What To Do About It

Once you know, maybe for the first time in your life, who we are & where we came from, where we are, then we can make more intelligent decisions about what to do and who to trust.

There are three basic paths. Domestic, economic, then political.

Once you can survive, set yourself up to thrive, then gain prosperity, then political power, and weild it with more ruthlesslness than we've seen in the last 55,000 years, or we'll be stuck in the same position in the future.

Be Fruitful and Multiply

Welcome to the Cataclysmic Birthrate Armageddon.  Obivously, you guys didn't like the Octomom solution quite as much as the idea of exporting tanker trucks of frozen white sperm to bleach the world white. Luckily, more natural and Bible-compliant solutions exist.

7 Ways to Proliferate With A Widespread Return to Family Farming For Maximum Yield White Child Production

8 is enough. Having 2 to 3 children per mother isn't going to save us when immigrants are producing 6 or 7 per mother. Our ability to produce food, clothing, our jobs, money and technology won't matter if we don't produce more white Christian people. Children are a blessing from the Lord.

Low birth rates guarantee extinction. There is no recovery possible when the last generation of fertile white women (2% of the world's population) become career women without breeding a generation at or above the replacement rate.

It means being outvoted, losing power, losing all ability to fight back.  Wealthy older generations spending desperately, but no one exists to take their money. So they use political power and force in a flood of (murderous rapist) immigrants because boomers shirked their duty to breed like rabbits and didn't teach their children to do so.

Because the "greatest generation" hated the pro-whites and murdered them, they're being used as punching bags by darkies in the old folks homes. The consequences of the sins of their generation are biblical in scale. And under-reported, of course.

What will happen to the childless boomers in Europe is mathematically inevitable and inescapable.

We know how to provide for children, any number of them, food, education and clothing, but we don't create children. What are the limits?

The world's most prolific woman had 69 children. The world's most prolific man had 1,171 children. What are we doing about this important fact? Thinking differently about family. In fact, this is what world fears this more than anything else we can do.

(Especially if you're white) your own children are the greatest possible treasure on earth. And a blessing to all nations. Once you've got generations of exponentially-growing armies of white Christian soldiers, now what?

Go Shout It From The Mountaintops - Spread the Word

It's too late to save the west through your own progeny on your secluded, anti-social Amish commune. If you fail to spread the word to those who'll listen, you've sealed your fate in the end. The Great Commission isn't optional. It's a tool designed to save you.

If 2 people tell 2 friends and so on, the message will spread rapidly and around the world. So why don't you do it? Because God hasn't punished you enough yet. By the time He does, it will be too late. Just as it was too late for Ukraine, Russia, Germany, and so on.

Those who believe will be saved. "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." He who is wise wins souls.

7 Ways to Become A Mass Media Master, pushing and propagating the truth to every corner of the kingdom using the greatest technology, which isn't always the same thing as the latest technology.

As a movement, the disciples (students) of Fair Use must be able to take a really big social, technological and economic hit, all at once, be able to invest in good times and bad, be able to survive the disease, famine and war, thriving in good times.

If necessary on a paid-for homestead that has a "car" that doesn't run out of gas, a home that never runs out of electricity. We have to be able to multiply our truth-knowing and truth-telling genes, our knowledge, and the prophecies and the potential of our people will ultimately be fulfilled.

From that position of resilience, but not weakness, we can wake the neighbors.

Why farming? So that we will multiply our armies of Christian crusading soldiers from the dust in the ground. The world only needs the men who can turn the dust into multitudes.

The obesity epidemic is caused by people starving for nutrients. The cheap food is the famine, and makes you fat and diabetic. The famine is that our food doesn't nourish us. It poisons us.

The food production part of a neighborly family farm takes as little as 10 hours a week, paying 30 to 90 dollars per hour worth of food. It's a small start. If the seed is good, giant things can grow from small starts.

What do you do with your other 30 working hours? Making clothing, money, and making propaganda.

Urge others to return to Christ as well instead of serving an economic machine designed to destroy us.

What else can you do with your spare time? There are many kinds of real estate investments. 14 year old girls can do it. In several generations, you can eventually grow rich enough to buy everyone who can be bought and bring them under your wise leadership and control.

You can become the lord of the land.

But why wait? Thinking small comes from the poverty mindset we learned from the wall-to-wall enemy brainwashing in this world of lies. It's not how God wants us to think. 

Those who love money will serve money. Those who love their neighbor will use money as just another tool to serve the Lord. Sorry, guys, but the Mayflower cost money. It was the seed of great things coming from men with goals they couldn't achieve in 10 lifetimes.

But here we are. God was right. 

In a certain phase of your life, you might be an employee. Then a business owner, then an investor who buys companies with the intention of controlling what they do, who they hire, who runs them, how and where they spend their ad budget.

Just as you control a horse by its reigns, you may find yourself riding a horse that leads a herd. Control many media companies by controlling their parent companies, and all their advertisers.

The media is the whip that moves the startled, fearful government. Wise shepherds must control where that government goes.

Subdue everything that walks, swims, or flies on the earth.

Once you've re-taken the mass media, what do you do with it? Freely give what you've been given freely. (Ad-supported, of course.) Put those brown shirts in every political office in the land, from sea to shining sea.

In places like Sweden, based on its voting system, you can win 7% of the vote and capture 7% of the seats.

In America, You Must Go State-by-State, Institution-by-Institution
to Reclaim the Power Americans Have Lost to the Devil

As H. Ross Perot once discovered, even winning a whopping 19% of the vote, when running against the 2-party duopoly, wins you no seats of power at the national election level. Nor does it pay to lose a local election, either.

You must win. And to win, you must believe you can win.

Or else you won't run the 19 campaigns for 19 elections to win the 19 seats you need to overturn the Satanic policies in each and every one of your towns. Even if it takes a 40-year campaign to win that seat of power, you must begin that 40-year campaign.

And you will not do this unless you believe you can win. It might not take you 40 years. Or 20 years. Or 10. But in 40 years, you can breed a small army of grown men and women who are called by your name. Voters and campaigners and volunteer-recruiters. There's real power in big, faithful, obedient families when you multiply.

To achieve position takes righteousness, shrewdness and innocence.

Remember: It is by your unrighteousness that we've lost America and the west to evil. Each living according to his own ways.

You can't possibly regain power by doing what previous generations did. Your heart must change, or else God will ultimately change it for you, by uprooting all the hearts who oppose Him.

Better to recapture 19% of the states, state-by-state, the local governments city-by-city, cutting their ties to the federal government, than to try in vain to take the national election. Remember. The Federal government has the power given to it by the states.

This fact is governed more by the laws of physics than by the laws of man. If you have less cooperation from the 50 states and its people, then the Federal government's power will wither.

Suppose the State of Washington's reservists decided to use napalm for riot control in Seattle, rooting out the lesbians, gays, leftists, antifa and all other traitors and blasphemers. Suppose that by decree they demolished all the universities and sports stadiums and shut down all the communist broadcasts and forbidding cable companies from transmitting communist propaganda, taxing the the heavens the sale of pornography or any company that wanted to transmit it in any form.

The Feds would intervene, of course. But how would they, if the other states regulated all the government contractors out of business to shut down the Federal war machine? Without those contractors, the Federal troops, the national guardsmen and even the Navy Seals would all be barefoot unless they took up cobbling their own boots. Their mess halls would be as barren and empty as the store shelves in Venezuela.

Governments only exist by the support of the people. Which is the reason why propaganda always outranks the government, and it is the government. This largely unrecognized super-weapon is as powerful as a naval warship shelling the country for the last 150 years without anybody but the churches fighting back.

And even the churches have fallen to the fire of enemy propaganda, discarding 99% of the Bible and clinging to less than 1% of the verses they can twist to reverse its meaning, until no one in the land lives for Jesus, kills for Jesus, or dies for Jesus.

And Christ, being the master of all, gives us the single pathway to achieve victory. (See Isaiah 58 to learn why God does not answer your prayers.)

To win in America, you need a majority somewhere. Not a majority of woke people. You won't find this, even in the smallest town.

The propaganda has had more than 150 years to seize an iron grip on every living soul until none recognize the voice of Jesus because they've never heard it before.

The Free State Project and its equivalent takeover of Charlottesville, Virginia are examples of why America 's system requires local, state-by-state, county-by-county, city-by-city takeovers.

And the Democrats have done it. And have even used threats, violence and economic warfare to implement all the policies they want.

Quite frankly, we were better off with kings. Kings are given their throne by God Himself. And God gives the throne to the man who's best able to keep and acquire power, which no man is able to do by his own efforts.

The secret to power is to faithfully do walk in God's ways, which is to do God tells you to do, but also to follow in His example. Jesus is not the only example you've been given. The Father is also the example.

To seek Him with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength, to ask him for the ability to discern good from evil.

We must win. And we will win. But not everyone is coming with us. There's no point in winning the war of each in a chain of generations if, in doing so, we lose the 50,000 year war for the purity of our people and therefore the purity of our immortal soul.

Just as the apes left the monkeys to their trees, and men left the apes to their forests, just as whites left the blacks to their jungles, some stragglers will be left behind.

There is a future. The future belongs to the living. Not the dead.

It belongs to those who continue to breed pure, but not so pure it violates the laws of God.

It belongs to those who are willing to sow their own best seeds, to put their faith God who turns our soil into our salvation, and to move where God moves them to go. The future belongs to those who are willing to take their animals with them and let God carry them away from the damned masses as Noah did, who are willing to to pack up their scriptures on lightweight parchment instead of heavy stone, and who are willing to travel to every new frontier and once again dominate there, holding back the tide of evil among us, trusting in the armor of God instead of trusting in the gates and walls of the city, walls which cannot hope to protect you from the temptations of the flesh.


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