Do You Have Your Hands Full?
While looking for more solutions (because you can never have enough of those when you need them), I found this guy, Justin Rhodes.
And there are others like Big Family Homestead and others doing similar things. Not just farms, but white family farms documenting the kids doing chores, helping out, getting married, going off to serve in the military because God Bless America. That kind of thing.
How I found Rhodes...
I'd heard about homesteading, permaculture and food forests, mostly from real lefties who are mainly trying to kill and enslave you with all their typical tricks about plant DIE-versity.
And, coming across white Christians doing the real thing, and doing it right, (without a topknot) was looking for more information about a mobile chicken coop called a chicken tractor, a favorite of the permaculturalists who like to minimize inputs and maximize output in farming.
The left and right are equally distrustful of the food industry duopolizing political system to benefit giant agri-corps putting "God knows what" in our genetically modified foods.
When the "inconvenient truth" (it's not) was all the rage, white Christian farmers like Joel Salatin noticed that his cows sequester carbon in the topsoil, if you'll let them do what they do naturally.
Their manure alsos emit methane. A sustainable natural bio-fuel. (If you care to capture it. Which some do.)
New sustainable, chemical-free farming methods came about shortly after petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides rolled out of the laboratories. It was easier to pour a bag of nitrates on the soil than think about bio-mimetics. So chemical industries had a huge head start.
America had already used up all her topsoil around about the dustbowl. From then on, we've been "eating oil." (Growing plants with petrol-based nitrates.)
If the oil shuts down tomorrow, the world will starve! Which is probably a good thing. What has the world ever done for us?
Enter sustainable farming that actually builds topsoil and adds nutrients naturally, that enlists animals as our army of topsoil-builders.
But there have been a few kinks to work out.
It turns out pulling a traditional chicken tractor across the grass every day for 40 years starts to be hard work. Especially if you've got Lyme disease. (And it's impossible to drag these things if you're a tiny little kid.)
So Justin Rhodes needed something that's easier to move. That way he could let the chickens do 90% of his gardening for him. (With a little help from his kids, friends, and neighbors.)
If you can't drag the coop to give the chickens fresh bugs and grass every day, you spend more on chicken feed, artificial fertilizers, mulch, compost, and have to spread it out with hard manual labor.
(The latest ChickShaw is even simpler and lighter.)
In one grand leap of intuition, this inventive farmer vastly improved on the homesteader's favorite gadget by putting wheels under the center of gravity like a rickshaw. This balanced the load over the wheels, allowing him to more easily move 40+ chickens to fresh grass every day.
He called his invention a Chickshaw. And at no charge, he shows people exactly how to build one for their farm.
He's since done a national tour of farms in all 50 states, releasing about 300 videos of the tour as it happened, bringing family along on a modified school bus. (Because they're an incredibly cheap, reliable government surplus vehicle that gets about 8 miles to the gallon and hauls the whole family in spacious comfort, like an RV.)
Why do we care about Rhodes? Well, because he's about the best living propagandist in all of Christendom.
Our more attentive Christian propagandists in the WN movement will notice how the real blood & soil family values shine through to his audience, whether he actually explains them or not.
The land exists for the benefit of the family. Just as the government exists for its people, not for its GDP. Tucker Carlson may have mentioned this.
If you're inculcated in the 80s aesthetics and neon purple Sonnerads with Greek marble busts inexplicably floating around Miami Vice palm trees, you may be disappointed by what you find.
No ladies in wheatfields? Imagine that! Duke disapproval.
But one day at a time, from behind his cameras and editing equipment, he "sells you" on the radical notion that kids aren't an expense. Not a burden. Not a handfull. Not a problem. Not an inconvenience. They don't make your life harder.
No. He's showing something more real. Something true. Something surprising. Something you probably don't see, even though it's right in front of you.
They can, and frequently do, make your life much easier, more prosperous, more abundant, joyful. They can be friends, friendly companions so you don't get so awfully lonely and depressed like so many childless urbanites constantly complain about.
So Rhodes recently explained it. Instead of waiting forever for you to figure it out, he came right out and said what the message of his series is. What the big lesson is.
And why he put his family on a farm.
And occasionally, when he comes across an even bigger family on a farm, he points out the reason why people have more kids is to make their life EASIER.
Literally down-to-earth for the workers who are rooted in the soil. Bringing their family (their bloodline) to the farm, from which all of society's abundance springs forth.
The farm is where the rubber meets the road. Where intuition, ingenuity, invention, and integrity count. It's where the truth is self-evident, and America's founding fathers said so.
The same founding fathers who said it's obvious that blacks and whites can't live under the same government.
Seeing the YouTube success of white Christian homesteaders, some knock-off artists have been pushing their rainbow flag and degenerate versions of homesteading, with liberals taking care of animals and sharing tips, but it just doesn't work.
The warmth isn't there. Their heart isn't in it. They don't get it. And they don't know what they're doing.
So what they sub-communicate* is a frenzied approach.
Rhodes does it right. What's the message of his propaganda?
It's inherent in what he is and what he does. He leads by example, raising 4 little blonde kids who've been helping since they were tiny.
In this rare "thinking out loud" video, he spells it out, just in case you missed the obvious.
He says the farm is good for the kids. But it works the other way, too.
The kids are good for the farm.
When he takes his 4 kids into town, people say, "It looks like you have your hands full." And he says, "Yes. Full of blessings."
In this time of wall-to-wall lies about the "BURDEN" of children, the most heretical thing he can do is show his children being exactly as helpful as they are, as inventive and supportive.
They're his kids. But they're also his friends. Just as he and his wife have always been good friends.
This is shocking, I know. But I first learned kids can do stuff when watching little brown 3 year-old with a machete cutting down a tree, and another cutting open a coconut, pausing his work to protect the 2 year-old wandering by.
And at that moment, I realized we've been lied to about kids.
I remembered being very interested in helping, even when I was tiny. I didn't want to play. I aimed to please. I wanted to be a part of things people were doing.
But NOBODY would let me help them, except (when I was 4) a neighbor let me lick the cake mix out of the bowl. That's it.
It's when I was 5 that dad put me to work loading firewood into the back of a truck.
Quite a jump. No warm-up. No practice. Just tossed me in the back and told me to pile wood until I was blistered, splintered, and exhausted.
Still couldn't tell you what the hell he did for a living or how. But it involved hiring and firing, public speaking, selling stuff, making audio recordings, suddenly showing up with multiple trucks and cars he couldn't possibly afford. He couldn't even afford the gas.
He didn't involve me in his real work, so instead of learning from him, I learned from the sort of people he would have learned from.
He was in charge, mostly because he said so, and everyone knew it. Never got what he wanted, but always got what he needed.
But there was something missing. All of us are missing something. No man is an island. Nobody has all the good qualities you need. You have to Frankenstein together a complete unit by combining all the broken toys together.
And that's what's necessary to have functioning farm, or a functioning movement. No perfect animals. No perfect people. Just everyone working as a team, day in and day out. Hopefully, under sound management, everyone is moving in a pretty good direction.
Some misfit toys are more broken than others in our movement. I can only lead the propaganda wing for those who've decided to follow, and understand what levels we're operating on.
At the moment, we can't quite size each other up and find you a place. So you'll have to find your own place.
* Sub-communication is a concept I picked up almost 20 years ago from the PUA 2.0 community, after internet forum nerds realized you don't need to hypnotize a girl to get her to sleep with you, instead moving on to applied animal psychology and logistics. This community is in its fourth phase, now. 3.0 was RSD-style "beast mode" males doing slut-hunting and threesomes, and 4.0 resembles a movement from hunting to early agriculture. It's called Social Circle game, where you surround yourself with female friends or dates, which allows you more options. PUA 5.0 doesn't quite exist yet, but it will likely mimick our leap from farming to cities and civilization, and involve building a purpose-driven community united by a common enemy, with people choosing their mates, hobbies, careers based on their higher purpose. There's something beyond all this. Stage 6 and 7. Maturity of people and civilizations happens in 7 steps.
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