why the kidnappers will be able to find them and take them away. The child is clueless because you taught him nothing about the wolves in sheep's clothing. You let Satan teach your children and grandchildren to trust the world and hate God, not to hate the world and love God.

Happens as fast as lightning, too. And you'll never see them again. No do-overs.

But they'll take your girlfriend, too. She's just not necessarily worth as much while she's alive and kicking.

So your fat, 120-pound girlfriend has worth to the world because she has worth to the kidnappers. And she has even more value than this to the butcher if she's not a diseased whore.

There are many reasons why you shouldn't eat pork. One of them is that it tastes about the same as human meat. And most people won't know the difference.

To a kidnapper, young virgins are worth more than their own mothers. 

They don't complain or put up as much of a fight, you see. And they're not infected with some kind of disease.

But what if your girlfriend doesn't want to kidnap any children for the baby-snatching industry? She's not willing to work.

It's a very common problem these days. People who aren't even willing to work.

In that case she's worth a lot more as food than she's worth as a slave. If you have to hire someone to beat her until she goes back to work snatching kids, then she might just rather die instead of work.

That means she'll probably end up being beaten to death, which might reduce her value, the same as if you beat a pig to death. The meat isn't as tasty because of the stress hormones. Ruins the meat.

With a rebellious girlfriend, if you have to hire a supervisor to make sure these uppity slaves are beaten, but not killed, that costs money. Extra money. And she might try to run away.

Then you'd have to hire people to go catch her, drag her back to the slave camp, beat her again, and hope she does enough work to justify the expense of re-capturing her, and beating some sense into her.

And if nobody wants her as a slave because you just can't seem to whip any work out of her, and if nobody wants to eat her because she's an AIDs-riddled diseased whore, or because she was beaten to death, that's when she's really just about worthless.

Worth less than her weight in dead pork.

Well not quite.

Your girlfriend still adds a couple of dollars of value to the compost heap. The worms and soldier fly larvae will feast on her bones and produce valuable maggots for the fish and birds and you'll have good soil from it.

And through the awesome miracle of repentance, if you start throwing beaten-to-death useless whores onto a compost heap, God will reward you with pounds and pounds of valuable maggots and worms and good topsoil. Why?

Because God is good. And His justice has been served. And all who oppose Him will be destroyed.

And despite his sins, God loves the hard-working whore-compost man more than he loves the filthy, diseased, do-nothing rebellious whores raised by American television shows.

If you tossed her carcass into the soldier fly bin, she'd produce about $300 of dried maggots and roughly $10 worth of potting soil. But that's more an reflection of the value of the soldier fly larvae than the value of the girlfriend you feed them.

If you think that's a harsh assessment, then I can tell you just don't read the Bible very much.

Hard workers are worth more. They're worth defending and protecting. They're worth promoting.

If I were a kidnapper who's got a hard-working man who's dragging slaves kicking and screaming into the compost bin to be eaten by worms, hitting her on the head with a heavy pipe until she stops moving, then as the leader of a kidnapping crime syndicate, I'd want to keep him around.

If I've got a slave who's obediently snatching babies from McDonalds, then I want to keep her around and feed her, giving her food to eat and many good things. She can snatch up to 5 kids a day at $90 each, and she only costs $30 to keep, train, supervise and feed, that gives me a profit of $420 per day per obedient slave.

Sadly, few slaves will ever produce profits like these.

I'm going to protect that slave, and maybe promote her to a less dangerous duty. That girlfriend, being obedient, is worth much more.

So to be worth enough that someone wants to protect you, work hard in all you do. Someone will always protect that kind of investment, giving them safer and more important duties. See the parable of the talents.

To be someone who's not even worth kidnapping, you might have to be known as so rebellious and difficult they don't even want to kidnap you.

And your civilization needs to put up at least enough of a fight that it's not worth it to the criminals to operating a human-trafficking crime syndicate in your country. That way, the barbarians can't afford to kidnap your people. They know they'll be chased to the ends of the earth.

But someone will always be dumb enough to try.

That's why there's police. To capture criminals.

But the prince of this world, Satan, wants you to rebel against these police sent by God to protect you from these kidnappers.

And just as the synagogue of Satan corrupts your children and your girlfriend, Satan also corrupts the police so that you'll believe you've got the right to rebel against them.

In the end, the police will become so anti-American that they'll begin to destroy the people God sent them to protect. Why? Because the people have become even more corrupt than the police.

And when this happens, and everyone in the land has been tempted to sin so much that they destroy one another, it makes the synagogue of Satan very, very happy.

So love one another. Love your enemies. Do not resist an evil man. Forgive your brother and pray for those who persecute you.

Teach this to all nations, all tribes, all races, in every place where people will listen, in every place where you're not persecuted for doing so.

And if a man kidnaps your girlfriend, beats her to death and throws her into a compost heap, forgive him. He's just doing his job. And she probably deserves it.

God is good. God saves you from this nightmare.

And pay your effing taxes and be grateful that the gangster government still cares enough to protect you and keep your filthy, useless, diseased, rebellious monsters alive.

Because in the end, all who oppose God are going into that compost heap one way or another. The only ones who will escape are the progeny that lives. If they don't obey God in a Satan-deceived world full of unrepentant monsters, then they sure as hell won't live long enough to have any viable progeny of their own.

Now quit playing on the internet and go back to feeding infants into the meat grinder, or whatever job the communists are forcing you to do these days.

I have defended you by telling you the truth. You will support the one who feeds you truth and thus defends you, or I will stand up from this work, God will turn you and your progeny over to the kidnappers, to the compost men, to the cops and the kidnappers and plantation owners and by working together, they will certainly destroy you. Why? Because you're worth more dead than alive.

And because God is good. And all who oppose God will be destroyed.


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