Grow Rich Like an Egyptian Pharoah
God provides for his children, especially when they listen, even in the wilderness and even in times of famine.
You can grow rich like an Egyptian Pharaoh by turning a famine into an opportunity to consolidate control of massive amounts of wealth and power.
To do this, you must take advantage of the 7 good years, storing up the surplus for the 7 lean years. Many will agree, but few will do this. The rewards go to those who do. Exactly as those rewards went to the Pharaoh who listened to Joseph, built those silos, and in the lean years, he was the only one with enough food for 7 the years of famine.

If you thought birds were bad, and bugs were bad, and rolling up your sleeves to work in the dirt was bad, and keeping a harem of multiple concubines or girlfriends around was bad, then you ain't seen nothin' yet.
You've been conditioned to disregard every great thing. It will hurt you to disregard this one.
I didn't think you'd open something with a gross, disgusting, or depressing title, so I'll save the details about night soil for later.
But it opens up a revolution in food abundance.
But when we're turning problems into opportunities, the coming food shortages will mean higher food prices. Those who mass-produce a surplus of food will be able to consolidate wealth, power, and control just like a Pharaoh of Egypt.
God tells you to give 10% to the priest so you'll know what to do.
To give 10% to the poor so you'll have armies to defend you.
And to give 10% to the food stores so you'll have food during the lean years.
Today, there are lots of positives. Information abundance, more jobs than ever, the stock market at record highs.
In other words, the job market and stock market are fluctuating wildly.
Economically speaking, it can't get much better than this, but it can certainly get a lot worse.
In fact, some farmers have reason to believe another Great Depression may be coming.
In the Great Depression, those with family farms were fine, had plenty to eat, just as the Bible suggests. But those who couldn't find work in the cities couldn't afford food and didn't know how to grow their own food.
This is when, much like in the Wiemar Republic and many other times and places, women began to sell their bodies, even their children, for money to buy food.
Some analysts, even in Canada, are saying your food costs, probably one of your biggest expenses, is expected to go up next year. Most Americans won't be prepared because very few live on family farms, and few are interested in doing so.
That interest will increase when the famine hits, but even if you're in a financial position to buy a homestead farm at that point, it will be much too late to learn how to turn farmland into food.
And it will dawn on you that food is something you might need. And if the Bible's any indicator, you will quite possibly kill your own wife and eat your own children to get it.
If that hasn't dawned on you because nobody has hammered that point home, then you haven't seen James Burke's "The Trigger Effect", showing just how fundamentally fragile this civilization is.
It's also an excellent example of propaganda designed to modify behavior. See if you can spot the bias.
While watching this, I quickly rose to the level of conscious incompetence. At last I learned that there's something very important that I hadn't ever known because nobody had cared enough to tell me.
It's about the series of miracles it would take to escape from a locked box in a dead city if the power went out and never came back on again, and then had to build a life from scratch. Not so fast. Everyone else has the same plan, and none of them know what to do.
If they run out of food, cars, gas, or other resources, they're going to come after yours.
That's step one. The beginner's mind. There are three other phases of learning. In stage 3, knowing that you're competent when you're thinking about it... that's when you'll have something to eat.

Ok. I need to learn someday. That's all fine and good, but why learn NOW?
Well, because food prices are about to rise. Your biggest expense is going to get significantly more expensive, analysts say.
If hey prices quadruple this fall as expected, it will effect the food prices everywhere.
God told the Pharaoh to to store up food for 7 years of famine. If you can't even make a 1 year's supply of food in 1 year, then how long will it take you to store up and preserve 7 years of food?
That's why God tells you to make 30% more than you need. He has some good, very helpful places where you can invest the surplus. Don't worry about that.
By stockpiling, then selling stored food at higher prices due to price spike during the shortages, the Pharaoh was able to consolidate tremendous, unprecedented power and wealth.
How much protein do you need? There's a lot of debate, but the only answer anyone agrees on is that you need some.
I grow happy little drumsticks on legs called quail, which is one of the foods the Iraelites apparently survived on while wandering in the wilderness for 40 years.
My quail are doing fine on ordinary layer feed, which is a little low on protein. But going by the book, they're supposed to have more protein in their diet.
If their feed becomes more much more expensive, then it will cost me much more to grow poultry to live on.
I needed a solution.
I couldn't find any cheap, high-protein source for the birds. But God will provide.
And He has done so. He sent me abundance, and it came in the form of a problem. An imbalance I didn't know about creating an abundance of life in a form I didn't want.
Flies. Tons of them. Too many, really.
Because of its acidic or "hot" pH, you have to age bird droppings before using them in your garden. There's no quick fix for this. Amendments can only correct minor pH problems in the soil.
If I want to turn their droppings into free fertilizer, I have to give it a few months, maybe compost it. Bird dropping are so hot, they need to age even before going into the compost pile or it could kill off the red wiggler compost worms, slowing the composting process.
Some of the ideas are weird. Like turning pig, dog and human waste into soldier fly larvae. Actually, they'll eat almost anything. Even removing the smell from the composting toilet by processing waste as fast as it's deposited.
It's far beyond our comprehension that we don't necessarily need any sewage treatment facilities beyond what can be kept within our own outhouses, but this has become a proven process. Toxic waste goes in and clean, healthy fertilizer comes out.
This product is euphemistically called "night soil" in Japan and especially China.
It turns out one of my hens is defective, meaning she's not laying viable eggs. I had no use for her, but had no need to slaughter her right away, so I kept her around. Which turns out to be a pretty good thing. She's not just valuable as meat and eggs. She's now my #1 hardest-working hired hand, working for maggots to aerate her little compost pile.
Unrelated to this I started noticing an exponential increase in the number of bugs in their area. For about a week, I simply couldn't find out where the heck the bugs were coming from. Finally I realized the birds, messy eaters, were scattering their feed so much that it was falling onto the floor getting wet, and providing a fly-breeding paradise.
I'd been keeping things sanitary, but didn't realize how far the birds would fling their food. All the way into the wettest corners, as it turns out.
But rather than spraying chemicals, I asked God how the problem could provide the roots of a solution. I took the defective hen out of her cage and gave it a new job in pest control. Turns out she's a natural.
I'm also collecting, aging, and composting their feces. Given a chance, these bugs will breed in the feces. If I toss a few compostables in there, the bird will continuously aerate it and turn it over looking for larvae.
The problem is there is I've created a closed-loop pathogen cycle, with a bird sorting through some of its own bird poo looking for food. To combat this, I need to multi-speciate, introduce compost worms as a third species as soon as they can survive in this environment.
American Soldiers (I learned from a veteran in my family) mentioned maggots getting into their feed supply. Disgusting or delicious? You decide.
The soldiers were still hungry, and the food was now protein-enriched.
Well, the soldiers fried it up and ate it because it may not be ideal, and may not be a nice grilled steak, but it's a source of valuable fats and proteins. I didn't find out what it tasted like.

It turns out bugs could revolutionize the world's food supply.
Even if it's not the ideal food for you, then it's at least a food source for your animals.
It's a source of FAST protein.
You'll die from lack of sleep before you'll die of lack of food. It doesn't take much. If you've got grain, you can convert it to black soldier fly larvae very quickly from waste sources of all kinds. Manure? Ok. Food scraps? Yup. Everything but bones, hair, and pineapple rinds.
If disaster hits, you'll want a source of food so easy to grow, it's as easy as falling off a log.
The numbers are simply staggering. 1,000 young soldier flies sell for about $15 on eBay.
They'll eat almost any biomass, any food waste, including manure and convert it to soil and protein in 6 to 8 days. The fastest converter of food back into protein.
This is merely a new twist on a system used successfully and odor-free for thousands of years. Just to show this idea isn't coming out of the clear blue sky.
Mentioned in this video: The acclaimed Humanure Handbook by Joseph Jenkins is free with Kindle Unlimited.
Scales up to serve very large families. Think about it.
If you've got a sturdy bucket and some pine shavings, then you've got no worries for the rest of your days.
You'll never run out of compost which means never running out of food.
If "night soil" weirds you out (And why wouldn't it?), then you can use the hot-composted "humanure" to grow your own animal feed and/or turn it into soldier fly larvae, a high-calcium food source for your meat and egg-laying birds, breaking that pathogen cycle.
If that's still too weird, you want to add another step by drying out the larvae on a cookie sheet in the oven, suitable for long-term storage as animal feed.
Not a necessary step, but it may give you more storage options, peace of mind, and a product you can sell for about $13 per pound through Fulfillment By Amazon, which handles all the orders and shipping automatically.
Your 140 to 160 degree Fahrenheit composts can warm your mobile greenhouses and/or hoophouses all winter long giving you crops all year.
You don't have to be self-sufficient in everything. Just be self-sufficient in something, and when push comes to shove, you can scale what you're good at and you'll lack for no good thing.
The Virtue of Being Different
If you live this way instead of the world's ways, you will become a net phosphorus-accumulator, and won't have to starve when the world runs out of phosphorus, which we are literally flushing down the sewage drains.
Our life-giving phosphorus, upon which all life depends, is running off the devastated topsoil into the rivers, causing algae-blooms and heading out to sea. Once it's gone, it's gone.
The cost of extracting it from the ocean will be incredibly expensive, at least until fusion energy is invented. Not good for anything that lives on land.
But if you can turn a municipal waste stream into a food product and a valuable soil amendment in one or two steps, capturing the flushed phosphorous and restoring it to the land and nutrient cycle, then you''re taking an expense-producer, a natural resource flusher and the ender of civilizations and turning into a profit-producer, a famine-reverser, and you'll have what is lacked by everyone who'se still processing sewage in the traditional way.
And that's one way to get rich like an Egyptian Pharaoh.
The science:
You can grow rich like an Egyptian Pharaoh by turning a famine into an opportunity to consolidate control of massive amounts of wealth and power.
To do this, you must take advantage of the 7 good years, storing up the surplus for the 7 lean years. Many will agree, but few will do this. The rewards go to those who do. Exactly as those rewards went to the Pharaoh who listened to Joseph, built those silos, and in the lean years, he was the only one with enough food for 7 the years of famine.

If you thought birds were bad, and bugs were bad, and rolling up your sleeves to work in the dirt was bad, and keeping a harem of multiple concubines or girlfriends around was bad, then you ain't seen nothin' yet.
You've been conditioned to disregard every great thing. It will hurt you to disregard this one.
I didn't think you'd open something with a gross, disgusting, or depressing title, so I'll save the details about night soil for later.
But it opens up a revolution in food abundance.
But when we're turning problems into opportunities, the coming food shortages will mean higher food prices. Those who mass-produce a surplus of food will be able to consolidate wealth, power, and control just like a Pharaoh of Egypt.
God tells you to give 10% to the priest so you'll know what to do.
To give 10% to the poor so you'll have armies to defend you.
And to give 10% to the food stores so you'll have food during the lean years.
Today, there are lots of positives. Information abundance, more jobs than ever, the stock market at record highs.
In other words, the job market and stock market are fluctuating wildly.
Economically speaking, it can't get much better than this, but it can certainly get a lot worse.
In fact, some farmers have reason to believe another Great Depression may be coming.
In the Great Depression, those with family farms were fine, had plenty to eat, just as the Bible suggests. But those who couldn't find work in the cities couldn't afford food and didn't know how to grow their own food.
This is when, much like in the Wiemar Republic and many other times and places, women began to sell their bodies, even their children, for money to buy food.
Some analysts, even in Canada, are saying your food costs, probably one of your biggest expenses, is expected to go up next year. Most Americans won't be prepared because very few live on family farms, and few are interested in doing so.
That interest will increase when the famine hits, but even if you're in a financial position to buy a homestead farm at that point, it will be much too late to learn how to turn farmland into food.
And it will dawn on you that food is something you might need. And if the Bible's any indicator, you will quite possibly kill your own wife and eat your own children to get it.
If that hasn't dawned on you because nobody has hammered that point home, then you haven't seen James Burke's "The Trigger Effect", showing just how fundamentally fragile this civilization is.
If you watch nothing else, watch this one. It will probably change your life.
It's also an excellent example of propaganda designed to modify behavior. See if you can spot the bias.
While watching this, I quickly rose to the level of conscious incompetence. At last I learned that there's something very important that I hadn't ever known because nobody had cared enough to tell me.
It's about the series of miracles it would take to escape from a locked box in a dead city if the power went out and never came back on again, and then had to build a life from scratch. Not so fast. Everyone else has the same plan, and none of them know what to do.
If they run out of food, cars, gas, or other resources, they're going to come after yours.
That's step one. The beginner's mind. There are three other phases of learning. In stage 3, knowing that you're competent when you're thinking about it... that's when you'll have something to eat.

This is not the food pyramid.
Ok. I need to learn someday. That's all fine and good, but why learn NOW?
Well, because food prices are about to rise. Your biggest expense is going to get significantly more expensive, analysts say.
If hey prices quadruple this fall as expected, it will effect the food prices everywhere.
God told the Pharaoh to to store up food for 7 years of famine. If you can't even make a 1 year's supply of food in 1 year, then how long will it take you to store up and preserve 7 years of food?
That's why God tells you to make 30% more than you need. He has some good, very helpful places where you can invest the surplus. Don't worry about that.
By stockpiling, then selling stored food at higher prices due to price spike during the shortages, the Pharaoh was able to consolidate tremendous, unprecedented power and wealth.
Raising Meat Is For Those Who Don't Like Scrounging for Maggots To Get Protein
How much protein do you need? There's a lot of debate, but the only answer anyone agrees on is that you need some.
I grow happy little drumsticks on legs called quail, which is one of the foods the Iraelites apparently survived on while wandering in the wilderness for 40 years.
My quail are doing fine on ordinary layer feed, which is a little low on protein. But going by the book, they're supposed to have more protein in their diet.
If their feed becomes more much more expensive, then it will cost me much more to grow poultry to live on.
I needed a solution.
I couldn't find any cheap, high-protein source for the birds. But God will provide.
And He has done so. He sent me abundance, and it came in the form of a problem. An imbalance I didn't know about creating an abundance of life in a form I didn't want.
Flies. Tons of them. Too many, really.
Because of its acidic or "hot" pH, you have to age bird droppings before using them in your garden. There's no quick fix for this. Amendments can only correct minor pH problems in the soil.
If I want to turn their droppings into free fertilizer, I have to give it a few months, maybe compost it. Bird dropping are so hot, they need to age even before going into the compost pile or it could kill off the red wiggler compost worms, slowing the composting process.
Some of the ideas are weird. Like turning pig, dog and human waste into soldier fly larvae. Actually, they'll eat almost anything. Even removing the smell from the composting toilet by processing waste as fast as it's deposited.
It's far beyond our comprehension that we don't necessarily need any sewage treatment facilities beyond what can be kept within our own outhouses, but this has become a proven process. Toxic waste goes in and clean, healthy fertilizer comes out.
This product is euphemistically called "night soil" in Japan and especially China.
How I came to this idea.
It turns out one of my hens is defective, meaning she's not laying viable eggs. I had no use for her, but had no need to slaughter her right away, so I kept her around. Which turns out to be a pretty good thing. She's not just valuable as meat and eggs. She's now my #1 hardest-working hired hand, working for maggots to aerate her little compost pile.
Unrelated to this I started noticing an exponential increase in the number of bugs in their area. For about a week, I simply couldn't find out where the heck the bugs were coming from. Finally I realized the birds, messy eaters, were scattering their feed so much that it was falling onto the floor getting wet, and providing a fly-breeding paradise.
I'd been keeping things sanitary, but didn't realize how far the birds would fling their food. All the way into the wettest corners, as it turns out.
But rather than spraying chemicals, I asked God how the problem could provide the roots of a solution. I took the defective hen out of her cage and gave it a new job in pest control. Turns out she's a natural.
I'm also collecting, aging, and composting their feces. Given a chance, these bugs will breed in the feces. If I toss a few compostables in there, the bird will continuously aerate it and turn it over looking for larvae.
The problem is there is I've created a closed-loop pathogen cycle, with a bird sorting through some of its own bird poo looking for food. To combat this, I need to multi-speciate, introduce compost worms as a third species as soon as they can survive in this environment.
American Soldiers (I learned from a veteran in my family) mentioned maggots getting into their feed supply. Disgusting or delicious? You decide.
The soldiers were still hungry, and the food was now protein-enriched.
Well, the soldiers fried it up and ate it because it may not be ideal, and may not be a nice grilled steak, but it's a source of valuable fats and proteins. I didn't find out what it tasted like.

It turns out bugs could revolutionize the world's food supply.
Even if it's not the ideal food for you, then it's at least a food source for your animals.
It's a source of FAST protein.
You'll die from lack of sleep before you'll die of lack of food. It doesn't take much. If you've got grain, you can convert it to black soldier fly larvae very quickly from waste sources of all kinds. Manure? Ok. Food scraps? Yup. Everything but bones, hair, and pineapple rinds.
If disaster hits, you'll want a source of food so easy to grow, it's as easy as falling off a log.
The numbers are simply staggering. 1,000 young soldier flies sell for about $15 on eBay.
They'll eat almost any biomass, any food waste, including manure and convert it to soil and protein in 6 to 8 days. The fastest converter of food back into protein.
Thinking outside the box. Plumbing-free portable composting toilet which can be used in combination with soldier flies giving you a complete, on-site waste management system, with no smell, no noise and lower cost than the water bill for your existing toilet.
This is merely a new twist on a system used successfully and odor-free for thousands of years. Just to show this idea isn't coming out of the clear blue sky.
Mentioned in this video: The acclaimed Humanure Handbook by Joseph Jenkins is free with Kindle Unlimited.
Scales up to serve very large families. Think about it.
No more line for the toilet. Ever.
If you've got a sturdy bucket and some pine shavings, then you've got no worries for the rest of your days.
You'll never run out of compost which means never running out of food.
If "night soil" weirds you out (And why wouldn't it?), then you can use the hot-composted "humanure" to grow your own animal feed and/or turn it into soldier fly larvae, a high-calcium food source for your meat and egg-laying birds, breaking that pathogen cycle.
If that's still too weird, you want to add another step by drying out the larvae on a cookie sheet in the oven, suitable for long-term storage as animal feed.
![]() |
They're baked. Not fried. |
Your 140 to 160 degree Fahrenheit composts can warm your mobile greenhouses and/or hoophouses all winter long giving you crops all year.
You don't have to be self-sufficient in everything. Just be self-sufficient in something, and when push comes to shove, you can scale what you're good at and you'll lack for no good thing.
The Virtue of Being Different
If you live this way instead of the world's ways, you will become a net phosphorus-accumulator, and won't have to starve when the world runs out of phosphorus, which we are literally flushing down the sewage drains.
Our life-giving phosphorus, upon which all life depends, is running off the devastated topsoil into the rivers, causing algae-blooms and heading out to sea. Once it's gone, it's gone.
The cost of extracting it from the ocean will be incredibly expensive, at least until fusion energy is invented. Not good for anything that lives on land.
But if you can turn a municipal waste stream into a food product and a valuable soil amendment in one or two steps, capturing the flushed phosphorous and restoring it to the land and nutrient cycle, then you''re taking an expense-producer, a natural resource flusher and the ender of civilizations and turning into a profit-producer, a famine-reverser, and you'll have what is lacked by everyone who'se still processing sewage in the traditional way.
And that's one way to get rich like an Egyptian Pharaoh.
The science:
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