Green Lawn Secrets
Paul Gautschi was asked about his secret to such a soft, lush, green lawn. He said he couldn't water his lawn or crops because at the time, they had a very slow, deep well and he was disabled in the Viet Nam war.
So he asked the creator what to do about the lawn. The surprising answer is to use a natural form of fertilizer. He leaves the lawn clippings, but he also adds one other thing.
Remember, he can't water that lawn and during the dry months of the year, people are doing frequent tours and walking all over that grass.
The answer is to use something which holds moisture extremely well so he doesn't have to water it, and something that adds compost tea to the soil as it breaks down.
The answer is wood chips. Small wood chips, ground very fine, and sifted through a half-inch or even a quarter-inch screen of hardware cloth.
Just like this:
Automate It
To make 90% of this automatic, all you need to do is set up your wood chipper output so it blows the small pieces through your hardware screen over your EZ Cart. Just like the next video.
Here's how to set it up.
Or you can have free truckload of chips from Chip Drop (or a local arborist) to sift and screen those manually for free.
Easy or free? Free or easy? The choice is yours. Both are pretty easy, actually. (I chose to invest because I've got hundreds of dollars of tree branches to haul to the dump otherwise.)
Keeping the smallest bits for the lawn and the larger bits for the garden.
So green your lawn. Inspire your neighbors. Put your light on a lampstand for everyone to see. Not under a bowl. Let your light shine before men.
And let the wasps eat the tent caterpillars to protect your orchard or keto food forest for you.
Yes, a keto food forest. With a scarecrow. Too bad you can't grow subtropical avacados in Seattle. Oh, wait. You can!
There's still time for winter crops. (As of this publication date.) You can plant as late as early September, even without a greenhouse. Although they won't tell you this in school textbooks. And store your crops all winter without modern refrigeration if you want to be refrigeration-free, inexpensively, or with a solar dehydrator, or keep growing all winter in a double-wall greenhouse.
How Paul Gautschi screens his compost.
So he asked the creator what to do about the lawn. The surprising answer is to use a natural form of fertilizer. He leaves the lawn clippings, but he also adds one other thing.
Remember, he can't water that lawn and during the dry months of the year, people are doing frequent tours and walking all over that grass.
The answer is to use something which holds moisture extremely well so he doesn't have to water it, and something that adds compost tea to the soil as it breaks down.
The answer is wood chips. Small wood chips, ground very fine, and sifted through a half-inch or even a quarter-inch screen of hardware cloth.
Just like this:
Automate It
To make 90% of this automatic, all you need to do is set up your wood chipper output so it blows the small pieces through your hardware screen over your EZ Cart. Just like the next video.
Here's how to set it up.
Or you can have free truckload of chips from Chip Drop (or a local arborist) to sift and screen those manually for free.
Easy or free? Free or easy? The choice is yours. Both are pretty easy, actually. (I chose to invest because I've got hundreds of dollars of tree branches to haul to the dump otherwise.)
Keeping the smallest bits for the lawn and the larger bits for the garden.
So green your lawn. Inspire your neighbors. Put your light on a lampstand for everyone to see. Not under a bowl. Let your light shine before men.
And let the wasps eat the tent caterpillars to protect your orchard or keto food forest for you.
Yes, a keto food forest. With a scarecrow. Too bad you can't grow subtropical avacados in Seattle. Oh, wait. You can!
There's still time for winter crops. (As of this publication date.) You can plant as late as early September, even without a greenhouse. Although they won't tell you this in school textbooks. And store your crops all winter without modern refrigeration if you want to be refrigeration-free, inexpensively, or with a solar dehydrator, or keep growing all winter in a double-wall greenhouse.
How Paul Gautschi screens his compost.
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